Sunday, March 9, 2014


Well since I am in transition with moving I decided awhile back that I wasn't going to plant anything until I got to my new home. I packed up all of my plants and herbs and dismantled all of my gardens.
Everyday that I go out into the yard it feels like a huge void.
No plants, no herbs, no vegetables.
I felt so sad, and too, miss going out to clip off some herbs to cook with and miss snagging a few veggies to make the night's dinner.
It's a mad love affair with these simple things.
So I decided well, you know how it goes with moving and building..... there is never an exact move in date, as much as you plan on it, there are always little snaffu's here and there.
So, back go the veggie gardens. In go the herbs, and in goes the thought that worse case scenario, I transplant everything if need be, but in the mean time, things are happening and growing, and back goes the excitement of a child running out the door to see what is popping up and what I can do to nurture all of these babies.
What exactly IS growing on your farm right now Gabriela?
Funny you should ask.
I was just taking inventory.
Hmmmmm....... well..........
For starters.....
Watermelon, Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Poblano Peppers, Habenero Peppers, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Turnips, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes, Tomatoes of all kinds, Oregano, Parsley, Cilantro, Peppermint, Spearmint, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary......... did I forget anything?

That is just for these next few weeks. A myriad of things will be in the ground in two weeks, getting ready for our spring menu's of wonderful food.

I recently got four goats and am in the process of studying how to make goat cheese and milk.
I am so excited and cannot wait to be able to have people learn how this beautiful process works, and to also be able to have hands on with me, to volunteer and to take classes with me as well.

With the weather as it has been it's been so hard to get things prepared for everyone and the move, but now that the weather is about to neutralize a bit, fencing needs to be put up for goats, chickens, ducks, doggies, kitties, piggies, turkeys, quail, doves, parakeets, and more eclectic birds coming.

I will be sending notices out as to when we will have volunteer parties to help get things going quicker. I will provide wonderful home cooked food for all who are willing to help, and assure you a great time with lots of fun and good laughs.

The kitchen is "on fire" tonight with so many good smells.
Stuffed Jalapenos with Cheddar Cheese wrapped in Turkey Bacon. Also, some stuffed with Toffuti for the dairy free peeps. Acorn squash with a 5 grain herbed stuffing. Pineapple, Mango, Habenero Grilled Chicken, Quinoa Salad with Roasted Garlic, honey glazed carrots, asparagus, kale,zucchini and fresh herbs and a Hawaiian fruit salad.

It's pretty darn quiet and everyone seems content here. Diego, ( my parakeet) has settled down after flirting with numerous birds outside the window, the piggies are content after our dinner routine, popcorn treats, and nightly massages, the dogs have had massages and a little steak bone, Honker and Vita had Mrs, Baird's bread and Organic lettuce, the doves were happy that Yellow Kitty didn't eat them and that they got their fair ration of scratch seed, and last but not least, all of my beautiful feral kitties were fed and loved on. I laugh at myself to see how little dishes of food are all over the property because some just won't come up onto the deck. They all  have their amazing personalities and they know my call, or my song when I want them to come and eat. It is precious beyond belief.
I do thank god that no one can really hear me.
I'm dancing and singing and cooing and doing all sorts of things to relax these animals, to make them feel safe and that they can trust me.
I love this dance.
I love this dance more than anything you can imagine.

A simple Sunday.
Pretty glorious!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Gettin' down to Nothin'.

The name of the game these days, for me is getting real simple. Not just simple outwardly, but simple inwardly as well.
It's refreshing and also a little bit scary.
I've lived my life large, in many aspects, and my heart has always been simple, but not everything has been in sync with the word simple on the outside.
I find myself saying quite often that I am old school, and in my heart of hearts I am.
I like things like, family night, whether you have children, animals, or are alone. This night, to me, encompasses no TV, no phones, no noise, just you and the kids, or nature and silence.
Sumptuous food on the stove. Doing nothing or just paying attention to the kids. Filling  your cup.
Getting into the garden, tilling the soil, preparing new beds, getting excited about what next months veggies are going to go into the ground. Thinking about what food you are going to make with those veggies and then how you can share it! THAT'S the name of the game for me. Sharing all of this!
It is a day that is not involved with going and doing but just BEING. Emptying the brain and allowing new thoughts to come in, new ideas, and to just let your soul relax into a natural groove.

Every day of the week I am connected to the computer in some way. My IPhone, driving, working, selling, talking, moving, maneuvering in the world to make things happen.
I think I owe it to myself to take a "vacation" from the brain and from life on the outside, to do the things that fill me on the inside. Usually what that means for me is to just not talk, to drown myself in nature and my animals, garden, cook, and to do just everyday normal things but there is no noise.
It gives me such an OOMPH and a recharge for what needs to happen in all areas of my life.

I now have my 5 piggies, two dogs, geese, ducks, doves and as of recent, about 20 feral cats whom I have adopted as my own and jump out of bed, and or rush home to greet them as if it were Christmas morning.

My farm is about to grow in the next few months as I will have more land and will be able to house everyone comfortably.

Turkeys, goats, chickens, ducks, geese and sheep. After all, Turkey Eggs are scrump- delicious, the dogs love them too! Duck eggs...... doggie food and great for baking.......... organic chicken eggs for breakfast and for the animals......... goats milk and cheese...... and what more could you want than to make your own clothes from the wool of a sheep, I mean, c'mon. ONE STOP SHOP!

Then you have the garden.........the herbs, veggies, fruits........... and Gabriela's cooking?
Forget about it!

There is a bigger picture here, but as I am "spoon feeding" myself, I am spoon feeding you with all of my thoughts and ideas about living a simple, sustainable life for you and your family.

Stay tuned for more info on my farm, what is happening, the animals, the food that is brewing, and what is in store for YOU!

Also please stay tuned for other links to music, special sites that will inform you on what is happening in our food industry and current information on our animals and what is REALLY happening.

So much information is out there but sometimes I think with smaller avenues like this blog, it is easier to digest for some people because it isn't so intrusive.

I'm not about the fancy wording or selling of anything, just simple in wanting to spread the word about how we can cut to the chase on being simple, getting down to basics, creating a sustainable living environment, helping one another and helping to save some beautiful animals that deserve to live a full life just like you and I.

For tonight.......... I am just catching up with you and wanting to stay connected.

There are many beautiful things about to happen, so stay with me. If you all have any questions or any information to share, I would love to hear from you. You can either reply to these posts or email me a

Thank you for supporting me and my animals for so many years.

We love and appreciate you all!!!

Gabriela and The Farm