Friday, April 4, 2014


It's been a long, long year. So much change and transformation. But then again, isn't that life?

I am beginning to realize that there is no goal in life really. For me anyway. The "goal" is to live my life so complete in the moment. This doesn't mean that I don't make plans or create a future for myself, but I cannot think, for one second, that my little life could be over at any given moment.
So... what does that mean?

For me it means, grabbing every last one of my passions and desires and doing whatever I can on a daily basis to achieve those things. It means setting goals but not being attached to them. It means making plans knowing full well that they could be squelched in a second flat. Thus, plan B. But even plan B could go astray. As for C, D, E and F.

Life is truly temporary. I don't say that because I have read it in a spiritual book or have learned it from my teachings along the way.
I say it from my truth.
Life is fleeting.

Each week I  head into Austin for work, I see at least 3 fatal car wrecks on highway 620. Not just once a week but 3 times a week. This has been a regular pattern.
It feels as if a strobe light is on me, in my vehicle and then panning on the road with the people who have gotten into accidents.
I say a silent prayer for them, and also for me, who continues to glide through this life with a lot of grace.

I am very well aware of my life, how crucial it is to stay awake and alert, and to also to do whatever I can to support safety to my being.

Yes, this means, I HONOR NOT TO TEXT AND DRIVE. Wow, What a statement in these times. I really do not even want to talk on the phone while driving and I do to a small degree.
I want to do any and everything to stay as present to the moment as I can.
I don't have a radio in my truck and it has been a blessing in disguise.
Now, again, I am re-introduced to myself, the car, my surroundings and life itself, from a vehicle stand point which is pretty phenomenal if there are no distractions along the way.
It is a literal driving meditation.
The wind, the air, the sky.......... I dunno......... maybe I am old school.

I am moving from a big house, (which I am used to for all of these years), to a very tiny space.
Most of  my belongings will not come with me into my home, which is a lot to say for my favorite things that make me feel comfortable and cozy.

This is a different trek for me at this stage of the game.


I never want to be that person that said NO way ahead of the game, out of fear, for one thing or the other.

I am molding my life to what feels right and what supports the earth, animals, people and the environment.
That is such a generalized statement, but I will back those words up in following posts.

I feel extremely grateful to be a part of this life that allows me to be free with my words,free with my actions and free to share it with like minded individuals.

I hope to always be open to change, to make my goals come to fruition, and without a shadow of a doubt, allow the silent call to speak to me and quietly tell me what the next great move is.

It doesn't matter if anyone gets this or not. That is not what this blog is for.
This blog is a great avenue for me to express myself and put it out there.
Because if there is anything I set out to do, it is to share the holiness of daily life, the simple things, and what it is that sets me "free".
If, somehow in that, it enables you or helps you to see a different perspective on life, or allows you to do something a little bit off the beaten path, than TOUCHE'.
I just know that with all of my experiences there is no way that I could possibly hold myself back from sharing the most innocent parts of my life that have literally brought me TO LIFE, and also to share my ups and downs that impart life......and it's crazy ups and downs.
I have been very high, and also, very low, but know the beauty of finding balance.

I am utterly grateful for my life and for all of the people who have filtered in one way or the other.

Thankful for freedom of speech.
How blessed I am.