Monday, March 14, 2011


If we are immersed in the NOW, in the present moment, there would be no place to go, or no place to be. It would just simply BE!

Our days are so revealing, so to make some kind of blanket statement about our "future" is almost ludicrous!

It doesn't feel good to try to stay in the present moment because it X's out all of the variables, but in all honesty, the present moment brings to light the true reality of what is happening out there, or here, however you want to look at it.

It actually can give you a sort of relief, or reprieve from having to "do and go, and be" in the ways that we think we "should" or "shouldn't".

People get literally freaked out when you say you don't actually HAVE TO, have a plan, or visualize some "place to be".

I say go on ahead! Plan what you think you want. Just don't be attached to it!

Sometimes life  hands you a better hand of cards than you were actually dealt.

By all means, look at the hand that you were dealt, but look to see what slips in through the back door.

I say look at all options but don't be stuck on ONE.

Be open to the option that isn't on your "chalkboard".

It generally is the one that will take you where you need to go.

I feel so humbled tonight.

My life is glorious, for lack of some extravagant word.

I am happy to be of service to people, to make some people smile, and to make "nothing" out of what seems to be "something" in my everyday life.

I don't want anything but to be  immersed in godliness, in true purity and goodness.

However that shows up, I will follow.

Anything else will be a bore, and I will tire quickly.

Stay awake.

I am open!

I am utterly grateful!

Thank you!


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