Monday, April 5, 2010


I have always had a fascination for walking sticks. They somehow represented wisdom to me.
Not only that, it is so symbolic of our trek through life.
Years ago, my friends daughter would spend the night at my house.
She adored me, as I did her.
We used to go hiking together, traipse the woods with the dogs, and I always gave her a walking stick.
She loved it! It was personal, and I think made her feel important.
We would trek on for hours, and she was so amazing.......... just along...but was so comfortable with not saying anything. She just went with know.........the walk, the streams, the rocks........and being able to just nature.
Those were some of the most precious moments to me. Watching a child not care about being home watching videos, playing on the computer, but actually relating to nature, and what it offers us.
Nonetheless......... one day, we returned home from a 3 hour trek with the dogs, and she was exhausted!
I wasn't!
I came home only wanting to scrape away on my stick.
I had a vision of making my walking stick beautiful.
I chiseled away at it........... gave her some tools........cuz she so was interested in what I was doing...rather than feeling tired.
I told her to go to sleep, that I was going to make my own walking stick.............. for me.
Well, she said, " Can't you make one for me?".
Of course, my heart sank. Are you kidding me? I am right on it! A kid.........wanting something from me?
Nothing else would stand in line! (god forbid I have a kid).
She went to sleep for awhile, and I sat up, scraping away at this wonderful cedar limb I had cut down from my property.
They were dead limbs, mind you..........I couldn't chop down the living!
Yes, every coupla days I'd go out with my chain saw, and scope out what was what, and if I saw that there were opportunities to get firewood or branches...........I would.
Most days off were spent in the woods, doing something or other............ It is where I feel most at home!
One year, a friend of mine made me a walking stick. It totally overwhelmed me when I opened it, as walking sticks were always my favorite. They symbolized so much to me.
When I opened this gift, it made me cry from so deep within.
It was so personalized. Made from the heart.
I will never forget it.
In my spare time, when I have it, it is what I love to do, aside from traipsing in nature.
God, I don't even look at trees like I used to. I look to see what limbs would be good for sticks.
Making those sticks has to be the most wonderful, freeing, experience ever!
I have made tons of them. Each one, with their own story, how it was picked, the experience shucking it, sanding it, cutting the limbs off, and then sanding it to how high of an experience!! What love I feel..................... for nature, for the basics of life.
Which is why I love Africa, but that is another story. Long, beautiful, and passionate!
It is so amazing to be able to take a branch from a tree, and to be able to transform it into something that is beautiful, something........actually, useful!
When I went to Africa, I couldn't wait to go to the ONLY wood shop in Malindi, that basically handmade EVERYTHING that was sold, or exported from Africa.
Oh my god, the women, beading so quietly......... with such tenacity.
The men, sitting there, not with machines, mind you, but bare handed, carving every last picture, every last word, onto wood.
I filmed the entire process and thanked them so graciously.
There is something to be said about touching life, the very life that is outside our doors everyday.
Trees, grass, dirt, rock................. the basics of life............and being able to use it for our good, or for sale, or just for personal gratification............... it is so humbling, and beautiful, ten fold!
Today, I decided to not take all of the dogs for walks, and to just walk myself.
I kid you not, I fell into an abyss of wonder, of love, and of contentment.
I took pictures........ I sang............. I skipped........... I talked to God............. I just.............WAS!
I came home tonight and knew, for some reason, that I would be shucking some sticks.
I was so elated to go and get my knife, that screams ........ME................ to sit out back on my deck, with a glass of wine, with the dogs, while the winds were roaring............ to feel that organic kinda feeling........... hand to wood............ knowing that you were making something from nature............. all by machines, no nuthin............... it truly IS an organic process.
I have sold a ton of these sticks, and to be honest........ when I watch each stick leave......... it is like saying goodbye to a lover who you spent time with............REAL TIME WITH............
so natural, so organic, and real.
There is not one stick the same.
For some reason, these sticks mean the world to me.
Maybe it is the process............maybe it is being absent from the ego.............. maybe it is coming full circle with life............... who is to say?!
All I know is, in doing, or not doing.............I am incredibly satiated.............and in love............ so much so, I don't want, any one, or anything..................
I am so utterly grateful for my simple, simple life!!!
Thank you.............thank you..............thank much for showing me what life REALLY IS!

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