Friday, December 17, 2010



Being objective!

It is hard these days to find a spot where we can actually sit back in a recliner and touch the remote, to our own lives, to be able to watch from an objective place, and to be able to view things as they are, which to me, is a movie.

It takes a diligence, and a willingness to want to know something beyond what seems to be.

My life is changing at a rapid rate, yet, when I really look at it, it is moving in succession with what has been asked for, by me, and as long as I keep up to snuff, and am honest with what it is that I have asked for, and acknowledge the gifts in what is presented, I will be sailing on a huge boat of happiness.

There are so many details in my life right now, so many significant signs, so many gifts from God that I want to sit for hours upon  hours to tell you, in all of it's glory, how it is changing me, and strengthening my core, and opening me up to places that are devoid of ideas. Did I say devoid of ideas??? I think so. Can I say that again........DEVOID OF IDEAS!

Today I found myself saying that, "Even my own reality is blowing me away".

I don't usually say that about my life. I am so used to it being very eclectic in it's way, and somehow find myself giggling at the absurdity of it all, but these days, I'm goin" , "Holy Crap".......WTF.........

Situations and events present themselves and I find myself listening deeply to the intuition that I most love, and trust implicitly.

It's so wild how I have come so acute and privy to the workings of my inner world.

It really isn't anything that complex. It is ever changing and if I don't stay abreast it will take me on a ride to hell, and I will be that typical American that says, "Why me?". I ain't going for that stuff.......I'm sorry!!!!

Take responsibility. I have to take responsibility for my feelings, my emotions, my reactions and know that it has nothing to do with anyone else but myself. If I dare blame anyone else, I am setting myself up for some fierce disappointment.

I had a long day today. I was off, but had to get up for a court appointment, which turned out incredible, in my favor........that is always good..........

and then I came home and started doing all of the things I love to do, and honestly felt like I had a piece of heaven sliced for me and put on a silver platter.

I had a million and one thoughts and I said to myself, "When I write my blog, I will spill the beans". But really it has to come when the time is ripe. There is so much to convey and being rushed or with little time just doesn't make it for a good story, or at least, enough to be present to the point I like to tell a true, good love laden story.

I will have to catch you up little by little.

I feel as if my life has changed 200%. All good, and rewarding to say the least.

I am in love, without a doubt.

How's that for a one liner.

Chew on that, and don't, don't inundate me with the who, what, where, and how's.

You know I will spoon feed you.

If I kept it from you it would be too weird.

God is good to me, and answers all of my prayers.

Good things come to those who deserve it.

I would have never said this about myself, but I will now.


And......I am getting it.

Thank you heavens above!

I love you all and thank you for being patient with me not writing consistently.

I am here.......experiencing life, like everyone......digesting.......and marching forward in very high ways.

Thank you for supporting my blog, and for loving me in all the ways that you do.

Tons of love and warmth,

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