Tuesday, September 24, 2013


When I am around chaos, or life situations, or just daily life that takes me to a place of unrest, I have to reel myself in. I do that in a way that I know is good for me to stay balanced and settled and in a solid foundation that will allow me to cope with anything that is thrown my way.
I realize everyone has their own way, and no one way is THE WAY.
For me though, in general, I need quiet, quiet, quiet.
From the time I wake up, my mind is already telling me if I need to be depressed, excited, angry, anxiety ridden........ you name it. It is right there to tell me that my day should not be settled because of this that or the other thing. It takes everything for me to sit up to ward off unwanted negative thoughts that want to make their way in.
I have devoted my life  to changing that tune.
My life has dwindled down to a very few simple things that make me happy and what I know to work for me in this crazy little life.
Things aren't easy. We get dealt things that we aren't prepared for, that we have to deal with no matter what. Our bodies do a dance that we don't recognize and we have to act accordingly. Life situations come at us out of the blue and we wonder, how on earth will we ever deal with these things?
Are we truly equipped for this sort of thing?
I would not have said that years ago when my mother was passing.
I thought that was the end of my world and that I didn't have it in me to deal with whatever my body was taking on in result of her illness/death.
I went through it, came out of it, and still, 6 years later, am digesting that time, formulating my thoughts, my existence with her, my brothers and sisters, and my whole entire up bringing for that matter.
If you are any kind of a thinker, this will come upon you. Things need to be sorted out.
It is a bitter sweet ride, one that I have embraced and have loved, actually.
Throughout this time, and as a young child, it all remains the same. I devote my life to understanding my existence here and with all who are in my life.
My parents are another story, and a story WILL BE told.
I have been taught grand things. Too much for a blog. May I save it for the long awaited book that my mother so wanted from me before she passed.
Life is painful. That is just a reality I have come to embrace.
My mother said to me when she passed, "Honey, this is no easy ride". Be brave!
I get it more and more everyday.
The key for me is STILLNESS.
If I cannot hear beyond the noise, than life is watered down to an idea.
A mere thought of what is supposed to be.
I am so very grateful for my moments.
The daily moments that are kept sacred, and away from the chaos of the world, the "norm", and what is "supposed to be".
There IS a voice inside.
When I give myself that time, that solitude, no question arises. It just is, and I feel complete.~

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