Wednesday, September 10, 2014


WOW! It's been awhile since I've written.
I sent a friend who I haven't been in touch with for almost 30 years, my blog, and it caught me.. wow, it's been a little bit since I have written.
So many different changes, all good!!!!
The name of the game right now is being comfortable with uncertainty. A book I love by Pema Chodron.
I've practiced most of my life staying in the moment and preparing for that "flat tire". It has served me so well,
Because there has been so much ambiguity in my life it has forced me to practice being more in the moment and truly understanding what that means. It does mean practicing. It does mean discipline.
Two things I love immensely!
I love those two words because within those words, and within the action behind the words becomes a result. A positive result of how you can shape your life to your liking.
This has nothing to do with succeeding to become someone or something.
It has to do with melding into who you are and chiseling down the list to a very few simple things of how you want your life to look.
The next is ACTION!
What are you going to do to make those things happen?
It's not going to happen by osmosis. There is action that needs to happen.
Nothing heavy just tiny steps forward to a goal, or two or three. The sky is the limit.
I never like anything heavy when making a plan,
Plans need a sensitivity and a gentleness as if you are bringing home your first baby. Seriously. If you want to actually achieve that goal you need to look at it as if it is THE MOST important thing in your  life and just DO IT!! There is no....... UGH.......... IT'S HOT............ or ........... I don't feel like it. Because if you had a child, and they needed you, you would do it because it HAS TO HAPPEN. You can't neglect that child. So......... why don't we pay that same attention to ourselves and our goals?
We get lazy!!
The flip side of the coin is........... We can't be wonder woman, or super man all of the time.
I've been telling some of my friends to slow down......... man.......... slow down........ you are on a fast track to hell........... the pace you are going. And I say that to myself as well. Is it really worth it to put ourselves at risk? To accomplish a goal?
That is where balance comes in. Everyone has to find that for themselves. Everyone has their own eclectic life, their  own schedules and plans, and so it is an individual process that we have to look at and make solid decisions on how to balance it all with our crazy lives.
This is my practice.
I am very grateful that I  have learned how to STOP. To see what is happening and to move without fear.To move with a trust and a learning that I only get this one body. I have to take care of it in all ways. Without that, I cannot function. As much balance as I can get, the better.
In that, I am human..........this is the trek.
Thank you for all of you who remind me to stay connected, remember who I am, and to laugh in the process.
With love and gratitude.........

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