Monday, August 30, 2010

NOTHING sustainable






Sunday, August 29, 2010

RELATIONSHIP... me, is only needed because most people cannot bare to be alone! They are afraid, and actually won't even give themselves the chance to see or feel, who they really are, without a relationship. I'm not saying they don't naturally want one, because we all do, for the most part, but to never experience being alone, out of a fear, is missing out on the most exquisite time of your life.

Being along is almost a must, before entering into a relationship, to be able to feel and be whole, before embarking on such a committed road, one that I think is like walking a tight rope. Not just some fly by night thing that you think is good because, well..........just because you think so, and the mood was right.

Being clear on who you are, and where you are is almost imperative. Sometimes the relationships we think we want to embark on, are really just passing thoughts, or dreams, of sorts, but when it comes down to the bare bones, a lot of times, it wasn't what we actually wanted anyway, and then we get stuck for years, or months in something we could kick ourselves for later on.

It takes a lot of thinking, sorting, and being smart. Not insecure, or needy.

A lot of people get caught up in sex and think that is the main key in a relationship.
If I could possibly scream from the mountain tops that society has this all wrong, I would. I don't have a mountain in front of me, but I can do it from my deck which will reach maybe, all of Lakeway, but that is about it, I'm not a screamer.

I listen to all of these psychologists talk about this and that as far as "getting your groove back" for couples who are "supposedly lacking" in their sex lives. "Go get a pretty lace teddy"!  GOD IT JUST KILLS ME!


You are lacking in COMMUNION with your partner. Wanting to know this person beyond sex. Looking beyond the body, and what is expected in a "relationship".
There are so many twists and turns. What are you needing and why? Why put so much pressure on someone else for YOUR  NEEDS? WHY AREN'T YOUR NEEDS MET? It is not for someone else to fulfill!
That is up to you.

Why aren't you satisfied? Your partner should be icing on the cake!

I know that when I feel totally fulfilled on my own, I am not wanting a single thing from anyone, which has left me bewildered in my own life, only because of how we were brought up to think.

I ask myself all the time, "Why do you love being alone so much?" Is it normal? Everyone else is doing this or that, and here I am going home every night alone, and couldn't be happier. ( I have my rare  moments,but for the most part, God, I'm good, so, so, good!
Life inside couldn't be better, in comparison, and it truly makes me wonder if this is my road, it feels so good.

To me, unless you are centered, really centered, unless you know who you are, you cannot possibly relate. A relationship that goes on without self knowledge, to me, is just a  huge illusion, and a fantasy, all of which I  have experienced, and too, have loved, but always, always, am left feeling empty, and feeling as if I am missing something.

Like everything I think there is a balance, and who really knows what is good for you? "What is good for the goose, may not be good for the gander".

I look at my own life, up and close, and do what I need to do, stop when I need to stop, and proceed with caution in other areas.

I am not perfect by any stretch of the means.

I just keep on keepin on.

I study what it is that I am passionate about. I pick and choose what works for me, and what doesn't and march forward.

I don't think, within all subject matters, that what works for you, must work for another. It isn't that way.

A diet plan that works for one, may not work for another. Everyone has their own set of circumstances.

It's all individual!

I simply say, "Do what is right for you, not what "seems right", or "correct". Just do what feels authentically good and move from there. I don't really think you can make a bad choice there.

If you don't want things to be expected of you, than watch your own expectations.

We all have'em.

It gets tricky!

It really is a classroom that has no grade, but one that lets us know, daily, that we can either succeed, or "fail".

To me, there is never a failing, just a learning!

No one, no one, EVER, EVER FAILS TO ME!

We are all a work in progress!

I know I am............

I am so grateful to learn, over and over again, until something moves into a  place that seems good for me. Not what is "right", or what is supposed to be, but what FEELS GOOD to me.

Only I can make that call!

Only YOU can make that call.............No one else!

















And make your life worth writing about someday!

Love to you,

Saturday, August 28, 2010


You have to be willing to try something new, be willing to let go and be intuitive enough to to know when the time is right, and then take a risk toward that thing you are wanting so badly, but cannot seem to get.

Do what it is that your heart yearns for, no matter what it is. No one can tell you that what you want is "right or wrong". This is your life and you can do what the heck you want with it before you get old and grey and regretful that you hadn't done anything because it "wasn't right" or "correct" or what everyone else was doing.

Get to it! Hurry.......slowly........ and enjoy this life and what it has to offer.

If it makes your heart skip a beat, then you are headed in the right direction.

You'll  never get there if you don't see it clearly in your mind first, then set out and take one step in that direction everyday........





I'm right here beside you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I cannot stop thinking of Africa tonight. It has been a few years since I have been there, and to tell you the truth, within all of my life's situations, the one thing that has kept me alive and positive is knowing that I am going to do some incredible work in Africa. That is just  my little spin on it. I call it incredible because I know what the outcome will be, surely not because I think I am some great thing. I just know that when my heart is passionate about something, and especially if it feels deep, and karmic, it will get done! I believe in myself and my focus, that much. I never have any qualms about achieving things. I think we achieve anything that we innately believe in enough to naturally attract that very thing.

So many people tell me how resourceful I am, yet, I feel like I am just this ordinary girl who knows very little computer, but really, my quality for being resourceful always comes down to loving the very thing I am being resourceful about.

"Oh, Gabriela, you could be the best sales person". You should be in realistate, you should do this or that. The bottom line for me is, it isn't difficult to sell things that you naturally believe in. Now if I am trying to sell you a darn vacuum cleaner, than I would be a big bull if you ask me about herbs, or supplements, or anything really that I know will do you good, or that I am passionate about, like Italian food, or food, in general, or  helping people because, we can..... no matter what, then I will talk to you till the cows come home, and not cuz I want to sell you something, but because I actually believe in it, and think it will do you good in some form or fashion. Good for you and for the recipient. Everyone wins kinda situation.

I pan back on my time in Africa. I wanted more time.........more time. One moment there, freezes you and you want to take one week to digest one moment. I have my shoulda, coulda woulda list. Trust me!

There is a different life, one that is pure, real, and so bare bones that it takes you to the core of your natural being and allows you to forget all of the insane luxuries that we throw around like we are so rich, so rich in gold!

It really isn't just that. There is something to be said about hard work. Labor. Making due with what is available, and realizing that it really isn't too, too shabby.
Having mango trees outside of your door, isn't too shabby. Having bananas at your doorstep isn't too shabby. Beans, vegetables and meat. What are we missing? I mean, am I MISSING SOMETHING?

Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I am missing the "Froot Loops" or the "Lucky Charms"........ (that might have changed within the last 20 years, I have no idea what cereal is today). Count Chocula? Boo Berry? Four score and how many years ago?

People aren't enmeshed in games, TV, Iphones, and all else that occupies our time.

Kids have other means of being happy, like playing, or learning how to make things, doing crafts, creating costumes........... using their mind to make things creative. Finding food, Honoring food, serving food, and giving food the ultimate acknowledgement that it deserves, instead of scarfing down some spaghetti and meatballs.

They have a relationship with the food that sustains them. They don't just inhale something that they are hungry for.

For children in Africa, they are taught to acknowledge food, for it is what gives them life. Without the food source, what would we be?

I am not downing us, or our way. I am just saying that there is an amazing way that we could  maybe adopt as part or our culture, instead of being so "selfish" and luxury oriented.

I wish, for our society, that we were as passionate about how we actually got our food, than to wonder how crispy our tater tots are.

I have spent quality time away from here, enough to know that I have learned a different way to be, and to appreciate our luxuries.

I don't think I actually have to go to Africa to realize this, but I must say, being there, gave me a new life!
A reverence for my life, my breath, and for the natural things that are in my life that may seem "above and beyond".

I am soooooooooooooo soooooooooooooo grateful for my life, the availability of crops, game, dairy, vegetables, and anything beyond that is of the utmost luxury.

I thank the heavens above for giving me the quality of life and the strength of the body, itself, through food, water, and whatever else is readily available to us.

We are so, so lucky!

Do we really realize this?


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You will start seeing things as if they are just temporary.

The cantaloupe in front of me is temporary.
The kitchen cabinets, this house, my books, my furniture, my dogs.........yes, all of just temporary.

Everything, really, is temporary! I know that is kind of a bad word to many, or confusing, but really, we are never certain about how long things will last, so I take it as being a smart way of looking at things.

It feels as if it is a constant mourning, yet it enables us to be amazingly happy, if we choose, with what IS in each of our moments.

It is a learning of the "bitter sweet", and when really acknowledged for what it is, in Truth, becomes an extension of a love that is unexplainable, and when gotten, you find  yourself mesmerized by the enormity of it's worth, and therefor, keep on searching until you find some sort of rest, or completion within the thought of it all.


Monday, August 23, 2010


Whatever it is that you choose as your way of connecting to something greater, or higher, or deeper, is the most beautiful shelter, especially when you feel that the world is too much for you, or things just don't seem to let up, or whatever it is that keeps you from feeling whole, or 100% in a kind of joy that you know, only comes from experiencing that greatness.
You can always take a bath there, feel renewed, refreshed, and able to get back into those places that are difficult, or trying, with a new perspective, and more of an objective view for you to gain more clarity.

If we are continuously accepting our fears, not dodging them, then, we are fearless. It is not a question of being brave. It is simply seeing into the facts of life, and realizing that all of our fears are normal.

If we step up and expose ourselves, all that is unreal for us, will fall away. It almost HAS TO because the unreal cannot remain in the open. It can remain only in secrecy, only in darkness.

In prayer, or meditation, there is a single focal point that naturally allows all negativity and false things to fall to the way side, and again, there is an objectivity that happens, and if we can try to keep that objectivity once we get back "out there", we will always be staying true to what we innately know is good for us.

It is definitely a practice and one that once you get the hang of, is so contagious, especially when you see how your life just starts paving it's own way, according to how you REALLY WANT TO LIVE, instead of just taking what you think life is offering. You DO HAVE A SAY YA KNOW.

Paint on your canvas the very picture you want to see. Draw it out in your head, on paper......whatever it takes to actually see it clearly.

Take some alone time and be quiet. Let all of those things settle into your consciousness, and then leave it alone. It's out there now. As long as you are genuine and pure with your intentions, there is no way that those things you want won't come to you.

They will, I promise.

And if for some reason they don't, just wait a bit longer, more than likely you will get what you wanted with extra trimmings.......MORE THAN WHAT YOU ASKED FOR.........AND BETTER!!

Whatever it is that you do, to feel "holy", to feel connected, and not so caught up, take it with you everywhere you go, and bask in it, and know that you will always be taken care of, with no strings attached, in that place where no one else resides, but YOU!


Sunday, August 22, 2010


I dreamt of you
last night.

When I opened
my eyes

the morning

I layed

I carry
with me

all throughout
my days.

You may
or may not
know it

but any extra
beam of light

or contagious



for some
you feel it

and know
I am right

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Love beyond yourself.
has no
rhyme or
It just
If you are loving
than you will
your heart
in it's entirety.
I think it is
the why's
the should's
the shouldn'ts
the colors and
that the heart
and no longer
can we be full
in the enormity
of something
so grand

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

IN MEMORY OF...........

My beautiful, sweet mother, who I, (for lack of any kind of words) miss so terribly!
Today is my mothers birthday, and it almost seemed so weird that I worked. It was an odd day too, because my schedule had changed and the day just seemed off, and different.
I had text my brothers and sister and they were all going to her grave, bringing flowers and cards, and I had spent some time in the morning meditating, and taking the morning to just be quiet, and to honor her on her day. It was a morning filled with so much emotion, and all day it stayed with me.
Her birthday always hit me so hard because I felt so incredibly lucky to have been born. Just born!
My mom had a very difficult time with her pregnancy with me, and she almost lost me. The very last second after the doctor had said she was going to lose me, I had miraculously turned around and she was able to deliver me.
They called me the "Miracle Baby" and she swears that God had delivered her an angel for reasons that we later decided happened for both of us, in a very spiritual way.

I usually go get her favorite flowers and bring them to the place I have sectioned out in my garden for her, sort of a memorial ground.

I  have her favorite things out there, and there is a bench that I sit on everyday, in the garden, even if it is just for a second, to talk to her.

Everyday when I wake up I think of her, no fail. At night, before I close my eyes, she is there, and I share my thoughts and dreams, and anything really, just like we used to.

We used to talk about any and everything. Even as a kid, there was nothing, not one thing, that we couldn't talk about. All doors were open.

Every year I would sing the same silly song, on the phone usually, since I always lived in another city or state.
So she would just chime in with me, and be just as silly, and we'd laughhhhhhhhhhhhh! Then I'd say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM", and then she would say........... ( she is Italian now so you gotta put the accent to it) AHHHHHH, "Honey, it's just another day". And I would say, "yea, you are right", but still!!!

I cannot believe it has been almost 3 years since she has passed. It seems like just yesterday my sister and I were in the ICU unit, trying to make her laugh by tap dancing for her. Janet and I would always make her laugh by imitating each other. My sister was always the dancer and graceful one. Me? I was the tomboy who was always lifting weights and boxing. So sometimes when we would be at Moms house, she would be sitting on the couch and Janet and I would do these skits. I would be her, and she would be me, and we would put on these little "shows" to make her laugh. God, she would laugh and call us "simpletons", but always wanted us to do more. It was so awesome to see her cry from laughing so hard at us and with us.
Our house was never, ever, short of humor. We are a funny clan. My mom had the best sense of humor. In all ways.

One year for Halloween she dressed up as Frito Bandito. No one knew it was her, and actually, she went around to local places in our neighborhood and wound up winning first prize.

She was an actress and a singer. She studied theatre and was in a singing group called the "Belltones". She sang in New York.

Both my sister and I took on her creativity and passions.

My sister, like my mom, played the piano when she was younger, and always had an affinity towards the theatre, film, and acting. To me, my sister is a natural, like my mom.
I, too, moved to California to be an actress, and to study film. Writing and the arts will always be in my blood.

She raised 5 kids on her own. I bow to that! I just cannot say that enough!

My  mom returned to school for psychology in between raising us. She was amazingly passionate about the soul, the workings of the mind, and also, the beyond! She was incredibly drawn to the mysteries of life, and was drawn to many people outside of the "norm".

One night while we were on our way to Philadelphia to my modeling class, I glanced up and literally saw a UFO. No if ands or butts. It was blazing and right in front of our faces. We pulled over and got out. We called 911 after spotting it. (Wish we had IPhones back then).
It was one of the most amazing experiences we had ever had together. After that, we were never the same. We both talked about our existence here, what we thought about it, and how we believed in the "beyond".

There are so many stories I could tell you about this amazing woman, so full of love, so full of compassion, so full of a light that only shines few and far between.

There is not a soul that did not love my mother.

Her heart was so, so pure, and yet, she was a regular woman, with her own issues, and all else that falls under the same category that we all face today.......... mishaps, divorce, and just regular life that happens.

She was a warrior! A deeply devoted warrior. No matter what happened in her world, she always BELIEVED and had FAITH in her "God". It always kept her good, no matter the situation.

Many a night, I lye in bed and think of her courage, and tenacity, and know that this is where I get my strength.
My mother has taught me the most beautiful lessons. The most incredible way to live, with, and without! To be without, is to be OK, and to have, is a luxury. It is OK to want, but to never forget where you came from, and to know that these things are just "things".
She would say, "If you always GIVE you will always HAVE!
I honestly, naturally live by that rule of thumb.

I found a sign that says that very thing and I bought it, and it sits on my stairs outside, next to my little Buddha.

It is my ultimate pleasure to give, and I thank her for that. It is THE MOST REWARDING THING TO ME.

I do think, on a regular basis, how we are taught so many things by our parents and how it molds us. Some things are amazing, and some things, maybe we need to work on.

I know I could never judge anyone who had a situation like my mom.

All I have to say is, "WHAT AN AMAZING WOMAN".

Up until the day she decided to leave us, I told her how incredibly amazing she was, and how much I looked up to her for being able to raise a family all on her own, and to be able to provide so much for us, and.......with a love that just doesn't come around that often.

She would say, " I know I couldn't give you all the goodies that you kids wanted, but one thing is for sure, is that I loved you kids like nothing other!"

I will say that is the closest to truth that you could come! I didn't have all of the new fangled toys and gifts, but I did know that my momma would be there for me with open arms at the end of the school day. Making pasta, having the family all together at dinner every night, and even if it "seemed" dysfunctional, I realize now, that it was more "functional and real" than most families. We were real, and we were honest about life, and the everyday things that transpire.
We talked about them, hashed them out, and too, hugged each other at the end of the day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much, for giving me life, for giving me the essence of who you are, and what you are about.
Today, they call it a hippie.
To me, love is love.
There is a genuineness that cannot be denied!
That genuineness Momma, you gave to me.

I will always give and love, as you did.

I don't want anything in return. The only thing that gets returned, generally, is that same love.
"You get what you give", is what you told me.

I believe that to be true.

I give and love because it is there, and it is real, and so, so natural.

Thank you for giving me the gift of life!

I am not looking to be anyone, but to be something,
that hopefully,
will make a difference
like you have,
in this vast, vast

I love you so so much Momma.

I hope you feel me today, as I feel you every day, and in all of my waking moments.

All of  my love to you,
Now and always,
Your little girl.................

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Take away carbohydrates, and we become genius!
Clear, light, alive, and more energy than you can imagine!

I truly am not the girl who says, " To get thin or to be healthy, is to take away all carbs".

Not true.

But what I will say is, " There is food that is ALIVE , that will aid in energy, aliveness, comfort, and clarity.

Protein and vegetables of all color.

Get purple, red, green,  yellow........... have fun cooking, and creating the things that will go inside of your body, that you know will only help you feel more alive and full in the amazing, amazing life that we have.

Jump into your own energy!! It's there for you to grab and to run with!

Have fun!

I am.

My little Tilapia and I.

( Salsa music helps too :)

I'm on it............. so, so on it!!

Love you guys.......

Stay focused.........

Hold each others hands...........

I am here!

Sunday, August 15, 2010


One of the most incredible lessons I  have learned is so very simple, yet, like walking a tight rope in the life of the "norm".

You have got to find a way to separate WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU WANT TO BE, from what the world and everyone else out there thinks you should be and wants you to be.

It is imperative, for the true happiness of your soul, to adhere to what you know in your heart, is true, and who you are and what you want to be.

It is not one other souls business, to interfere with that. If they want to judge, they can, but the bottom line is....... you are the captain of your own ship, and you paint, and color any shape or form, the picture you want, in the canvas of your own life.

Then, happiness is yours.

Certainly not by abiding by someone elses rule of thumb of how they think you should be or run your life.



Saturday, August 14, 2010


Like everyone else, leaders are products of this great stew of chemistry and circumstance. What distinguishes the leader from everyone else is that he takes all of that and makes himself~ all new and unique.

Stay your own individual self, and always follow your heart. It will take you to the edges of this existence, with great pride and a love you will never be able to articulate.

Love to all of you,

Friday, August 13, 2010


It's ok to be fearful
of the unknown.
It's smart to walk
into the
It's ok
to think twice
about making changes.
It's wise
to look
in all directions
before starting out
on a new road.
It's ok
to reconsider
and evaluate
some of your
It's good to let your
before you
your life
and your dreams.
Difficult times
require difficult
decisions to be made
and the easy answers
that once solved your
are no longer
the right answers.
Take some time
to really think about
what you want
Be honest
with yourself.
Ask yourself
you are truly
the way
you are
if you need
to make
Happiness comes
to those
who are willing
to believe in it
and who create
within their own
You deserve
to be happy.
You deserve
to be treated with
Your life should be
filled with good times
not troubled ones.
Take some time
and think
You'll be
at what you
wind up
thinking about!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today, I literally feel as if I am coming out of my skin. Like a snake, shedding it's skin.
Not all of the old skin is off yet, but the parts that have come off are leaving me feeling so renewed, physically and mentally.
I LOVE when expansion happens.
Limited thoughts become wide open rooms full of light, leaving so much to the imagination.
It's been allowing me to think BIG and to attain the things that I want in my life, in so many ways.
Opportunities are knocking and I feel like there really isn't any time to waste.
As soon as I find myself looking back for one second, it's as if someone is forcefully pulling me to keep running forward. That someone is ME. My intuition, my higher self, whatever you want to deem it. IT knows, and if I am on my game, I FOLLOW THAT BEFORE ANYTHING! It never fails me!
There's no time to look back on anything, except to remember what I don't want to repeat again, or create again, so I can evolve and not stay stuck in any kind of pattern that just hasn't worked for me.
It is the "fast lane" especially if I want to stay in that awareness that keeps things real and is right on the money with my desires, goals and my over all well being.
It is true, the old saying, "We create our own reality", so if something isn't right, I honestly can't blame anyone else. No one is forcing me to make my own personal decisions!
I constantly have to check in to see what I might need to change up.
I am also noticing ( and no huge surprise), is how easy it is to forget that if I am not taking care of  my health, there's no way I can possibly have the strength or the motivation to adhere to anything that may seem bigger than me, or just to get through daily life, for that matter, with all of it's stresses and what have you.
If I am looking to conquer some things, or have huge plans for myself, I ain't gonna be doin' it with late nights, and feeling like I am in a dark hole. I have got to muster up the time and the gusto to feel physically fit, eat well, and to think clearly to make things happen.
By far, I am no saint. I love my wine, my cheese, my pasta and bread, but still, it just doesn't keep me on top of my game. (damn it).
I want to be sharp as a tack! Nothing slipping between my toes.
If I know that I only have me to reach my goals than I better come up with some intelligent plan to master them!
I don't want to be riding on someone else's skirt tail to get things done, or wonder how life will be IF I have this or have that.
The thought process of it all is actually more work than actually doing it!
I hear people all day long........."Someday I'll live on the beach"....... Someday, I'll have that........ It is such a good reminder for me to know that I CAN HAVE THE THINGS I WANT IF I JUST START NOW!
It's hard to cut the ties that leave us feeling bound to one thing or another, be it a thought, a person, a house, a job........
If I can stand strong in that heavy current, move with it at all times, than I know I will have kissed this life so passionately, and caressed every little nook and cranny in the sweetest of ways.

Monday, August 9, 2010


One thing I love the most is the beauty in watching physical transformation happen. It's almost as if the inner transformation has to happen first. I mean, there really does have to be a certain type of mindset to even allow any kind of physical transformation to happen, especially if it is a significant change.

Since I was a kid, I was always involved in sports, nutrition and any  kind of activity that would allow me to compete with myself. I always wanted physical strength, and probably because I had 2 older brothers that negated the fact that I was a girl, and went ahead and made me their younger "brother" anyway, has been a huge blessing in my life, for many, many reasons.

I am not someone who is afraid of taking care of herself, or protecting herself.
They taught me to box at a very early age, which has grown into a huge passion for me to this day. They taught me karate, and every other move that anyone would need to know if they were in a situation to defend themselves.
Then, I thought...........Wow....... they are intense. I certainly wasn't looking for my dolls, (if I even had any), but the intense "training" that I received was not really understood then, but now? I can't even tell you how it has molded so much of my personality, and how grateful I am for such training.
As a kid, I used it to defend myself in many situations, up until I was a young teen.

After that, I used it for fitness, and also to alleviate any kind of stress, and honestly, for the complete love and joy of being physical, and the rewards of expending such amazing energy that gets pent up just on a regular basis, with no dramas happening, just life, at it's best, needing a bit of a release.

I wound up starting the first weight lifting class in our school. I challenged the guys and was right beside them doing pull ups and calling them out to little competitions to see if I could win. Pretty hilarious just thinking about it.

In 10th grade, I had a few people ask me to help them with their diet and put them on a running program. ( I ran cross country and ran 5-10 miles a day then. Crazy girl!

By the time I got out of high school I became so in love with fitness but never thought to make a living from it, although I had all of my mothers friends on fitness and diet regimes, my co-workers and friends. It was just something I was good at and loved helping people reach their goals.

It wasn't until years later when I thought I probably need to make a little bit of money doing this since all of my time was spent making programs and training people how to stay fit.

When I noticed how people were changing physically, it turned me on so much, to actually see my intuitive advice go to work.......I LOVED IT~

To make a lonnnnnnnnnnnng story short........... this had become my passion. To mold peoples bodies to their liking, to help people reach their fitness goals, or just health goals, even if it wasn't to look a certain way, but maybe to feel better, have more energy, and to eleviate any pain or discomfort.

Somehow this gene was implanted in me without me knowing because no one really taught me the why's and how's but it was there and it has helped so many people, and , myself.

One of the most incredible things is to watch a body transform. To then know that to transform a body, one must transform the mind, is just such a seduction for me.

It is a training ground. I do believe we can overcome anything! I have theory after theory. We all get stuck and have insecurities, but with the right "vehicle", we can transform ourselves into the exact thing that we want. We just have to be detectives, and search out the right people to guide us, and too, for us to be willing enough to do some homework ourselves, and to be humble enough to listen.

I have taken some people on some physical treks that they thought were impossible, and some, can't even believe that they have lost 8 sizes, or have completely changed their way of eating. This, to me, is monumental.

It takes a trust. There is never, ever a judgement on anyone, for where they are physically, or mentally. We all need a starting ground.

I have the utmost compassion for the ones who want to change, and come to me open hearted, and vulnerable with their issues. To the ones, who have said, "I just don't know how to do this on my own," and are willing to listen and go the extra mile, are the ones that will make the biggest headway back to their original selves, or, to the self that they have longed for.

I am watching several people in my life, transform before my eyes. They are doing such amazing jobs at making physical change fun, and adhering to things I tell them, so that they can enjoy themselves and feel whole, and beautiful again.

The body is such a sensitive subject for all of us, in one way or the other.

To me, there is no "perfect body".

Some of the most amazing people who I have been attracted to, have not been physically fit.

I don't think it is about the physical, but what is incredible is to see someone that goes beyond what they think they are, big, little, whatever it is, and they have a confidence about them that exudes surety of the human spirit. THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!

If you want to lose weight, that is great, but too, if you are heavy, or somewhat overweight, and you are ok with that, than be ok with that, and walk in that confidence.

It takes a lot to be humble enough to tell someone you need help with your body. I totally understand that.

It is something that I am most sensitive to, and will never judge.

I am  honoring all of the people in my life right now that are trusting in me, and allowing me to do what I love and do best............ I want to help you all transform, from the inside out.

For the ones that are making significant changes, I bow to you, for your perserverance, your belief in me, your belief that the physical is not something to be afraid of, and that it is something to embrace, and love, and to have fun with.

Just as we shouldn't take life so seriously, so we shouldn't take these bodies so seriously, and too, for granted.

They do serve as amazing hosts, and charming concierges, for our "nights on the town" in our own eclectic lives.

Take good care of this frame, after all, it's the only one we have.

I'm not sayin' "Don't have fun"...........I'm sayin.........we are darn lucky, so be aware!

Give kudo's if you are changing.........and paying extra attention.

It makes a difference!

Give a little extra love and compassion for where you are, with your body, and then access where you want to go with it.

Physical change is amazing, are ready!!

I love you all and are so proud of you for going the extra mile!



Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'M BACK......... I'M BACK!

I can't even tell you how awesome it feels to be back in my groove, my natural skin. The one that does any and everything that she loves. Comes and goes as she loves. My moments are detailed, now, to exactly how I like them. My days, my time, my every last moments are what I love, and how I want them. It has taken a long time to get back to this point.
When you get into a relationship things really change. There are so many awesome things about being comfortable in a relationship, and too, NOT being in one.

I know we can do whatever we want at any time, no matter what is happening, or who we are with. But the bottom line for me is, that when I am not involved, there is a razor sharp edge that keeps me so on target, and allows me to do so many things that normally, would just get coated over, or really, done half assed, or  not really the way I would do it, probably because of time sake, or just the mere fact that you have to consider someone else, and what their needs are. I mean things as simple as, "I want to go out for dinner", and I'd rather be writing most of my nights, making my own dinner. Don't get me wrong, I love considering someone else,  but somehow, when there is something that you think needs more attention, or should I say just as much attention as your partner, it becomes hairy.

Being THAT focused requires a lot of time alone, a lot of focus and I guess if there was someone that understood THAT much, and didn't require much of "me", than it would be great, but the amount of focus and time that I see I need, people get ancy and well............ this is not what my blog was originally about.

Well kind of.

After being in a relationship for 6 years, and coming out of it, and digesting what the heck actually happened, and adjusting to a new a different life, I have found that I absolutely adore, and love my life like you wouldn't believe!

I have returned to the ME that I know and love. The one that is healthy, loves exercise, great food, healthy food, bad food, in moderation, heee, spending tons of time in nature and with animals, my animals, animals outdoors, picking my music that keeps me alive, being quiet, reading, making awesome food, loving people without having to apologize for my passions, having people over to eat, and share conversation, good wine, and food.........god, so many things, that just work without having to ask, or hope that someone else will be OK with the things that come so natural and that are so innocent and healthy. No jealousies, no tantrums, just me...... doing what I love, for me and for others. Not only do I benefit, but others benefit from my natural joy of doing and being........ seriously!People thank me and I'm like, "FOR WHAT?" This is just the way it is.....isn't life great? To know that we can have a blast, enjoying life, in all of it's simplicity and go home smiling from ear to ear? I mean, I did tonight. Really, almost every day, I am grinning from ear to ear! It is almost contagious! I watch people, their reactions to my excitement of something as little as greeting them at the door.
When we are doing what we love, and doing things that we know are right on for us, and that keep us alive, it spreads like wildfire!
I could come out of my skin right now......... it is that feeling of YES............YES.............. My heart is so damn full!

I am not willing to give that up for anyone or anything!

I want to share the ME that is so in love with the innocence that comes along with just "being", and too, the intelligence that comes along with staying true to yourself, and acutely intuitive with what IS, and steering my life adhering to that formula. It's my own homemade formula that has always worked for me since I was a kid. No book has to tell me how to be true to me. If I give myself enough quiet time, I hear what that is. No book can tell me what I am passionate about. They can, though, lead me to greener pastures, that is for sure.
Which is why I love reading.
Let me be the sponge that I am for knowledge and Truth.

I am so happy to be back in my original skin. It's so funny. The way I am mapping out my life is no different than when I was a kid. It's truly wild how that all is.
All of the hobbies, the interests, the passions are all the freakin same since I was 4 and 5.
I think that is such a phenomenon. I really do!

I am so fascinated by the human way. The heart. The passionate soul. The patterns of nature. The psyche. And mostly, how we are so innately led by our heart, even if we don't call it that, or see it as that.


Friday, August 6, 2010


Reach out to someone today.
Doesn't matter what it is, what it's for,
just reach out, give someone a hand
listen for awhile
instead of talking
Offer money if you have it
offer your time
a service
or just anything
that may do some good
to someone
who you know
needs it.
I promise you
it will take you
from where you are
to another place
that allows you
to forget
what is happening
in your
and will
your heart
in ways that


Thursday, August 5, 2010


My sole purpose
is to take care of
the qualities
that I can take
with me
These qualities
They are my
I can
be solid
know that

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We all move
on the
are sometimes

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We're being trained
through our
to seek
to seek
trained to see
in all

Monday, August 2, 2010


I love staring fear in the face!

I always think it's gonna be this big ol' heavy weight match, and then I get in the "ring", and I always wind up kicking it's ass!

I don't need no freakin' gloves!

Pssshhhh. I ain't scared a you!


Sunday, August 1, 2010


To me, there are two types of creative people.

There are those who think that their work is superior to everyone else's.
These people talk about their work and their art all the time.
They look down on people for not appreciating their "masterpieces"
and they are jealous and condescending towards anyone's work that is accepted.
These creative people are usually unsuccessful artists simply because their high opinion
of themselves
and their work
gets in their way.

Then there are those
who think that their work is important
mostly in terms of their own self satisfaction.
They talk a lot less
and create a lot more than the other type of person.
They work very hard
and they appreciate other people's feelings
towards them
their work.
These creative people are usually
successful artists
because their realistic opinion of themselves
lets them work and grow past obstacles.



The more
The more