Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, I have had several issues these last few weeks with any kind of communicado. Phone, computer, blog, you name'd think Mercury was in Retrograde, but I have a funny feeling, it wasn't.

I haven't been able to write on my blog for reasons unknown, although I think that problem is fixed, tonight.

I thought the problem was fixed last night, and I went ahead and wrote an entire long, passionate blog, and as I moved  my fingers toward the Publish Post, all went blank, and all that was left on my screen was an R.....and an E.......... the rest of my blog had disappeared into the ether's. I have no idea where it went to, and several people have tried to help me find it, but........... again, like a woman taking her car to a mechanic, you have to trust the people that are in charge of this kinda stuff, pay your money, and hope they didn't scam you to death.

Just in case, this gets deleted, I am only writing a short little note, ( my short......anyway), to let you all know that, whether or not  you read this, it does happen to be the highlight of my days, and I never really think......"Who is going to read this?" I write and send.

There are tons of things happening, at least in my head anyway, maybe not so much on the outside, but things, nevertheless, that I would love to share, but I am not feeling so sure about my computer and how this will even be sent, or not sent tonight, so I am going to leave you with this much.

It doesn't take much to make me happy. I am pretty simple. This blog makes me happy, my dogs make me happy, and hmmmmm..............a few more goodies, but I'll save them for another blog.

I'm pretty darn grateful for my days and moments.

There are people that I miss, greatly, and hopefully they will be in  my life again soon............ if not, I learn to chalk things up as, IT WAS WHAT IT WAS, AND THEN MOVE ON.  Always a hard one! Uhh, kind of a big one!

There are so many nuances, so many stories, and moments to share.

Let's just see if this actually makes it to you, untainted. If it does, we'll both hopefully look forward to another blog, about what, we don't know.

Thank you for supporting me, my writings and my journey.

I feel completely blessed..............I really do!

For those of you who I have not seen in quite some time, know that you are missed tremendously, and that I think of you daily............... wishing you were in my life just a bit more.

Enjoy this cricket filled, star lit, windy, warm, beautiful night.

I better get to bed, it is an unusualy early morning for me. I'm so used to nights.............. tomorrow, I'm a day girl.

Love to you all,

Hope this makes it's way to you................


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