Monday, March 7, 2011


Man oh, man oh, man!!! Life really does bring along some change. I think change is healthy, and keeps us current on who we are, what we are about, and how we are going to stay present day in our lives, our decisions and how we will make that happen in our daily know, stuff that is going to be pretty close to our core, what we are made up of, and how that will show in our world.

I just made a bold move and left a company I have been with for four years.

I am still grieving the process. The people, the connections, the friends, the "family".

I  have made so many beautiful connections. People that not only respond to a warm  heart and good food, but people that respond to a higher consciousness. People that are responding to something that they have no idea why?? Wondering why they are so attracted??

It is not me, by any means, but the love that I have encountered in this life. Something that has become my "drug" of choice.

It is not me really, just an outer expression of a love that is experienced inside. People don't get that too often. It makes me sad.

I have had the luxury to explore and experience love in the most exquisite ways.

It is contagious, whether it be through conversation, a workout program, a diet plan, or planting trees in your yard........there is always an excuse to share love, give love in the highest of ways.

I love the fact that I have been able to make a decision to change jobs, knowing that I am moving from something "comfortable" to something that is closer to who I am and gives me life!

It doesn't mean though, that the transition will be easy. Although I had a wonderful day at my new job, there was a serious grieving.

I have met the most wonderful people, have made the most incredible connections, and have been able to pull up a chair to listen to the lives, the stories, the love, the heartaches, the regular every day lives that happen, and....... been  able to lend an ear over pasta and meatballs. A glass of wine! Or an espresso.

It is not a small thing!

At least to me!

I was brought up that way.

Not only was I brought up that way, I was brought up to greet you all at the door, to take your coat, and hand you food, drink or whatever it was to make you feel comfortable, as soon as possible so there was no room to make you feel less that wanted, or needed, or payed attention to.

That is my schooling!

My mother was good like that. Not only good. She truly excelled in being there for people.

As long as she felt she was giving, and helping, she was satisfied.

There I am!

It's only been a few days.

I have mixed emotions, but I know they will sort themselves out.

I absolutely love my new road. It is learning, and doing and being the very things that will shape my future. Things I will feel comfortable and confident with, knowing that I will be able to pass this conscious information on to others, to be able to give in a way that is not selfish, but aware, globally, spiritually, and locally.

I feel super humbled tonight, I really do!

My day has been full with so much I can hardly stand it.

I need to rest. Take in what life is offering me and to empty my cup so that come tomorrow morning when the chickens are calling me, I can absorb what really is being said, and move on within my day, knowing that I truly WAS clued in, and trekking upon my day in that reality, and giggling. Truly giggling at the absurdity of it all.
The talk, the thoughts, the actions................all of it!

At some point we just have to stop and silently look at it all, and know, instantaneously, that it is God  "tripping us up", trying to see just where we are at, and just how serious we are all taking this to begin with.

I got it! I got it! I swear!

I just get tired sometimes, just like everyone else!

Touche' to living! To experiencing, and for feeling every last emotion that this body could ever possibly experience~

I love you all beyond words, beyond any kind of expression.

Thank you for your presence in my life!

I am ever so grateful!


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