Saturday, January 15, 2011


A song my Dad used to sing to me time and time again as a child.

It is raining this morning.

I woke up early, looked out of my bedroom doors and just stared at the lake, the mist hovering over it, and the mystical energy that I felt inside, knowing deeply, I am on to something, and it is continuing to grow at  such a pace, that if I don't make the time necessary, it will pass me by with the blink of an eye.
I sat up and meditated....... it just blew me right out of the water.
How to simplify my life so that THAT IS where my energy goes to. is at the point where risk taking is at it's best, and whether or  not ANYONE ELSE is doing it or not, I am in flight, and nothing really will stop me.
I am reveling in a treasure that I have found or, has found me.

I went for a walk in the rain this morning and just feeling the drops on my face, on my hair, the mist brushing up against my face........ told me a thousand stories. I didn't want to come home, nor get ready for work, or even anticipate seeing one single person.
The feeling that came over me was so deep, so guttural, so telling, yet no words formed.

I stopped by my mailbox. It seems as if I  haven't even gotten my mail lately. The weather has been cold, rainy, and so the dogs haven't even gotten their regular walks, thus, no walks to the mailbox.

The only reason I love going actually is because I know I will eventually sift through and find a card from my Uncle Dick which delights me like nothing other.
I always feel like I want to write down his words. So tender, so real, so simple and right where I am at in this moment in time, in my precious life. He mirrors the most beautiful love. His paintings, which are the cards that he sends me. Pencil drawings of lighthouses, which are my favorite, and beautiful nature, my god, just everything.......and always in his cards he writes how he sees me doing certain things in the picture, like sitting in the barn or in the hay, watching this or that, or like today, he said, "Did you find yourself in the tree? I know you are peeking out."
There is a innocence that beckons me, and this is the kind of thing that enraptures me, and keeps me in the very place that feels as if I am making love in the most tender ways. Making love with an experience that is growing and growing and I just cannot seem to keep the smile off of my face. (nor do I want to).

My entire life is sitting on the edge of a cliff. I'm standing with my arms wide open, disappearing into a silence that tells me everything I need to know.
One thing I know is that I will never have the answers to anything. The beauty of that is, when I am ultimately quiet, and communing with what I know to be the Source, the deep well, the mystery inside......... there is a whispering that happens. In that whispering, I listen intently, and there it all is. Every answer I need. Every clue, to when to do, not to do, how to do, if I should, if I shouldn't, what direction next..........all of it! If the whispering is too low, and I cannot seem to hear it, it only indicates that I need to get even more quiet, more, more and more.........until I hear it so clear that there is no question as to what the information is.
That may mean a number of things in my life, from no noise, to going for quiet walks, to sitting still for minutes, hours upon hours. It may just mean sitting and watching the birds, or listening to the symphony, or not.............

It's a standing still amongst the "wars". Wars in our heads, war of the world, wars right outside our doors.

There is a magic to be had in and amongst all of this, and it feels so good to know that magic is right at my finger tips, now and always.

Simplicity equals magic.

I am very grateful for all of the magic in my world and for the blessed opportunity I have in this life to be able to share that ray of light, wherever I am, whoever I am with.

I am so grateful.

The rain continues to tell me stories as I sit here.

I'm going to go listen..............

it's good stuff.

I will keep you posted.

The whispering has begun.

All of my love,
as always,

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