Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I was thinking today, WHAT REALLY MAKES ME HAPPY? What really makes me bubble up with excitement, feel pure, and extremely real in my skin??

Well, there are a lot of things, but when I narrowed it down, there was one main vein that ran through each different thing I chose.


I was walking today, for several hours, and man, all I have to say is THANK GOD FOR MY ALONE TIME, my walks,and my communion with nature.

It was bugging me, especially today, for some reason, that I haven't narrowed down what it is that I am supposed to be doing here.

I have many passions, but you know, we can't be everywhere doing all, ya know what I mean?

I thought of many of my clients that come to see me on a regular basis. The old and the young.

It delights me like no other to take either or, 90 year old woman, or 4 year old boy.

The boy, well, I know his exact favorite gelato, or his favorite TV show, or food, or even for the fact that he tells me his "little secrets" about his little life.

Really, I kid you not. I give him little quizzes to go home and try to be better at one thing or the other. Stuff he wants to get better at. We have our own little private "agreements", and when he shows up, it is this unspoken language, one that a little soul knows that someone cares enough to remember his little passions,and knows too, that it is just as important as anything, or anyone else, no matter who or what I seem to be, in his, or anyone's life, for that matter.

As is, my elder clients.

These people are the ones that make my days worthwhile.

My litte darling of a friend who is nearing 90, comes in, several times a week, and looks for me, as I do her, when she doesn't come in after a day or two. I worry about her,thinking she has fallen, or hurt her hip again, and then she shows up, hair done, lipstick on, dressed to the 9's, and smiling ear to ear when I greet her with a hug, or come up from behind and grab her arms to do a little two step. She grins so big. I can't tell you how much I love that...........God......I really do. So much fun and so, so innocent!!!!

I don't care! Dining room or not, I twirl her, ever so gently, and dance with her as if no one else were in the room. To see the look on her face is ever so priceless, and it is.............what makes going to work, worthwhile to me!

She is always surprised that I remember her order each time, and that I pour her root beer in a cold beer glass, knowing she hates warm root beer.

Maybe people are so used to..... people........ not listening.

I listen...... and...... I honetsly ..........Care!

So today, I thought, ya know, I always want to mold my life to what is closest to who I am, and what I am about, and to make that choice, with whatever it is, to be as conducive and healthy, to a conscious, loving and giving life, or way, or environment. Any and all of the above.

I know, thus far, there have been tons of changes in my life, this whole entire way, and I always have to look at my choices, and how they are affecting me..... body, mind and soul.

If something seems out of balance, I need to find that link, and find out what it is that I need to change up to make things more aligned to me, the soul, the one that needs to find solace in it's own being.

I realized today, two things that make me extremely happy are being around old people, and children.

Under those two titles comes a plethera of things that I love as well.

It all seems to encompass, giving, in one way or the other,but also, allows me to see the reality of my own life, in which I choose to live, and be, and wish to be around.

That would be innocence.

Natural beauty, that hasn't yet molded an idea of who or what they are. They are just natural acts of beingness, organically, OR who have gone back to, after seeing the vast spectrum of life, and realizing that the innocence they started out with, is, in fact, who they really are! That is after the ideas of, man, woman, marriage, divorce, children, careers, parents, and all of the things that we, along the way, think that we have to identify with, in order to be "someone" or "something" for someone.

The child, does not yet know.

The elder, knows, and quietly sustains all opinions, and is ok with their own private realizations, as they have mastered several badges on courage, in lifetime schooling in the why's, how's, and chess games that have played out decade after decade.

Wrinkles equal good to me. They equal a time span, wisdom, and a time spent in a life that was probably spent wondering, mostly, what the heck it was all about. The whys and a surrendering to the unknown facts or mysteries that more than likely were just as perplexing as the day they flew out of the womb, till the day they were lying on their death bed.

Wrinkles are well deserved, and should be appreciated, not altered. They equal good, to me, at least.

So, even though I mentioned old people, and children, without a doubt, animals are right there. No one is above the other.

I was excited (don't know why I felt so suprised), that these things are of utmost importance to me, and that it is a must that these things be in my life, in one way or the other, hopefully, more, than not, in the daily scheme of things.

To be able to take my own personal "talents" or natural abilities and merge them with the things that make me sparkle, is now a sort of quest.

There is always the balancing act, working out the details, but this is life, discovering who we are, and giving our all to it.

Life is ever changing, and no one's life is going to be like yours. There may be similarites, but when it comes down to the core, YOU ARE YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL and when you have a good sense of who that individual is, I think it is SHEER BRILLIANCE to cut to the chase, NO MATTER what anyone else is doing, or saying, and get to gettin on your little journey. ONLY YOU know what that journey entails.

There is no degree in Love. In fact, there is no degree to be had in just being who you are, in the midst of a world that is opinion laden, on who you should be, where you should be doing it, and with whom.

Down size!

Figure out what works for YOU!


Not anyone else!!!

The "anyone elses" will be there, if they need to be, in your evolution.

See what is good for you, and then welcome anyone or thing, that ACCOMPANIES your wonderful world. Your detailed world that is designed just for you.

It's pretty awesome knowing you are in charge.

It is a feat, mind you. No one is boasting the fact that we actually are in charge.

If they are............ I'll be there, either in the audience, or standing next to them at the podium.



Old, Young, to whomever!

That is what works for me, and keeps me alive!



  1. I love that you are figuring this all out for yourself!

  2. I can't imagine not giving myself the time. It's the only thing that seems priority for me at this point.

    And, I can't say it's been a bed of roses either, but somehow, the light shines on the things you thought were or are, so tough, and that little spark of light takes you to your next moment, and the next moment, and as long as I keep my eye on that light, I will always be on the road back home, to myself.
