Thursday, July 11, 2013


For all of you who know me, you know that my life is devoted to each and every pet that I have. Not only MY pets, but any last one that I can help.
It's overwhelming to me, but at the same time, little steps help, and make a total difference in the lives of these creatures that make our lives so alive and full.
I felt no different when I made my trek to Africa to make a difference and found myself a new person. I was catapulted into another realm, where there was no "me" and although it seemed overwhelming to help these villages, to get uniforms for school, utensils, food, netting for their "homes" in the dirt, to keep the mosquito's away, to go to the grocery store and buy what we take for total granted, like sugar, salt, flour, soap and water.
Their are people and animals all over, you name it, that need our help.
It's not like you have to take on some huge project. In my brain, with a lot of things, you don't look at the entire picture to start off because it will scare  you to death and you won't make any kind of move toward change.
I tell my personal training clients and clients who are on diets and nutrition programs the very same thing.
Start by taking one moment at a time. If you look at the bigger picture the whole time you will be overwhelmed to the point of not doing a damn thing because it is just too, too much to digest.
One little step at a time.
A few years ago I adopted a 5 week old piglet.
I did some research, but for the most part I have been indoctrinated into "Piglethood".
To make a long story short, I have become so involved and devoted to the care and love for these animals that get thrown to the way side, as "just a pig", and generally everyone gets one to put on their spit and sit around and have a beer while watching this beautiful creature turn and turn burning on a fire.
I say this, but I will tell you. I grew up in an old school Italian family that every Sunday, we had a huge pot of sauce with sausage, meatballs and yes......... PIGS FEET!
It was all of our favorite with a bowl of pasta, are you kidding?
Never in a million years did I think I would ever have pigs as pets.
When I was a child growing up in Caanon Connecticut, we lived across from a farm. Everyday I would go visit my friends, especially my pig friend who I laughed at so hard because she would lick my hand with her "sand paper" tongue and it would tickle me like nothing other. There were all kinds of farm animals and it was my solice!
One night Dad woke up totally alarmed. We all woke up only to see the complete farm totally on fire. All of my precious friends were not there anymore. I was completely devastated.
That isn't the reason for me writing.
My reason for writing is that every creature on this earth needs and deserves a full and lovely life.
Not to be put in cages, to be shot up with drugs and to be confined to areas that are just not acceptable for anyone.
I have had the glorious experience of bringing up a little piglet from 5 weeks old.
She slept with me, she had classical music playing 24/7, has had a better diet with fruits, vegetables and grains than most of us.
I have studied her since then.
I have been in a complete state of awe at these "pigs" that we think are just there for meat.
I cannot express how loving, intelligent and sensitive these beings are.
I feel that is such a lack of expression.
Everyone says, "Yeah, I hear pigs are really smart". Well, yes they are, but more than that, they are like YOU AND ME.
If you sit and study these beings they are like us on every level.
So now my "little girl" has had 5 beautiful piglets. The runt left at one week.
I still have four.
My mother instincts have kicked in big time and I am more than happy to accommodate and do what is needed.
I want to make you aware of the cruelty with gestation crates.
There is a growing national and international recognition of the inherent cruelty of confining breeding pigs in gestation crates. Metal stalls so small the animals are unable to lie down, turn around or even walk for their entire lives!!! In such intensive confinement without mental or physical stimulation, these sensitive ,social, and intelligent animals suffer extreme physical and physycological distress. As a result this needlessly inhumane factory farming practice has been banned throughout the entire European union, New Zealand and the State of Florida, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, California, Maine, Michigan, Colorado, and Ohio.
Grocery store "giants" like Costco, Kroger and Safeway condone confining pigs in crates barely  larger than their bodies by continuing to purchase and sell pork from factory farms that confine pigs in gestation crates, including Iowa select farms.
Please help me in the smallest of ways, to help these sweet babies to live a normal life where they can graze, and live a life like" Fido" your dog, that you would do anything for.
Please urge your grocery store that you frequent,  to phase out the use of gestation crates, something Whole Foods, Chipotle, and other major food providers have already done.
You don't have to have a piglet to have compassion.
Please, at least in your spare time will you investigate what I am trying to relay. I'm not telling you to do one thing or the other, just to consider and contemplate.
Also please join me in MFA. Mercy for Animals. Help me to SPEAK OUT FOR PIGS.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Gabriela, Idgy and the 4 babies that give us hope and love. xxxooo

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