Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today, I literally feel as if I am coming out of my skin. Like a snake, shedding it's skin.
Not all of the old skin is off yet, but the parts that have come off are leaving me feeling so renewed, physically and mentally.
I LOVE when expansion happens.
Limited thoughts become wide open rooms full of light, leaving so much to the imagination.
It's been allowing me to think BIG and to attain the things that I want in my life, in so many ways.
Opportunities are knocking and I feel like there really isn't any time to waste.
As soon as I find myself looking back for one second, it's as if someone is forcefully pulling me to keep running forward. That someone is ME. My intuition, my higher self, whatever you want to deem it. IT knows, and if I am on my game, I FOLLOW THAT BEFORE ANYTHING! It never fails me!
There's no time to look back on anything, except to remember what I don't want to repeat again, or create again, so I can evolve and not stay stuck in any kind of pattern that just hasn't worked for me.
It is the "fast lane" especially if I want to stay in that awareness that keeps things real and is right on the money with my desires, goals and my over all well being.
It is true, the old saying, "We create our own reality", so if something isn't right, I honestly can't blame anyone else. No one is forcing me to make my own personal decisions!
I constantly have to check in to see what I might need to change up.
I am also noticing ( and no huge surprise), is how easy it is to forget that if I am not taking care of  my health, there's no way I can possibly have the strength or the motivation to adhere to anything that may seem bigger than me, or just to get through daily life, for that matter, with all of it's stresses and what have you.
If I am looking to conquer some things, or have huge plans for myself, I ain't gonna be doin' it with late nights, and feeling like I am in a dark hole. I have got to muster up the time and the gusto to feel physically fit, eat well, and to think clearly to make things happen.
By far, I am no saint. I love my wine, my cheese, my pasta and bread, but still, it just doesn't keep me on top of my game. (damn it).
I want to be sharp as a tack! Nothing slipping between my toes.
If I know that I only have me to reach my goals than I better come up with some intelligent plan to master them!
I don't want to be riding on someone else's skirt tail to get things done, or wonder how life will be IF I have this or have that.
The thought process of it all is actually more work than actually doing it!
I hear people all day long........."Someday I'll live on the beach"....... Someday, I'll have that........ It is such a good reminder for me to know that I CAN HAVE THE THINGS I WANT IF I JUST START NOW!
It's hard to cut the ties that leave us feeling bound to one thing or another, be it a thought, a person, a house, a job........
If I can stand strong in that heavy current, move with it at all times, than I know I will have kissed this life so passionately, and caressed every little nook and cranny in the sweetest of ways.

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