Sunday, December 5, 2010


.......and really,  not only these days, but I pan back on my life and go.........WOW............. really! Amongst all of the stuff that gets thrown at me on this journey, I know in my heart that I have to look beyond those mishaps, and see the gems in them. And not only the gems in them, but the gems everywhere I turn, or look, in my life.
I love when I am feeling so acute to my surroundings, my inner realm, what that means for me, what direction it shows me I am going in, aware of all the people in my life, and what they all mean, able to see the finer tuned things that speak to me in ways that unveil bits and pieces of me and why I am here and how I can forge forward, against any and all odds, to do what it is that I need to do here,  no matter how big or small.

Life has recently given me the most beautiful gems, has taken me out of my box of ideas, that I actually thought were good, and conducive, and healthy, and yet, I feel as if the volcano has erupted and I am experiencing life, in a fresh and crisp new way.
For lack of better words, I feel as if a volcano has erupted and the hot lava that trickles down onto the earth is my heart, my passion for life, and my love for love..........and I am able to let the love shine, and grow and cultivate into some amazing relationships.
Using words to describe this, is by far a huge disappointment, just because I haven't really found any words or expression that touches the reality of what it all is for me at this point and time. I hate to feel as if I  have failed, especially with words. To be able to articulate such a grand love, is by far, one of my favorite past times, and not even a past time really, just a passion to spell out what love is, in all of it's facets.

Love is unexplainable to me. God's precious gifts to me are unexplainable. Everyday, it is a joy to wake up to see just what is going to be presented for me. God knows I am open, and honest, and willing to take on good things, not just for me, but for the whole.
I ask to be used as some sort of vehicle for love, for global awareness, for spiritual awakening, to spread how it all means so much, and if we all do some small part, things WILL EVENTUALLY COME TOGETHER.
This year is going to be filled with active ways to get closer to that nirvana for me. To be able to make bold moves to get to where I think change will happen, and will make a difference.

I am attracting beautiful souls, situations that are supporting my beliefs, and that are willing to take risks to get closer to who they are, and what they are about, and fortunately for me, that equals my path, and similar ideas on how to raise a consciousness that will rock this planet........move people, and allow a better understanding of how we can live in a joy, amongst all of the crap, and elevate others, and their way of living, so that all of this doesn't seem like such an arduous trek, about paying bills, or robbing Peter, to pay Paul.

I have thoughts, and big ones, and they have been planted in a huge garden that is just about to blossom like nobodies business.

I feel so lucky these days for  my life, again, and again, and again, for all situations that have brought me closer to who I am, and away from the false, and for God sending me angels, that have stolen my heart, and have allowed me to open up so much more to trusting, and loving, and relating in beautiful ways that I could never possibly articulate.

I am so very grateful for everything that is transpiring in my world.

Thank you heavens above for watching my back.

I continue to be in great, great awe.

I love all of you and thank you for always responding to what seems to be your calling as well, not just mine.

Holding your hand the whole way.

All my love,

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