Saturday, November 3, 2012

Another Blatant Reminder

Hi guys!
My life has been so crazy that I have had no time to update my blog. It truly is not about what is happening in MY world that I need to relay but to be able use this vehicle to express and to relate all of life's happenings so that maybe we can understand and relate to one another without feeling so alone.

We are all trying to make it. Make money, make "something" of ourselves, feel secure, make our relationships work, whether it be family, lover, friends, feel like we are accomplishing something in this world that feels meaningful, learn from our, the list really does go on, and I actually wouldn't mind spelling that out. Not tonight, but I will. For clarity sake, you know? That's why I believe in writing so much. You can talk as much as you want, but when you sit with yourself, just YOU, alone, with pen to paper, I have to tell you, that from my entire life of experiences, that ONE THING, will transform you inside and out and will get you to know yourself in the biggest of ways.

I have the simple belief that if you can adhere to some sort of mind set ( whichever works for you), everyday, that allows you to stay humble and grateful, then it won't take any kind of catastrophe to keep you in check. Not a hurricane, not an accident or a death or any kind of happening that will jolt you so much into remembering who you are, where you are, where you came from and what that all means.

Seriously. I think everyday we all have our work to stay THAT current, THAT aware, and THAT present with the people in our lives. I have to tell you that this is my daily homework, my LIFE!
For the most part I want to just be alone, do my part and hope that with all of my "good deeds" I will be happy and that nothing will go wrong. The reality is, LIFE HAPPENS, and we never know what will be coming our way. We never know what is going to happen.
I learned this when my mother suddenly passed.
HUGE AWAKENING!!! And to be honest, I haven't digested that happening in it's entirety and it has been 5 years now.
I say that and it blows me away. I consider myself an extremely conscientious human being, but that event, that happening, took me to another place and time and it has taken me this long and more to process the life of a family, a mother and daughter relationship, unconditional love, family ties, genuine AND co-dependant. The list does NOT stop here, trust me!

I think I have lived my life very full and very aware of the people in my life and loving them as much as possible in the way that I know how thus far.

Tonight, and this past week my hometown has been destroyed my Hurricane Sandy.

It has jolted me to yet another realm of consciousness, so much so that  I am overwhelmed, ( in a great way), to be able to delve into another state of being. It "ups the Annie" on the level of awareness that is happening for me, or NOT happening for me, and I am left with myself, and where I am at in my life, and I get to see just where I need to step up to the plate, or plainly acknowledge how I am doing my own personal homework around all of these topics that I talk about, IE: relationships, no matter what they are, staying true and present to oneself, being honest with what all of that means and doing my homework.

I barely watch TV for my own reasons, but even my little rabbit ears that give me the daily data on what is happening isn't even working, so a few weeks ago a friend updated me on the hurricane in my own hometown. That plummeted into a wide range of emotions from where I grew up, where I hung out, to family outings, to everything that we did as kids on the Jersey Shore, to spending every weekend at Seaside Heights, the board walk, the games, the clams, the beer, the pasta, the YOU NAME IT........... IT WAS THE JERSEY SHORE AND THAT WAS OUR GIG! IT WAS OUR SPECIAL EAST COAST LIFE AND I LOVED IT IMMENSELY!

The disaster that is happening is mind blowing on so many levels. My family is still back east and everyone is okay. THANK GOD!

Like I said, time and time again there is always the opportunity to get that much closer to what is really real, time for healing and also time to actually STOP, and to reflect on our lives instead of being that rat on the wheel that is always trying to go, go, go, make a success outta life, make money, save for retirement, this, that and the other thing.

STOP!! STOP THE MADNESS, is how I feel.

This is only the beginning. Global Warming is happening. For decades there have been "premonitions" and people smirked because "who is Edgar Cayce" anyway, and who are all of the "prophets" that supposedly know the "future". C'mon people, get a grip. There is life outside of the black and white lines.
There are amazing people walking the face of the earth that don't have degrees, they are not educated in the way that you think education is, and these people, I think, need more of a place on this earth then the educated. Please know this is NOT a comparison, just an observation.
They live intuitively, they live by a vibe. I hate to sound so Austinite, or so psychic, but the reality is, there are prophets out there, incredible individuals who are tuned into what the real deal is, outside of ideas. THIS IS WHAT I LOVE! THIS IS WHAT I AM DRAWN TO.

When I was twelve it was predicted by a prophet what is happening NOW.
As I studied on through the years, the same predictions were happening, but no one wanted to look or gave looks of complete denial because there is no "back up" nothing "solid" to go by.


Start taking responsibility for your own thoughts, your own actions and forget about the higher Archy. We are ALL THE SAME HERE. HOW ABOUT MAKING UP OUR OWN  MINDS???

Obama was one of "Us" at one time.  He's just proactive. No different than you or me, just passionate and motivating. No fear of his opinions. Take the label of President away. Can you?

Speak your peace.

There is no right or wrong. People might fight your views but who doesn't??

Stay true to yourself.

Who cares if you speak out??

Life is fleeting.

I know for me that everyday there are constant reminders to keep forging forward with my own beliefs, and also to stay open to new information. I certainly do not profess to know anything or have the answers. I'm just me with my opinions like everyone else.

I say let everything in your life be a blatant reminder for change, for growth, and for compassion. Compassion for all of us, for where we are, for what we have learned or not yet learned, and to be okay with our process.
We are all a work in progress and no one, no one has a perfect slate.

Knowing that I hope that all of our relationships flourish with an understanding, a growth and a greater compassion for where we all are, here, in this life together, dealing with all of the same things, but with different views.

I hold my hand out, to better understand, to learn what I don't know and to hopefully share some things that may have worked for me along the way. No way is the right way. We learn as we go.

I am grateful to be able to express myself freely if anything. IF you have taken the time to listen I thank you and am completely grateful.


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