Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This seems to be a reoccurring question for me.

Where am I in this stage of my evolution?

What is important to me right at this very moment in time?

What do I need to change up?

How can I maneuver in this world when all things seem to be against me?
How do I bust out of that box and do something a little bit different?

I have done things in the past, and it worked for me then. Now, I have some things that keep me more "on ground" so to speak, but even considering that, I know myself. I will find a crazy, eclectic way to get out, like freakin' Houdini, to prove everyone wrong, that you can never be "caged" and that there IS a way, NO MATTER WHAT, to get out of the things that seem to keep us bound so tightly!

I feel as if I have been on a tour of the world lately. Viewing the world, as it is, in all aspects. I do have to say that I have not gotten current on all of the events that are happening in the world. My time is so limited outside of work, and the last thing I want to do is listen to the news, as depressing as it gets. I still want to be abreast of what is happening globally. Balancing all aspects of what I think is healthy, and conducive seems like a full time job, outside of my job, that takes so much of my time, it perplexes me! It really does.

I look at the amount of time spent at my job, pan back on what it is that I am here for, and how I want to maneuver in this world and I think............ hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! What is it really, that I want to change up, or how, on god's earth am I going to make a difference where I am at, with the people.... and too, with  the customers that respond to me so well?
Is there a place for me? Is there room for a consciousness there that maybe I am overseeing?

I mean the gems that happen with some of  my clientele are just mind blowing. But that is only a  percentage.
I can do that anywhere!!
There are people who want to know something different than the status quo.

Please, don't tell me about the video you watched, or the hamburger you ate, and how you got so drunk last night that you  had no idea how you made it through your day! I will yawn alllllllllllllll day!

Where, dear God, are the people who get away from the norm?????

Who? Please tell me WHO................. is interested in living and viewing life in a different way, outside of what seems to be good, or prosperous, or another notch on their belt, or the ones who think they have made it when they have received yet another award, or plaque, or have climbed the ladder of so called "success".


If it is THAT GREAT, than I will certainly show up and participate in every and all events, and hopefully celebrate in a whole way that will shake me to my core!!!!

What will shake me to my core?

I ask myself that every moment of my days. I kid you not.

If I feel off the mark, I ask myself what it is that I need to do to get me back in the reality of being "on the mark".

I know when I need to get quiet. To hear God's whisper, to tell me what, when, how, and not necessarily why, but maybe a gentle reminder that guides me in a direction that answers the whys for me.

This way is specific. Detailed. Sexy. On the money. And every bit of interesting to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could care less about the everyday norm.I could care less what you do........ what label clothing you have......how successful your friends are...........how they have made a "mark" in society........ it's good in that they have achieved their own personal goals...........but in essence........ eh..........ya know?

I don't want to be successful in any certain area.

I want to LOVE!

I want to practice compassion.

I want to embrace all moments, hard, sad, grief, glory, you name it........ I want to be what I think is admirable........something worth teaching people to be......outside of ideas............ to actually live a life that is of service.............. in a whole and pure way.

Hay, but that is just me, ya know?

I'm not trying to mold anyone to be a certain way, or live a certain way.

I'm just me!

People seem to gravitate toward me.

I think it has nothing to do with anything but the energy of love that I am in. The love that I feel. The love that is dancing inside of me.

No one knows what to do with it!

Sometimes, actually........... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT!!!!!!

How funny is that???

This is why I require alone time!

To keep my idea of what I think is important, in perspective.

I don't want anything. I really don't.

My life boils down to a simple formula that encomasses Truth, and love, and service, and a message.

I don't push anything. I just send out my little vibe. If it is cool with you, then great. Hop on! If not, that is so ok too. I am not a recruiter, or anyone that thinks my way is the way. I just have had the most phenomenal experiences and it seems to be a  kind of "highway robbery" if I didn't share what it has been like along the way, and how it has transformed my entire life.

I am crazy passionate about my trek here. It is extremely hot! So on the money! So........... well.............to me............


That is all that matters, to me, in the bigger scheme of things.............

to me

at least!

I love you all so, so much. Thank you for always being who you are, and for listening to my messages that are so important to me.


1 comment:

  1. Convention in society is very strong. For some it is a video and burger for some it's all about what they have and still race to have more. Some survive and are so bound up by other's influences that are beyond hurtful. The pull to be like everyone else is beyond supernatural I believe it's the way of the dark side of the world in my opinion. Just keep being you so filled with your passion and zest for life. Continue to find your niche and one day you may be able to have all the time in your day to do what you are here to do. Write, you never know what book you have inside of you :)
