Monday, November 1, 2010


Where do I start?

I am falling more and more in love with my days, the more I zone in on the things that make me whole, feel alive, and passionate about my stay here, so to speak.

It's been kind of an experiment these last few years, and, hasn't been easy, to get back to myself, outside of a relationship, and to settle into the person who I have been.....really, the same since I was 4 years old. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I think that is just so amazing to me...... it reminds me of the documentary that I love so much, called 7UP. If you haven't watched it, get it, and don't be tired, because it reveals so much about who we are, and how we choose our life path from the time we are 7 and up.

It also has a sequel, with is equally phenomenal.

I am no damn different than I was lying in the grass in our front yard, just staring at the moon, and the sky, wondering how the heck I got here, and constantly wondered what was beyond those clouds, those dark  nights, with glistening "stars". What are stars really? What is out there? How is it relevant to me, this tiny person........ I felt that way at age 4, no lie! It was intense then, and has not, for one bit, lightened up along my journey, some 40 years later.
It has brought me to a razor sharp edge of my own understanding of what is, and what is not, in this time, here for me, and daily, I try to mold what makes sense to me, into a reality that will take me to a place of heightened awareness, one that will catapult me,to a solid reality of a consciousness, that will comfort me, instead of placate me, here, in this crazy land.........this crazy, crazy land of.........what to call it, I don''t really know.

I am so in love with the fact that there IS something out there, call it what you want, a higher consciousness, god, the beyond, who cares what the names are..... something, something out there tells us where to go, in such  specific way, but ......if we don't make the time, in our every, every moments, to hear that sacred wisdom, we will just go on, playing this silly game of ..........this feels good, that feels good, I don't feel like doing that, or I think I'll do that............ it's robotic and boring to me, but I get, honestly, how one can get entrapped in it. It takes a lot to enrapture me, to seize me, and to take me on a ride, outside of the norm, one that will entice me into something different, other than what has been handed to me thus far.

I have all of the "good things" that would make for a "good relationship", whatever that means, and all of the status quo stuff that says, "Yes, you are in the right place, at the right time".
What does that mean?

I mean, really.......what does that mean?

I am totally exploding, in a passion that is so inexpressible, at this point, but needs some kind of wording that will articulate what the hell this all is, of course, in my own minds eye. Who would believe me? I am just a "hippie" so to speak. That saying is old, and  trite, and people are funny, but again, I get it. It's fine! It is not me!

My passion for this life cannot be articulated in this moment, but thus far, if you haven't gotten the idea that, this person is on a mission, you'd be crazy!!


I think I will just leave it at that!

I am so on fire with a love that I am not going to explain,

thank you, thank you, thank you.

Again, humbled beyond words.


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