Saturday, June 5, 2010


Today I headed out for a long, long walk. I woke up a little anxiety ridden, thinking I NEED to do this, and I NEED to do that.

My mind started whirling in thought with all of the should, the shouldn't's and what needs to happen, as opposed to WHAT IS!

I said to myself, "I'm going to have my coffee, love on my babies, and let the day unfold."

Really, all I wanted to do was sit quietly. Usually, then, information, answers, or anything else that I may need to know, comes to me, and I forge on in my day, with surprising information, or guidance that I would have never come up with.

I really do listen. It's no New Age gimmick!! If you truly allow yourself to listen to what is happening in every moment, life, and a sort of guidance, comes along and whispers hints, or clues, or damn near blatant information about what to do in your next moments...... I gotta say though, if you are not listening, truly listening, it will be a big frigin mess and will probably sound and feel all convoluted, and you will be confused or depressed, or both, and the simple stuff that is available at all times, will not be heard because maybe you are too busy trying to fix, or plan, or conjure up a way to make your life just the way you think it should be.

I don't know, that may be the way for you. Really, it may, and it may work, who is to say, really!?

That does not work for me!!

I really believe life is an individual road. What works for me, may not necessarily work for you and visa versa.

I have learned to make plans, and look ahead to sketch something out that I may want, and it is useful, super useful, but my throw in there, is well, I will plan, but I certainly am not going to be attached to any outcome. Why would I set myself up like that? Life doesn't guarantee ANYTHING!  If you think it does, than.....well.......... you think it does.

I don't think life offers anything for sure!

I think our intentions are great, and our aspirations, desires, and plans are just as we want them, but for me, once I let the word out, as far as what I want, I release it, with great hopes, but also know, it may not happen, and someone out there, The Universe, God, or whatever you may deem your Source of love, may, just may, have some different plan for you, or me, and truly, I am up for that. It can seem a bit perplexing, and hard to grab a hold of, but once you get the hang of how it all works, you sort have a little love making session going on, where you give a little, and get a little, and you have to be sensitive to what the Universe is offering, and too, be sensitive to what you want, and meet somewhere in the middle. Of course, remembering what you have asked for along the way, incase you have forgotten, would help you out, but know, is real easy to forget in this chess game!

Well, with all of that, I started out on my walk. I usually take the dogs, but I was going to the store, and knew I would have a back pack full, and really,  just wanted to revel in the day, the weather, and being alone on my day off.

I did start out with thinking like crazy, but as my walk progressed, I became so child like. Honestly, to no surprise, AT ALL!

I got maybe 3 minutes into my walk and after hearing my thoughts, and how boring they were, I naturally melted into my surroundings, and found myself getting my phone out to take pictures of what was before me.

My first stop was a bright red caterpillar. I was so bummed my Iphone wouldn't pick it up clearly. I watched him for a long time. So, so cool, different looking and just plain mesmerizing to me. I left him and then I came upon my sweet horses and donkeys that are right down the road, that I love to see on a daily basis. They make me laugh, and when the dogs are with me, they truly have their own language that makes me stand there in total AWE, watching the interaction between species. Animals really do have a language of their own. It is a seperate, yet extremely important topic of discussion for me. More for another blog.

I know this sounds so corny and whatever-ish, but I came upon so many things that took me to another place and time. I'm gonna name them, cuz I want to, and because it made me so darn excited, more than any, any, any thing, in such a long time!! I saw an amazing butterfly............ it was sucking juice out of a beautiful purple flower. I tried to take a picture but no bueno. I had 10 minutes of sheet amazement. Colors, movements, fragility, and just nature, before me, talking to me.

I saw two snakes. One really colorful, like a salt water fish, but a snake. Again, so mad my  camera on my Iphone wasn't working. Argh!  The other snake was cool, but I don't know what kind, but real different looking and interesting. Didn't look harmful. Then, major cardinals along the way. I mean, I literally was singing to them, and darn if I could remember the tune that, last month, we had down, together, doing this dance that we did, with how they call, and then I repeated it. Oh, well. I tried, but it wasn't the same.

Tons of Road Runners.

Have you ever REALLY watched a Road Runner? And no, I am not talking about the Looney Tunes Road Runner, although, it is pretty hysterical, the correlation.

They are completely spotted, at least this one, who hangs out regularly as if I had Espresso and Croissants  for him every morning.

They have a certain call too. They almost sound like Woodpeckers, but a tad bit different.

I started to feel like a baby, I swear. I was so child like, started skipping and was wondering what was next.

Along the wires above me were birds that were so interesting, I could've stood there for days. I saw different tails, different noises, and movements, but knew they were specific for that type of breed. Next time I bring my binoculars and recorder.

Rabbits were jumping out of the bushes, little babies........... and although I didn't see this guy, there was a deer behind the bushes, making a sound that I know, Oh, so well, and I stood there listening to his....... whatever you call it, his call, his .........well, I don't know what to call it............

A total wonderment ..........

For someone who has very little time off, the time I want to spend, is in...........Nature! It keeps me fresh, alive, innocent, and grateful for simplicity. For the gems that you cannot buy, you cannot succeed to get this kind of don't need a degree to be grateful for life, in it's raw state.

My very thoughts were, "Nature, in it's own right, deflects Fear!"

I went from wondering how I was going to figure this out, or that out, how this was going to happen, or that, and it all drifted away, and the REAL REALITY came forth, which, made it easier and more digestible to understand the ABC's of what we need, or have to do, on a daily basis, to live, and be responsible, and privy to what is going on.

When you see things from an objective place, and a real place, it makes it so much easier to move forward and do what you need to do, to move ahead. Nothing really changes, just your perspective.

So much more can happen, and be accomplished, if there is objectivity, and a lightness in it.

Hay, I have tons of things happening in my life, and if it weren't for my days like this, I would probably believe the bogus thoughts that my head drums up.

It is all a bunch of crap!

We deserve precious moments like this! We are so totally innocent and no different than the butterfly, the caterpillar, the cardinal, or the snake, donkey or horse!

My walk really was intoxicating! I dunno, I'm weird like this.

I am so particular with what happens on my days off.

There aren't many hours, and the hours that ARE available are spent with what I love most.

This is one! And.......on top of the list!


I'm good!

Grilled some good food.........

I'm ok..............

Life is simple and good!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfectly gorgeous day. You forgot all of your worries and fears and luxuriated in your walk. Wow, what an awesome thing to be able to do! I love it when that happens. My walks on the beach or to the cliff over looking the beach, can do that to me too!
