Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This subject is alarming, sad, understandable to a degree, and so complex, that it has driven me to stay up late nights with my night light on, reading and researching, writing my own hypothesis on what it all means.
I do personal training and nutritional consulting for a living.
I am not, by any means, a fad diet girl. Not one person gets the same diet. I mean why?? We are all different, have different body types, different age groups, male to female, oohhh god, I mean the list goes on. It makes me wince to hear of a "regular diet plan" for one person. I mean, in a big way!!! I want to say STOP IT! PLEASE, JUST STOP IT!!
Does anyone take into consideration, the history of an individual? Their particular circumstances, likes, dislikes, allergies, etc...?
I know that many people DO, DO THIS. But I have seen over the years by working with many professional naturopaths, Md's and practictioners, that they get lazy! They use a certain protocol and see that it works and then they use it on everyone, in hopes that it will do some sort of good, AND, make them money to cover the costs of the huge inventory they just bought to supply just a few of their clientele.
This, to me, is alarming, but real, and it happens all over, all of the time.
I want my clients to be able to relate to me, to what I have to share as not only food for the soul, but food for thought, to be able to learn what it is that I may know, and to take it with them, daily, to be able to go to the grocery store without me, to be able to learn how to choose foods, supplements, learn how to read labels, and to be able to discern right from wrong, for their particular bodies, and to feel good walking out, knowing that they will be eating good satisfying foods, that are tailored to their bodies, to their lifestyle and that it will undoubedly keep them on the mark so that when they show up for their regular exam, the doctor shouts out, "Holy Mackeral, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?" You look amazing and your charts are off the rictor scale!!!
I don't need any kind of accolades, truly! The proof is in the pudding, and many of my clients can tell you,  the fact that they just listened, and didn't have any say in the equation, was no sweat off of their back, and was actually less stressful because they trusted me, and let me do my thing.
There is nothing I love more than a challenge, and boy, have I been challenged, but nothing is out of my reach or out of my control, yet, that would not let me prove my stance on how I partake in diving into someones body, and what it needs, when and how.

There are some simple structures that I have people adhere to, generally, but then it gets extremely specific.
It sounds so noble, so 2011 that one be Vegan or Vegetarian. OK, it is a fabulous start, but IS THIS FOR EVERYONE?
This is where the detective work comes in.
I DO BELIEVE THAT A DIET BASED IN WHOLE FOODS such as vegetables, fruits and legumes are great, but then add dairy, meat products, and eggs. This is where the line starts to get fragmented and we see that what may be good for the  Goose, may not be good for the Gander.
Mind you, this is just my own tiny philosophy.
I am still a student, learning and discovering, studying, researching and finding my own truths in this hip and oh so age old concept.
It's like someone who can sit for hours doing crossword puzzles. It takes a total concentration. But once you sit long enough you figure it out and see that x equals y and it fits like a glove.
OOOHHHHH, like the last line of a poem. Don't get me started now!!!

I do believe that wherever you are in your evolution, you can instill these basic beliefs so that they can bring you back to a sense of yourself, FOR YOURSELF, so that you do not have to rely on outside forces to help you stay healthy, and to overcome addictions or fears, or the whole list of things that come up for all of us that we all want to go to the nearest shelf and grab some pill that will make it all better.
I can tell you that from experience.
Coming back to a whole foods diet, practicing daily breathing, daily meditation, and regular excersise, is not just a fad or Hollywood way of looking to be fit and trim. It is the stuff that works.

Over the years I have formulated my own program of the how's and what's that work, and if we keep a regular regime of these things, it will constitute great behaviour, amazing gains in your spiritual evolution, and in your daily realm of stress or no stress.
It doesn't really take much, but a consistency of instilling one, to two, or three behaviors that will keep you aligned inside, and be able to deal with the muck out there.

Trim down the fatty foods. Google low fat or vegetarian recipes. Find out what workouts seem interesting to you and make a move. Share this with your kids and family.
Instead of grabbing the remote control, grab your kids hands and lead them to their bikes, and you get on yours. Go for a 30 minute ride and come back and grill some chicken and steam some vegetables.
There is transition with everything so start by having the willingness ok?
Anything further ask me. I can help.
If you are feeling a certain way, ask why?
Let's figure it out, instead of going to Doctor down the road who is just doing what he knows because he has been taught that.
Start taking responsibility for your health and take as much interest as you do in logging on to Facebook everyday. I am sure you will come up with some pretty solid answers.
I will continue to help and to guide us all along.
I promise you that!!


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