Sunday, November 3, 2013


It is so hard to encapsulize the enormity of a year longs experience in a place and time.
I find it difficult to articulate my time here in Georgetown.
From the moment I met E, it was a past life reoccurring for one reason or another.
I can actually name quite a few, and it is no little thing.
I know this blog will probably seem somewhat ambiguous, because it is too much detail to name.
I know and have felt very strongly in my life that things happen for a reason, but that sentence almost seems trite. Almost esoteric in a way, but not really.
I don't want to be concerned about the "reader" and how my words will be interpreted.
I merely am expressing myself, as usual, unedited, and not caring too much about how it is read.
I was in a situation that led me to move instantly.
I am not good with battling.
I like fair play, and if it is not fair play, I scramble.
My mind does not do good with games.
Long story short, my life came to a cornerstone where I had to scramble, with less than nothing.
I had a friend who I delivered food to a few days a week that I just adored.
I told her of my situation and she genuinely gave me some good advice and sent me to her dear friend who she thought could be of help to me.
From that moment on, I have felt like God had sent me angels. Not just one but several, and for different reasons.
I mean, god was showering me in ways that baffled me, yet my soul understood and recognized the enormity of grace. The Grace that I know in my heart as a sheer gift.
I  had been given this, in more ways than I could count at the time, but as I sit here today, and everyday, really, I look around, at EVERYTHING and realize how grateful I am for so many different things and will never take anything for granted.
This could, and probably will be, a book. Too much for one blog, so I will catch  you up.
I just felt compelled tonight to write about a fascinating, and beautiful journey that I have been on for the past year, and to recognize the amazing "characters" that have entered into my life and how I feel indebted to them for their graciousness,their humbleness, and their willingness to believe in my honest soul.
I honestly will never forget these kindred spirits for the rest of my life.
This is no small undertaking.
People don't have to trust.
And quite honestly, they don't have to give if they don't want to, but yet..............THEY DID!
I am humbled beyond belief in so many ways and my night is all about gratitude.
I sit here in my living room and look around in wonderment. Detail for detail.
I could never be sitting comfortable, and safe, and in such a land of wonderment, if it weren't for a few precious souls that believed in my heart and allowed me to rest in their beloved space.
I feel honored and blessed and so many things that I have yet to articulate.
Thank you to the Source that continuously feeds this soul and allows me to give back to all that serves me.
I am in sheer gratitude for my life and for every moment that I am breathing and alive in GOD.
Thank you for my life.

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