Friday, April 1, 2011


Wow, so it has been way too long and so, so much information to relay in one blog.
I feel like I haven't written my blog in forever, and comparatively speaking, I just haven't.
It seems, again, that my days pass me by, the hours slip through the cracks, and I pan back on when my mother was my age now, and remember her saying, "Honey, it passes by so quickly". Before I knew it, you grew from a young girl into a beautiful woman". She always did say how the time will go by quickly, which is why I really try to embrace the importance of my life here, what that all entails, and try to make it exactly the way I would like for it to be.

Life throws us obstacles of all sorts, but I am the kind of person that thinks there is nothing, NOTHING that we cannot overcome, with a little bit of faith and perseverance.

I am a huge believer in taking quiet time, and lots of it, to allow ourselves to get reacquainted with ourselves, again and again and again.
We are ever changing, moment to moment, wanting different things, changing our desires, our plots and  plans for what we think our futures are, or even our next moments.

I think a good plan is good, but also, just for me, I think that being able to adopt a kind of fluidity in today's world is wise!

Why hold on to an idea, when there are so many miracles that come our way, so many circumstances that allow us to move in a direction that is generally what we want anyway, just maybe looks a bit different and is not what was mapped out on our canvas.

I always want to leave room for that fluidity.

Actually, it is the thing that works the best for me, and generally most people poo poo it because it is not a mainstream way of thinking.

I have always lived by my own rules. And really, they aren't really rules, just what has felt right, and have taken tons of risks to stay true to the calling that speaks to me so loudly in all of my moments.

Sometimes it even baffles me........

The information that is "handed" to me is perplexing to my mind, yet the feeling of "this is right" always takes precedence and I trust in a higher power that I believe has more knowledge than this tiny little brain. It's a highly "risky" way of thinking to most, but sheer brilliance to me.

I believe in that, and therefore try to balance the "calling" with my regular every day life that calls for routine, responsibility, and a vision of what it sees for not only itself, but for the whole. Humanity. The reason I am here and what I can be doing in simple ways to do, not only my part, but to grab a hold of what comes naturally to me and expound on IT, in ways that will raise the consciousness of our society, the people, no one better or worse, but people like you and me who could use a lesson or two on staying more true to ourselves, whether it be not acting out on someone in a robotic way, and taking responsibility for our actions, or walking down the road and picking up the glass bottle on the ground and pretending that you don't see it. Rather, pick it up, take it to your car and throw it away when you get home,  ya know? Simple stuff like that.

I don't know.

If I were to look at life from the whole, I would totally get overwhelmed and depressed at how could someone like me make a difference, but when I look at my moments, my tiny little moments in my day, I ask myself can I  make a difference???

Actually it isn't even a question anymore. I just move in that way. I like to make people smile. I like to just be there, with people, and even though observing them is a whole subject in and of itself, I sit back and giggle at the absurdity of personalities, how they operate and how, too, I can have more compassion for people, AND myself, who have flaws, scrapes and scabs that are deep seeded.

I think no matter where we all are, we think we are doing good, or doing the "right" thing. And that, to me, is the beauty of individuality.

We are all on our own individual treks.

I always want to remain innocent, yet wise.

If I am not experiencing that innocence throughout my day, I feel a sort of deadness.

I don't compare myself to anyone.

I have my own "rules of thumb" for a good life.

It may not be the same as Sally or Joe's, but I do have to say that I feel genuinely good when I think of my vision, or my thoughts for people and life, and the whole.

I don't know what I have done, or where I have been in the past that brings me to this sacred place, and really, I don't question it, but I do know that I am here for a reason, and it IS SPECIFIC!

Beyond that? I cannot tell you!

All I have is this precious moment, here on a  Friday night.

I grilled a steak. I layed on my deck talking to one of my dogs, rubbing his belly, staring at the stars that are so darn bright tonight........

I giggled.

I thought about the absurdity of it know, this life, and all of it's charades............ and it faded into the back round.

I closed my eyes and connected to the source that fills me. Call it what you want!

I don't have to name it. Really, I don't!

It feels like a shame at times, for people who ask "How do you get there"?

I DO have a "formula" of sorts, that works for me. That is all I can say.

Everyone will do as they will and how they see fit for their lives.

I will always be here as a conduit, or some kinda cheerleader who will root for you to come "HOME".

Thank you so much for being a part of my life.

I am ever so grateful!


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