Monday, August 9, 2010


One thing I love the most is the beauty in watching physical transformation happen. It's almost as if the inner transformation has to happen first. I mean, there really does have to be a certain type of mindset to even allow any kind of physical transformation to happen, especially if it is a significant change.

Since I was a kid, I was always involved in sports, nutrition and any  kind of activity that would allow me to compete with myself. I always wanted physical strength, and probably because I had 2 older brothers that negated the fact that I was a girl, and went ahead and made me their younger "brother" anyway, has been a huge blessing in my life, for many, many reasons.

I am not someone who is afraid of taking care of herself, or protecting herself.
They taught me to box at a very early age, which has grown into a huge passion for me to this day. They taught me karate, and every other move that anyone would need to know if they were in a situation to defend themselves.
Then, I thought...........Wow....... they are intense. I certainly wasn't looking for my dolls, (if I even had any), but the intense "training" that I received was not really understood then, but now? I can't even tell you how it has molded so much of my personality, and how grateful I am for such training.
As a kid, I used it to defend myself in many situations, up until I was a young teen.

After that, I used it for fitness, and also to alleviate any kind of stress, and honestly, for the complete love and joy of being physical, and the rewards of expending such amazing energy that gets pent up just on a regular basis, with no dramas happening, just life, at it's best, needing a bit of a release.

I wound up starting the first weight lifting class in our school. I challenged the guys and was right beside them doing pull ups and calling them out to little competitions to see if I could win. Pretty hilarious just thinking about it.

In 10th grade, I had a few people ask me to help them with their diet and put them on a running program. ( I ran cross country and ran 5-10 miles a day then. Crazy girl!

By the time I got out of high school I became so in love with fitness but never thought to make a living from it, although I had all of my mothers friends on fitness and diet regimes, my co-workers and friends. It was just something I was good at and loved helping people reach their goals.

It wasn't until years later when I thought I probably need to make a little bit of money doing this since all of my time was spent making programs and training people how to stay fit.

When I noticed how people were changing physically, it turned me on so much, to actually see my intuitive advice go to work.......I LOVED IT~

To make a lonnnnnnnnnnnng story short........... this had become my passion. To mold peoples bodies to their liking, to help people reach their fitness goals, or just health goals, even if it wasn't to look a certain way, but maybe to feel better, have more energy, and to eleviate any pain or discomfort.

Somehow this gene was implanted in me without me knowing because no one really taught me the why's and how's but it was there and it has helped so many people, and , myself.

One of the most incredible things is to watch a body transform. To then know that to transform a body, one must transform the mind, is just such a seduction for me.

It is a training ground. I do believe we can overcome anything! I have theory after theory. We all get stuck and have insecurities, but with the right "vehicle", we can transform ourselves into the exact thing that we want. We just have to be detectives, and search out the right people to guide us, and too, for us to be willing enough to do some homework ourselves, and to be humble enough to listen.

I have taken some people on some physical treks that they thought were impossible, and some, can't even believe that they have lost 8 sizes, or have completely changed their way of eating. This, to me, is monumental.

It takes a trust. There is never, ever a judgement on anyone, for where they are physically, or mentally. We all need a starting ground.

I have the utmost compassion for the ones who want to change, and come to me open hearted, and vulnerable with their issues. To the ones, who have said, "I just don't know how to do this on my own," and are willing to listen and go the extra mile, are the ones that will make the biggest headway back to their original selves, or, to the self that they have longed for.

I am watching several people in my life, transform before my eyes. They are doing such amazing jobs at making physical change fun, and adhering to things I tell them, so that they can enjoy themselves and feel whole, and beautiful again.

The body is such a sensitive subject for all of us, in one way or the other.

To me, there is no "perfect body".

Some of the most amazing people who I have been attracted to, have not been physically fit.

I don't think it is about the physical, but what is incredible is to see someone that goes beyond what they think they are, big, little, whatever it is, and they have a confidence about them that exudes surety of the human spirit. THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!

If you want to lose weight, that is great, but too, if you are heavy, or somewhat overweight, and you are ok with that, than be ok with that, and walk in that confidence.

It takes a lot to be humble enough to tell someone you need help with your body. I totally understand that.

It is something that I am most sensitive to, and will never judge.

I am  honoring all of the people in my life right now that are trusting in me, and allowing me to do what I love and do best............ I want to help you all transform, from the inside out.

For the ones that are making significant changes, I bow to you, for your perserverance, your belief in me, your belief that the physical is not something to be afraid of, and that it is something to embrace, and love, and to have fun with.

Just as we shouldn't take life so seriously, so we shouldn't take these bodies so seriously, and too, for granted.

They do serve as amazing hosts, and charming concierges, for our "nights on the town" in our own eclectic lives.

Take good care of this frame, after all, it's the only one we have.

I'm not sayin' "Don't have fun"...........I'm sayin.........we are darn lucky, so be aware!

Give kudo's if you are changing.........and paying extra attention.

It makes a difference!

Give a little extra love and compassion for where you are, with your body, and then access where you want to go with it.

Physical change is amazing, are ready!!

I love you all and are so proud of you for going the extra mile!



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