Monday, April 26, 2010


Not a bad combo!! As a matter of fact, I feel like I should have dim lights and a dance floor goin. Music is good, and food is flowin!

I made Mexican food earlier and it was so darn good, I could hardly stand it, (If I could say so myself, ahem!) But then I noticed this huge rash on my arm and was totally shocked, like, what the heck happened?? I thought, "Oh, Poison Ivy" from the dogs, but I am so hip to Poison Ivy and what it looks like from when I was a young kid. I am highly allergic. It wasn't that!

So, I traced back my day and even the day before. OK, I get it...........darn it!!

When I lived in New Mexico, I became a Red Chili Freak! I mean, I ate it on my eggs, my veggies, my this and my that! I loved that stuff so much, I made it, bought it, smuggled it and smoked it hahahhahah.....not really, but I hiked for that if it were gold.... and, it was on every corner........ roasting, and that smell drove me crazy. God, I miss New Mexico and my beloved fresh Red Chili!

Well, several times here in Texas, I have searched restaurant after restaurant to see if anyone cooked with REAL Red Chili, and made something worthwhile out of it, instead of ....Oh, Enchilada's.


Well, I do have to say that Jorge's had some pretty good Red Chili, and as a matter of fact, I remember eating there, after getting a rather large tattoo, I ordered something with Red Chili because it said, FROM NEW MEXICO......... and I absolutely ADORED IT, so I ordered it and it brought me right back to the Sante Fe Square, where my peeps were, who hooked me up with some pretty stellar Red Chili.

Unfortunately, I do remember that glorious night, my tattoo night, and feeling so incredibly high after getting it, that after dinner......... I broke out in a rash and felt so odd, and well........... ALLERGIC! I am no stranger to allergic reactions, no matter what it is. HUGE BUMMER............ I decided then, that Red Chili and I can no longer court each other! The Romance is over, sad but true.

Now, that was 4 score and several years ago, so I thought I would give it a try again.


Arms looking like they'd been shot a million times with a BB gun. Can't do it Red Chili, as much as I love you, I'm sorry, I just can't!!

So, I went to the next best thing, with what I had on hand. Ingredients for Indian Food. My passion, my love............ Brought me right back to LA when I was a chef at an amazing Indian restaurant. Tons of stories that I will save you from tonight. Nevertheless, awesome! Awesome people, awesome learning, and a melding with food and spices that would be comparable to .........yes........that word that I shouldn't say on here, right? Maybe for another blog, but you get the gist?? Ultimate satisfaction!

I immediately got my stash of Indian spices, got my Jasmine Rice, my fresh ginger, and Dahl, and started brewing ideas! I actually watched myself, dancing in the kitchen, excited at what I might be preparing, for myself, no less, hahahaha, and poured myself a great glass of Red, and went to town. I grabbed my Iphone, yes, I did, and put it on my music station that I love, one of them anyway, and literally, got all jazzed up, cooking for myself, smelling this amazing food, watching the spices turn color, and being so excited that with as little ingredients that were around, I managed to drum up this dish that kicks butt........literally........... it is so darn good that I just want to feed everybody!!!!

This is not a bragging session by all means. It is like...... How cool to be able to know how to make foods from anywhere, be in love doing it, sharing it, and tasting it?! I mean, it amazes me that I KNOW HOW TO DO ALL OF THIS! Really, it came to me at an early age, without me asking, especially African and Indian Food. Mexican too, but that fell to the way side and made room for plenty of African Foods and Indian that took most of my time.

If I could have 5 or 10 people here right now, to cater to, to pour wine to, to laugh with, to BS and just hang how sweet would that be?

Tonight is just one of those nights.

I would do this for ANYONE!!

That is how much I love cooking and allowing you to experience love, mixed with food, mixed with people, mixed with just me........ in my element.

Maybe sometime soon............

Love you all and hope to share food, and love, and tons of good laughter as a celebration of life, and us, and togetherness.

All my love,


  1. You are invited to our next family reunion! We will bring our appetites, a good bottle of wine and you can cook for us!!
