Sunday, May 16, 2010


It is so funny how everyday can be a completely different experience, within and without.

I know, and believe, that our world is what we make of it, but then again, getting real on an everyday basis, ya know, sometimes you just hate your mood, or didn't wake up oh so chipper, and maybe you are feeling fearful, or wondering how this or how that, and you are not so cutting edge on the "Law of Attraction", and you just want to go...........SHUT UP ALREADY!!! LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT OK?

I have been watching how I can go in and out of being super duper positive, to wanting to change up my whole life, run away, and just explore the deeper realms of what it is that I am so interested in, outside of what everday life looks like, and pioneer it the rest of the way.

Then I hear, "left brain, right brain". Balance this, balance that......... be smart, but stay intuitive........... god the list goes on and on and you can almost get really freakin bored of all the jargon, and stay pretty interested in your own dialogue that seems much more fascinating and adventurous,if I am to say so, without a doubt!!!

Society is funny.

But we are even funnier, for thinking we have to listen.

It is so much like walking the tight rope.

What we believe, and what society says.

Well, society can have valid points, but man, so can we, even if they are not announced, or supported.

Where do WE come in as individuals on a quest for expression......for what we soulfully believe in, support, and understand, inside, as ourselves, without comparison, just living as if we were to abide by our own rules?

What would that look like? And are we living in alignment with what our beliefs are and sharing that with people in our everyday world?

We all work pretty much the 8 or 10 hour day right?

That is a damn big chunk of time.

What is that like?

Is it in support of who we are?

Does it compliment our soul?

Is it refreshing?

Does it make us feel alive or depleted?

Does it feed our soul, or empty it?

I honestly think everything can be a learning ground, but if there are choices, and we do have choices...... in whatver we do in our lives, than we should get our measuring spoons out, and gauge what is going to be "cooked", or kept raw, and organic.

I am keeping things raw........and organic as possible.

I don't really think there is a "good" or "bad" in any of it. I mean, don't we learn from everything?

If there aren't many people around to support your way, than you might want to play a little game of chess with yourself, and find the Rookie........ the one with the most strength, and manuever that sucker till it gets home, to where it knows it is King...........and will ace over any other little chump that thinks it knows how to play the game...........

Life IS A GAME, I swear, it is a night of poker........ gambling at it's best.

It's YOU.............AGAINST YOU!!


Out smart yourself, and make it home, where you belong, as an individual, without listening to the peanut gallery who says, "Play this card, or play that card".

You know how to gamble for LOVE. Trust me....... you came out of your Mothers Womb...... (that is a whole blog, in and of itself).

Take a look back, seriously...take a look back at how you courted, ( call me old fashioned) or tried to "get the one" you were in love with.

It's like that!!!!

Romance yourself, to be WITH yourself............... to get what you want........... to live out your perfect life, exactly the way you want it.

That is MINUS ................someone.

If you can feel IN LOVE.......... without anyone to be IN LOVE, are rockin 2010 and have me interested first hand.............

Then........ if you can rock 2010 on your own........... and smile from ear to ear, alone............. and be satiated............ I will come wisk you off of your feet and see if we can blow this planet up with some grand ol' love that reeks of purity and a love that really needs to be planted on every street corner there is........... the ones that have soil that is................ organic soil!!!

I'm sure it would grow in any ol' kinda dirt, but organic soil makes things gorgeous, and beautiful and makes things taste like sweet, sweet honey, or the finest dessert you've had........... minus the calories.






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