Monday, December 6, 2010


........people that don't realize that they want things from you. They think it is genuine love, and concern, but it isn't. It is a wanting that shows up.
There is no need to want from me.
I am only here to give love..............
not anything else............. I am not here for anything else...........  unless I tell you otherwise.

Please, do not make my genuine love into something that it is not!!!

I am not a flirt, someone that needs to say things for a reaction. I tell it like it is, and if you happen to misinterpret, that is your thing.............

I genuinely am here to spread and share love, not to play a game, or lead you in some stray direction for some self absorbed reason. I'd rather shoot myself, in all honesty!

I get countless comments via email ...........they blow me away.

I am me............Gabriela...................a regular person..............not this "thing", or untouchable........... I am here, just like you..doin' my work.
I am not the "thing" you think I am.
I am regular.
Just like you.

I have done some extensive work and it has been incredible......

but know........... I am still...........and always will be........... a work in progress..........and never will be.........anything less..............

There are those that have very specific opinions about me.........and you should know that I am right there with you...doing my regular work........... hashing out the same things that need work in order for us to move forward........

I am not better, or greater, or anything like that..............

I am simply me.........with the same questions, the same fervor, the same insatiable desire to know what the hell is going on here..........

So please, humbly, do  me this favor........don't categorize me as something special, someone that has something that you don't, because I have what you have............and that is LOVE!

Look within to see what you have that is going to take you to the higher.........

I am always here to support higher consciousness, but not to make any assumption that I am someone or something that will take you to where you need to be.

That is your own trek.

It is all individual.

I am here, just like you, discovering my own individual ride.

I will hold your hand, but I am no means, the teacher.

A friend......... and a supporter..............but nothing greater.

Thank you for the ability to express!


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