Thursday, July 4, 2013


When I was a child, the Fourth of July was always a huge event. Major food, cooking out on the grill, lots of people, fire works, people drinking and hootin' and hollerin'. To me, I laugh now, because it's like being Italian, ANY EXCUSE to hoot and holler, EAT GREAT FOOD, and gather!
Today I woke up feeling so grateful. I layed in bed grateful that I have the choice to wake up or not. To lay in bed or not. To get up and greet the day or not. It's that kind of FREEDOM. Those things that could so easily be taken for granted.
I layed in bed and stared at the ceiling fan. I looked out of my window. Felt my surroundings and felt, again, grateful that I have the FREEDOM to make choices.
My life, like every one elses has it's ups and downs, but comparatively speaking, my life is a "pitiful luxury".
I say pitiful because I can get caught up in my daily life and what that equals, but I am certainly not closed off to others lives, what they are going through, and bigger, the world at large. Catastrophe's,  third world issues. Issues in our back yard, the next state......the list goes on.
I may not keep tabs on all that is happening everyday, and that is a personal choice. When it comes to these things people get pretty opinionated. Touche'. Such is my reasoning for my distance from the media. 
I'm not looking to live under a rock, or not stay apprised of what is happening in the world but it becomes personal and specific and I could care less, really, if someone agrees with my way or not. 
I'm becoming more and more LESS tolerant of opinions. 
It's just a THOUGHT. 
Whether it be yours or mine. Now go on about your day, and so will I.
Today was spent quiet, like I love.
Time to contemplate, digest, and get to neutral ground.
I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for my freedom of:
ability to go to and from
walk down the road comfortably
make money
pay bills
live comfortably
have food
people who love and care about my welfare
the right to get married to whoever I feel like marrying
the ability to care and love for animals who are in need and whom are not
to care for the elderly who I gravitate towards like honey to the bee
to vote
for this blog........... this crazy blog that I started because I've been a writer since the day I was born, I think. 
For me to be able to express is the BIGGEST FREEDOM EVER. 
It's the one thing that taken from me would be the death of me.
I don't look for accolades, by any means.
To know I am able to write these lines, soothes my soul, to a degree that will satiate me for years to come.
Nothing has to come of it, but to know that I could have the FREEDOM to express this little soul, in this short span of a life, makes it all worth while.
I shoot from the hip when I write, so I am sure my mind will say I failed in my expression of how today felt for me.
It doesn't matter. 
Everyday feels short of my love and how that will be expressed in this vast and complex world.
I am utterly grateful for my life, for all of you, and for my amazing experiences that this life has allowed me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy FREEDOM day!

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