Wednesday, August 8, 2012


..... is to just LET GO! Whatever that means to you. It is different for everyone. I have a friend who says, "Gabriela, my meditation is sitting by my pool, watching the water, and the dim lights in my jacuzzi and how the lights reflect on my plants in the yard". I say, "Right on!!". Whatever it takes for me, for you.
What I love about living a life true to yourself is that this life is YOURS. It is not about living according to Jesus, or Buddha, or any other deity. It is about living your authentic life and what rings true in your heart.
What is good for the goose, doesn't necessarily mean it is good for the gander.
The way I live my life is for me, and it works for me, and along the way, it is up to me to tweak it, to mold it as close to my heart as possible. And I know that along the way I am going to screw things up, as I have, but I also know that I am devoted to living an authentic life. To get rid of the things that don't work for me, and to replace them with the things that do. I discover so much about myself along the way, and it is such an amazing trek for me. I learn so much about me, my friendships, how I can be more to someone, and seek less of myself. It is so easy to be worried about the little things in my nucleus and what is happening, but the thing is, there is a whole life out there with family and friends who are going through very difficult times, just like me, or, worse.
I've learned some very crucial lessons withing the weeks past.
What I love about conscious awareness is that there will always be room to grow, to learn, and to do things differently. And mostly, how to keep chiseling down who we think we are, to how we can just BE. I know in that awareness that I can be of some service to someone. I can still take care of myself and tend to my needs, but there is a grand opening to being available to others without question.
I know I always have my homework cut out for me in the sense that people are in need. I also know that there is a ton of homework in creating healthy boundaries that allows all involved to take responsibility for themselves and to allow the holding of the hands to be there together in helping one another on this journey.
No one said this crazy life would be easy. As a matter of fact, no one ever really said anything about how it would go really. You just fly out of the "shoot" and there it is......... let the games begin. You take on the parental guidance, and there you are, like a parrot. You automatically become a replica of a person or persons. It's not like you get to decide from the get go  how you would like things to roll.
It's not until the unraveling begins and you find you, as a person, with very specific thoughts, that the real life begins. Life outside of rules and regulations. Therein lies your individual self. The one that will take on a life of it's own, and form it to the being that is meant to rise up in this world as.......... whoever you are........whatever you want........ that's what I like about this life. We do have luxuries. And the luxury I am talking about is being "allowed" to be your own individual self. You may have an argument or two, but for the most part, we're pretty lucky. I know I am!
I've chosen a pretty tough life in many ways, but honestly, I would never, in a million years, trade it for the world. Not to make anyone happy or satisfied, but to know that I have chosen what makes me happy, and to be able to stand tall in that, and feel honored.
In emptying myself I know that it is a continuous coming home to myself, and that changes daily.
I check in with myself all day long and have to get quiet to be clear on what all of that means to me.
I LOVE THIS PROCESS. It keeps my mind astute.
Some people may observe and say this or that about my little life. As simple as it is, there is always, always the inquisitive mind that ponders life, it's mysteries and how I fit in with it all.
This is no walk down to feed the ducks....... although this is a side road, believe it or not.
There are a million ways to empty ourselves to become less of who we think we need to be, and also a million ways to become more available for others. To forget about this that and the other thing, and to actually be present with life that is happening on so many different levels.
I know I have my homework cut out for me and I am extremely grateful for any and all situations that allow me to come closer to this realization.
I am so grateful for the tiniest of opportunities to shed the layers that don't belong, to get me closest to my raw, raw soul, that continuously is thirsty to become whole, whole, whole!
Thank you for all of you who help me along this exquisite journey called my life.
I am forever humbled ~

Sunday, August 5, 2012


......but we also have the choice to DIP OUT!
The mind is a little shit and the first chance it gets it will pack up the van and take you on a joy ride. Who doesn't like joy rides, and that is why it fools us because it gets our adrenalin going and there we are, in the midst of our own movie in our head, riding in the "van" on our joy ride, "excited" as hell, blood pumping through our veins and THIS is what our bodies recognize as FUN. Truly. It's amazing how that whole thing shows up and we totally buy into it. It's such a crock of BS.
I've redefined "fun" in my life and have worked diligently through the years to undo what "fun" means, and what excitement is.
Sometimes I feel as if I am a small child in wonderment, and often times I feel as if I have lived a very full life and am in my 80's, chuckling, saying, " What the hell did I buy into for all of those years?"
I have to take silent breaks away from my everyday norm to look at my life objectively, to see if I am buying "silver coins" or if I am standing firm in my consciousness with a fresh awareness of my actions, my thoughts and how I am moving in the world. Not according to what "should" be or "should not" be, but as a conscious human being, am I moving the way I want according to my own values?
No one is  perfect. We all get the chances, daily, to re-do, re-define, and create our realities the way we want.
I get stuck just like everyone else, but I always try to see what needs to change and ask myself, "what today........ what can I change today to be more in line with my soul's yearning?"
Ya know what? This could be me being lazy and throwing away a plastic bottle into the garbage, knowing full well there is recycling. It doesn't happen often but when it does happen, I stop for a split second and go, "Wow", you are choosing to be lazy right now". I grab it out of the garbage and put it by my door to be put outside. I giggle kinda at my own laziness at times and say to myself lightly, "Give me more consciousness". Like, what the hell......... it's really kinda funny how we just move around so lazy. Honestly. As if we don't have a conscious, or a brain to decipher right from wrong. There's a million things that come to me in a day like that, just for ME, and then you venture out into the big bad world and you see so much. It's as if there is a huge veil over every one's eyes and you almost feel like you are in some Sci-Fi movie with robots moving about, eating candy, staring at their phones, zoning out to music, beeping their horns at people they don't know, cursing because they are angry that you rushed in front of them, I mean it is absolute craziness!!
I feel as if the first part of my life was so intense. I've been intense since I was a young child and that sort of was a curse. I thought and thought and thought and observed till the cows came home. Always reflective and observing behaviors, life, nature and creatures. The whole entire Universe was so sexy to me. So attractive and alluring.
Things haven't changed much and it takes everything for me to remain somewhat in the mainstream of things in "fear" that I will lose the innocence, the gorgeous edge of what is really real for me in this life, and leave all thought to my inner quest. Leave it to whoever or whatever feeds me the consciousness that I am so blessed to have now. The powers of.......... ??
It's like that silly but oh so true old movie called "Ground Hogs Day". We really do get the chance everyday to do things over and over and over again until we get it right. We all make mistakes and that is part of life, but the best is that there is a loving energy that will always be there, and it comes in many forms, to hold your hand, to let you know that you are not alone and that more choices are available to you. More than the old stinky ones you have been trying out but are just old now. Like old socks. Get rid of'em already. There are holes in them, can't you see?
Life is pretty generous.
I feel that. When I am not stuck in my own ideas of how things should go, life throws some pretty amazing curve balls and I laugh at myself when my mouth drops in total surprise. NO!! WHY AM I SURPRISED?
When I trust that I am not the controller, the end all of how life should be run, and I allow a higher power to grab my hand, it gets pretty stellar and then.......... then my mouth drops and I am like............. WHOA!  How did I do that again? And then I want to do it again, and again, just to see if it works more than once. HAHAHHA!! It does damn it! I've relied on this trust for 30 years. It's never proved me wrong. When my little self gets in the way though, it ruins it all. It's a God consciousness that infuses you with the will to truck on. Don't give in to whatever it is that your brain drums up.
It so reminds me of a friend who is a quadriplegic. He couldn't move out of his chair, could only use his arms sparingly, and was in a wheel chair 24/7. He was more capable than many people I know who are fully capable. His willingness to live and to beat all odds, mentally and physically drew me like a magnet. He was and is such an inspiration for all of us who have gotten the divine opportunity to work on his body, to feed him, bath him, work him out, and just hang with an individual who was a gorgeous surfer dude from California who got in a terrible car accident and it changed his life. He, to this day, is one of my biggest inspirations.
You cannot allow ANY OBSTACLE to stand in your way. No matter what it is, there is a way to rise above any affliction, with the trust and love and courage to WANT TO HEAL, to want to change and beat all odds.
The people that inspire me are the ones who throw all ideas out of the window and they do any and everything to achieve the desired goal. When it comes to that intensity, the rule book can stay on the night stand but the source of all sources is the thing that will plummet you to the heights of where you thought or think you could never go or reach.
Take a side road. Just check it out. It doesn't have to be any one person's way. Just your way, whatever is comfortable for you. Get inspired to work outside of the box. To live in the fullest way that you can that will take you out of fear, out of any thought that will keep you stuck, and not feeling totally alive in your beautiful skin.
I'm so inspired myself, tonight. I feel like jumping up and down.
Sometimes it just takes getting a little quiet. Put down the computer or TV or music. Get away from the norm and visit with yourself, silently. It may feel uncomfortable at first but trust me, it's like sitting with a good friend who you haven't seen in a really long time. Once you break the ice, YOU ARE IN HEAVEN. You start laughing, and forgetting about all of the so called "problems" that you have and you just revel in the beauty of the moment, with your "friend". Your best friend, called YOU! ~