Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I am dumbfounded at the extent in which the human psyche can take someone...
just in order for them to feel better about themselves.
At the same time, there is an odd understanding at how someone might choose such extremes.

Today, I witnessed the total extreme of where the mind can take you~
good enough, where someone will believe their own story~
good enough, so that they will be OK, with what they are NOT!

A myriad of emotions soared through me today.

Many realizations occured and my body took on sensations that were so highly charged with past memory that I could hardly stand to be witness to it.

To be able to sit in a room, and not be able to speak, and only listen, to someone else's reality of YOUR life, and have it be so grossly fabricated, can seriously altar your view and your trust in life, and people.

In the midst of it all, to be able to find some kind of center, and sort of wink in the knowing that Truth is who we are, and the heart never wavers, is pretty amazing,but those feelings can pass in a matter of seconds!

I have always had an intrigue and a passion for " Why We Tick", why we do the things we do.
It is so utterly fascinating to me, but when it involves you, in one way or the other, the objectivity lessens, and there you sit, like a child, in the first grade, wondering how we will ever learn to write such big letters as A and Z.

Learning to understand people, and their ways and allowing them to just "be", without it affecting you, is some great, great stuff!

After all, doesn't EVERYTHING effect us one way or the other, or really........ really and truly, have we evolved that much where we can say, No, you know what? Today, that very thing didn't effect me, and on I go.

I will have to say for myself, that it is an ebb and flow. I pat myself on the back more so now than ever.

Things will be as they will be, and it really is up to me how to react, or not react, or just apply the little things that I have learned along the way to just beat the whole typical mindset.

I'ts pretty awesome to feel that organically, and know that you have overcome, or hurdled over something for your evolution.

Actually, what a damn turn on!!!!

Today was that!

I'm not a warrior, just someone who wants to see peace, amidst the muck, and give justice, where justice is due.

Doesn't mean it is easy, but what else are we going to do in all of our "spare" time?


  1. Yes, seeing things for what they are and realizing that you have finally become strong enough to move past them is very empowering. It feels good when you can see more clearly and you know that a great lesson has been learned and you will not make the same choices again.

  2. I love your new photo! It symbolizes peace and serenity...and a quiet solitude.

  3. Wow, what transformation. You are so right, it is empowering. Makes you kind of stand still for a bit and wonder how the heck you began that journey ........what choices you made, and definitly what ones you won't make again.

    p.s. I took the picture down. I loved it, but it wasn't clear enough. I'm on the prowl for a really good one like that though.

  4. ...and with that empowerment and strength will come a sense of peace. It's like an awakening...and you know you will never return to that place that was not right for you...and it's okay. That's what I was talking about in my letter.

  5. I have gotten so many letters, please tell me who or at least what letter......... ;)

  6. It's "Farrah"...LOL! The letter with my life story. Glad to hear you are receiving so much support...love you!
