Sunday, August 8, 2010

I'M BACK......... I'M BACK!

I can't even tell you how awesome it feels to be back in my groove, my natural skin. The one that does any and everything that she loves. Comes and goes as she loves. My moments are detailed, now, to exactly how I like them. My days, my time, my every last moments are what I love, and how I want them. It has taken a long time to get back to this point.
When you get into a relationship things really change. There are so many awesome things about being comfortable in a relationship, and too, NOT being in one.

I know we can do whatever we want at any time, no matter what is happening, or who we are with. But the bottom line for me is, that when I am not involved, there is a razor sharp edge that keeps me so on target, and allows me to do so many things that normally, would just get coated over, or really, done half assed, or  not really the way I would do it, probably because of time sake, or just the mere fact that you have to consider someone else, and what their needs are. I mean things as simple as, "I want to go out for dinner", and I'd rather be writing most of my nights, making my own dinner. Don't get me wrong, I love considering someone else,  but somehow, when there is something that you think needs more attention, or should I say just as much attention as your partner, it becomes hairy.

Being THAT focused requires a lot of time alone, a lot of focus and I guess if there was someone that understood THAT much, and didn't require much of "me", than it would be great, but the amount of focus and time that I see I need, people get ancy and well............ this is not what my blog was originally about.

Well kind of.

After being in a relationship for 6 years, and coming out of it, and digesting what the heck actually happened, and adjusting to a new a different life, I have found that I absolutely adore, and love my life like you wouldn't believe!

I have returned to the ME that I know and love. The one that is healthy, loves exercise, great food, healthy food, bad food, in moderation, heee, spending tons of time in nature and with animals, my animals, animals outdoors, picking my music that keeps me alive, being quiet, reading, making awesome food, loving people without having to apologize for my passions, having people over to eat, and share conversation, good wine, and food.........god, so many things, that just work without having to ask, or hope that someone else will be OK with the things that come so natural and that are so innocent and healthy. No jealousies, no tantrums, just me...... doing what I love, for me and for others. Not only do I benefit, but others benefit from my natural joy of doing and being........ seriously!People thank me and I'm like, "FOR WHAT?" This is just the way it is.....isn't life great? To know that we can have a blast, enjoying life, in all of it's simplicity and go home smiling from ear to ear? I mean, I did tonight. Really, almost every day, I am grinning from ear to ear! It is almost contagious! I watch people, their reactions to my excitement of something as little as greeting them at the door.
When we are doing what we love, and doing things that we know are right on for us, and that keep us alive, it spreads like wildfire!
I could come out of my skin right now......... it is that feeling of YES............YES.............. My heart is so damn full!

I am not willing to give that up for anyone or anything!

I want to share the ME that is so in love with the innocence that comes along with just "being", and too, the intelligence that comes along with staying true to yourself, and acutely intuitive with what IS, and steering my life adhering to that formula. It's my own homemade formula that has always worked for me since I was a kid. No book has to tell me how to be true to me. If I give myself enough quiet time, I hear what that is. No book can tell me what I am passionate about. They can, though, lead me to greener pastures, that is for sure.
Which is why I love reading.
Let me be the sponge that I am for knowledge and Truth.

I am so happy to be back in my original skin. It's so funny. The way I am mapping out my life is no different than when I was a kid. It's truly wild how that all is.
All of the hobbies, the interests, the passions are all the freakin same since I was 4 and 5.
I think that is such a phenomenon. I really do!

I am so fascinated by the human way. The heart. The passionate soul. The patterns of nature. The psyche. And mostly, how we are so innately led by our heart, even if we don't call it that, or see it as that.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you, this is nice. Glad you are back bone head! :)

    Now, when the hell you gonna make that wine?????
