Sunday, June 16, 2013


Life seems to be one continuous stream of events. I'm finding if I am not fluid in and amongst it all,      I become the "fighter against life" trying to ward off "what is", avoiding change, and also some things that are beyond our control. It is a life lesson in so many ways. I try to learn from the past, and move forward with new ideas, passing up old ideas, or learned habits from early childhood. It's no easy thing. I mean I'm headed towards 50 and I STILL have those remnants of the past that try to trip me up. Who's to say what the time frame is for finally "getting it?" We all have our own journey and everyone's list of things to conquer are different. There is no right way, wrong way, or should or shouldn'ts. It is  your life, your lessons, and up to you to find your way. It's not for anyone to judge or comment on. 
I'm finding that I completely enjoy listening to people, their stories and what their triumphs are and too, their hardships. It deepens my sense of compassion and allows me to soften inside, more and more to the fragile life that is before us. I love sitting with my friends and listening to how they work with each other, how we all support each other in the ways that we can. I have beautiful, deep conversations everyday with a friend and we love how we constantly question this existence, question all of the why's and how's and dig so deep in that it opens up new doorways, new ideas, out of the box ways to make it all good when things may not seem so good. Many people are out of work, dealing with breast cancer, death, injuries, financials, you name it.......... and I just love seeing how people make it good for them. They laugh, they cry, they move through it with love and strength from friends and family, they meditate, they dig for the higher purpose and make that their focus. The results of that show. When it's dark, there still remains that light, that spark of knowing that all will be well, and even if it's not, for one reason or the other, it will be dealt with from a consciousness that only reveals a love that will heal all things.
Today I celebrate the fact that I have been shown how to love and receive love. How to give and receive. I celebrate my friends who get me, my love and passion for nature and animals, and the ability to connect to what makes it all real and tolerable, inside. Without all of these elements it would not be worth a dime. I am utterly grateful for my life. 
Today is good. It's the great outdoors, it's my animals, the amazing birds that keep me wondering and in awe, and a great book that I can't seem to put down. Aside from all of that, I made shrimp taco's and it pretty much put a cap on this gorgeous day. 
Writing it all down ..........another part of the onion peeled. ~ 

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