Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You will start seeing things as if they are just temporary.

The cantaloupe in front of me is temporary.
The kitchen cabinets, this house, my books, my furniture, my dogs.........yes, all of just temporary.

Everything, really, is temporary! I know that is kind of a bad word to many, or confusing, but really, we are never certain about how long things will last, so I take it as being a smart way of looking at things.

It feels as if it is a constant mourning, yet it enables us to be amazingly happy, if we choose, with what IS in each of our moments.

It is a learning of the "bitter sweet", and when really acknowledged for what it is, in Truth, becomes an extension of a love that is unexplainable, and when gotten, you find  yourself mesmerized by the enormity of it's worth, and therefor, keep on searching until you find some sort of rest, or completion within the thought of it all.



  1. For me, the other beauty in seeing things as temporary is that it helps me let of all my stress and anxiety of some things in my life (like my job, paying bills on time, etc) that are really not a big deal, but I make them a big, stressful deal. If I view them as temporary and fleeting, it's easier to keep them in perspective :^)

  2. It is so true. When I was about 19 I stumbled upon a book by Tich Nat Hahn. It was called Practicing Mindfulness.
    It taught you how to train your mind not to go past the very second that you were in. If you were walking then he said to listen to your footsteps, be mindful of just walking. If you were eating than just concentrate on chewing. No multi-tasking. It was the hardest teaching ever to learn how not to go past this very second, but everyday, I went out with my dog to the park, and would bring that book, and practice not letting any other thoughts in accept for what was happening for me in the moment. It changed my entire life, and after that, I devoted my life to my spirituality, and learning how to stay present with any and everything, in order to stay peaceful in the midst of such a crazy world, and too, to be able to handle anything that comes my way. Fears are fears, and there are the most incredible ways to deal with them, if you are willing to walk that razor sharp edge ;)
