Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Life is happening at a fast pace. I have to tell you, I do not like it. But can I fight reality? Can I go against the current? NO! For me, I really can't. Bills are there, situations occur and you need to tend to...... stuff shows up and you really want to just say..........." OK, what gives", but you just move forward and do the best you can with what is handed to you and also, know that you are the captain of your own ship, so that takes a ton of thought about how you create your reality without feeling like the victim. I know I am not a victim of circumstance, but to be honest, sometimes it truly feels like WTF!
I am in constant mode of seeking the deeper purpose. The why's and how's, but sometimes I need a break from the psychological.
My life is in constant flux. 
I have lived my life, for the most part, prepared for instant change. That is good, and also it can be unnerving. Either which way, I have to stay prepared so that nothing is a shock.
I meditate deeply and question this existence to the enth degree. I have since I was a child.
I know that my life isn't about toiling in chores. Even if it was or is, I have amazing tools to put to use,to be able to make those "chores" into something higher, to be of some good use for this soul.
I can take the bad and make it beautiful, make it useful.
I want to learn from each instance of my life.
Current. Change is happening and the mystery of life is revealing itself.
I feel open and grateful!
This is so risky but yet comforting.
As long as I am true to myself, honest and willing........... I feel great.
I honor selflessness.~ 

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