Thursday, August 26, 2010


I cannot stop thinking of Africa tonight. It has been a few years since I have been there, and to tell you the truth, within all of my life's situations, the one thing that has kept me alive and positive is knowing that I am going to do some incredible work in Africa. That is just  my little spin on it. I call it incredible because I know what the outcome will be, surely not because I think I am some great thing. I just know that when my heart is passionate about something, and especially if it feels deep, and karmic, it will get done! I believe in myself and my focus, that much. I never have any qualms about achieving things. I think we achieve anything that we innately believe in enough to naturally attract that very thing.

So many people tell me how resourceful I am, yet, I feel like I am just this ordinary girl who knows very little computer, but really, my quality for being resourceful always comes down to loving the very thing I am being resourceful about.

"Oh, Gabriela, you could be the best sales person". You should be in realistate, you should do this or that. The bottom line for me is, it isn't difficult to sell things that you naturally believe in. Now if I am trying to sell you a darn vacuum cleaner, than I would be a big bull if you ask me about herbs, or supplements, or anything really that I know will do you good, or that I am passionate about, like Italian food, or food, in general, or  helping people because, we can..... no matter what, then I will talk to you till the cows come home, and not cuz I want to sell you something, but because I actually believe in it, and think it will do you good in some form or fashion. Good for you and for the recipient. Everyone wins kinda situation.

I pan back on my time in Africa. I wanted more time.........more time. One moment there, freezes you and you want to take one week to digest one moment. I have my shoulda, coulda woulda list. Trust me!

There is a different life, one that is pure, real, and so bare bones that it takes you to the core of your natural being and allows you to forget all of the insane luxuries that we throw around like we are so rich, so rich in gold!

It really isn't just that. There is something to be said about hard work. Labor. Making due with what is available, and realizing that it really isn't too, too shabby.
Having mango trees outside of your door, isn't too shabby. Having bananas at your doorstep isn't too shabby. Beans, vegetables and meat. What are we missing? I mean, am I MISSING SOMETHING?

Oh, I'm sorry, maybe I am missing the "Froot Loops" or the "Lucky Charms"........ (that might have changed within the last 20 years, I have no idea what cereal is today). Count Chocula? Boo Berry? Four score and how many years ago?

People aren't enmeshed in games, TV, Iphones, and all else that occupies our time.

Kids have other means of being happy, like playing, or learning how to make things, doing crafts, creating costumes........... using their mind to make things creative. Finding food, Honoring food, serving food, and giving food the ultimate acknowledgement that it deserves, instead of scarfing down some spaghetti and meatballs.

They have a relationship with the food that sustains them. They don't just inhale something that they are hungry for.

For children in Africa, they are taught to acknowledge food, for it is what gives them life. Without the food source, what would we be?

I am not downing us, or our way. I am just saying that there is an amazing way that we could  maybe adopt as part or our culture, instead of being so "selfish" and luxury oriented.

I wish, for our society, that we were as passionate about how we actually got our food, than to wonder how crispy our tater tots are.

I have spent quality time away from here, enough to know that I have learned a different way to be, and to appreciate our luxuries.

I don't think I actually have to go to Africa to realize this, but I must say, being there, gave me a new life!
A reverence for my life, my breath, and for the natural things that are in my life that may seem "above and beyond".

I am soooooooooooooo soooooooooooooo grateful for my life, the availability of crops, game, dairy, vegetables, and anything beyond that is of the utmost luxury.

I thank the heavens above for giving me the quality of life and the strength of the body, itself, through food, water, and whatever else is readily available to us.

We are so, so lucky!

Do we really realize this?


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