Sunday, August 29, 2010

RELATIONSHIP... me, is only needed because most people cannot bare to be alone! They are afraid, and actually won't even give themselves the chance to see or feel, who they really are, without a relationship. I'm not saying they don't naturally want one, because we all do, for the most part, but to never experience being alone, out of a fear, is missing out on the most exquisite time of your life.

Being along is almost a must, before entering into a relationship, to be able to feel and be whole, before embarking on such a committed road, one that I think is like walking a tight rope. Not just some fly by night thing that you think is good because, well..........just because you think so, and the mood was right.

Being clear on who you are, and where you are is almost imperative. Sometimes the relationships we think we want to embark on, are really just passing thoughts, or dreams, of sorts, but when it comes down to the bare bones, a lot of times, it wasn't what we actually wanted anyway, and then we get stuck for years, or months in something we could kick ourselves for later on.

It takes a lot of thinking, sorting, and being smart. Not insecure, or needy.

A lot of people get caught up in sex and think that is the main key in a relationship.
If I could possibly scream from the mountain tops that society has this all wrong, I would. I don't have a mountain in front of me, but I can do it from my deck which will reach maybe, all of Lakeway, but that is about it, I'm not a screamer.

I listen to all of these psychologists talk about this and that as far as "getting your groove back" for couples who are "supposedly lacking" in their sex lives. "Go get a pretty lace teddy"!  GOD IT JUST KILLS ME!


You are lacking in COMMUNION with your partner. Wanting to know this person beyond sex. Looking beyond the body, and what is expected in a "relationship".
There are so many twists and turns. What are you needing and why? Why put so much pressure on someone else for YOUR  NEEDS? WHY AREN'T YOUR NEEDS MET? It is not for someone else to fulfill!
That is up to you.

Why aren't you satisfied? Your partner should be icing on the cake!

I know that when I feel totally fulfilled on my own, I am not wanting a single thing from anyone, which has left me bewildered in my own life, only because of how we were brought up to think.

I ask myself all the time, "Why do you love being alone so much?" Is it normal? Everyone else is doing this or that, and here I am going home every night alone, and couldn't be happier. ( I have my rare  moments,but for the most part, God, I'm good, so, so, good!
Life inside couldn't be better, in comparison, and it truly makes me wonder if this is my road, it feels so good.

To me, unless you are centered, really centered, unless you know who you are, you cannot possibly relate. A relationship that goes on without self knowledge, to me, is just a  huge illusion, and a fantasy, all of which I  have experienced, and too, have loved, but always, always, am left feeling empty, and feeling as if I am missing something.

Like everything I think there is a balance, and who really knows what is good for you? "What is good for the goose, may not be good for the gander".

I look at my own life, up and close, and do what I need to do, stop when I need to stop, and proceed with caution in other areas.

I am not perfect by any stretch of the means.

I just keep on keepin on.

I study what it is that I am passionate about. I pick and choose what works for me, and what doesn't and march forward.

I don't think, within all subject matters, that what works for you, must work for another. It isn't that way.

A diet plan that works for one, may not work for another. Everyone has their own set of circumstances.

It's all individual!

I simply say, "Do what is right for you, not what "seems right", or "correct". Just do what feels authentically good and move from there. I don't really think you can make a bad choice there.

If you don't want things to be expected of you, than watch your own expectations.

We all have'em.

It gets tricky!

It really is a classroom that has no grade, but one that lets us know, daily, that we can either succeed, or "fail".

To me, there is never a failing, just a learning!

No one, no one, EVER, EVER FAILS TO ME!

We are all a work in progress!

I know I am............

I am so grateful to learn, over and over again, until something moves into a  place that seems good for me. Not what is "right", or what is supposed to be, but what FEELS GOOD to me.

Only I can make that call!

Only YOU can make that call.............No one else!



  1. Totally awesome ... Loved every word

    And as for the mountain tops --- no you don't have one, BUT, you've got to have one of the most beautiful views in Lakeway

    Keep 'em coming

    TGIM ....As for the rest of this week ... We both already know it's going to be great!!!
