Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My schedule changed today, several times, actually, so I said, "What they hey," and grabbed 10 or 12 books and out the door I went.
I got all excited sifting through the pile that had been sitting there collecting dust, or at least had slight finger print marks on them from the moments I had to spare to actually pick them up for a second or two to squeeze in a paragraph before heading to work, or bed, my two "practical homes", so to speak.
I snagged the suntan lotion, swiped my beach towel, and quickly pressed the Pandora button on my IPhone to listen to my favorite Classical station.

Ahhhh, the sweet smell of Coconut Oil generously pouring onto my skin.
Oh, the Joy!
Not many things really excite me!
The sun, knowingly not in my favor, is probably the one vise I cannot seem to give up. I throw most caution to the wind, and then grab a more than likely outdated bottle of 15, or 30, at the most, and hit a few spots that might catch my attention sooner than others. It's a quick kinda thought. Kinda like a kid doing something wrong when she knows she should be doing something else, other than what she is doing. I cop to it, it's not good, but if that is the only bad thing I'm doing, I'm not doing too shabby, I guess?!
There is something about the combination of that beachy, coconutty smell, the sun beating on my body, and the allowance to just "be" and do absolutely nothing, that never makes me second guess why, this in fact, could be such a hardcore vise.
It does something for my soul. I can't explain it!
Now, tag along 10 or so of your most passionate subjects, piled high next to you, waiting for you to slowly absorb the intelligence, that you knew buying it, would captivate you and allow you to disappear for a period of time, for sure. Piggy back that with a continuous array of symphonic tunes that you know could do nothing other than inspire you~
It would seem to me that this could be, hands down, a win, win, situation, don't you think?
I love the fact that when I am lying there I can use my mind in whatever capacity I want.
I can allow all of the tens of millions of creative ideas flow through my mind, let them roll as fast or as slow as I choose, stop them when I want, entertain them if I want, play with them, brainstorm, and then as we would in the "old" days when we were flipping through the choices of music on the Jukebox, we'd see a song we liked~ would remember it, flip ahead a few pages, look and look, carefully consider our mood and what we actually wanted to listen to, and maybe flip back, after careful consideration and play the song we knew we wanted in the beginning.
In my life, I can play a song, or not!
Listen to music, or not!
Play with my thoughts, or not!
I am happy to say that with the climbing numbers of things in life that we DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER, 
I know

We absolutely, and totally, have complete control over what we think, what we attract, what we don't think, and what we don't attract.
It is like anything else we are passionate about, studying or learning, or getting degrees in for Mastering our own specific Art.
It actually can be a lot of fun, and, honestly, not fun too! I would be lying if I said digging to the core of who you are is a fun, snuggly ride. It is a bitter sweet thing. One that I wouldn't trade anything for. I say that with a lot of pride, joy, hard tears and  honesty.
To be able to command or control your thoughts in a way that serves you well is like walking a tight rope.
When you start noticing significant changes, as you play around with paying attention to how you can manage your thoughts or create your reality, you become all that more attracted to taking a few more risks to see how far you can get, or witness the game of chess that goes on with yourself.
It's pretty wild to get a grip on that reality.
Fun, yet interesting!
Scary, yet safe!
Mysterious, yet natural!
Deep, yet, simple!
To me, all of the people who have made a significant difference in this world have taken the time to contemplate life~ the workings of the mind and the deep affects it's has on our everyday lives, on others, and on humanity, as a whole.
This, to me, is the core place that things have to generate from to be able to withstand the test and trials that come our way.
The loves, the hurts, the suffering, the conditions of human nature, and of course, the things that are seemingly far out of our reach-
the unfortunate happenings~disease~illness~famine~natural disaster~
More than we can ever comprehend!
We can change a good percentage of this around with a focus, a support and an urgency!

I found my first "crows foot" today.
As young and fervent as I feel~the body ages whether it is graceful or one day it just hits you over the head with a great big baseball bat, the Truth will remain.....

As much fun as there is to be had, so much beauty to explore on this earth, places to go, people to see, we have got to find time in our lives to make a difference.
To be able to pay back the "giver" of all givers, for allowing us the most spectacular and beautiful time here. To play and do and go and learn. So, so much on this tiny little spec of a phenomenon called EARTH.

Shoot, that could mean as little as seeing a piece of garbage on the ground and simply picking it up. No sweat off  your back right?
That, is giving back! That is respecting and honoring your time and place here. That, to me, is a huge thank you!
No one says we have to empty our accounts, or even give any money at all!
We don't have to go to a Third World country.......there is plenty here. And if you choose to go there too, then touche' to you!
Giving back, in gratitude shows itself in the most obvious and obscure places.
If you keep a third eye open at all times, one that sees beyond the norm, I promise you, you'll step back and let out a huge sigh of something or other that will keep you thinking for days! A feeling that only comes when you are that aware, that focused and that caring of things outside of everyday "living".
this was a surprising "Jukebox" choice.
I'm never really sure what "song" I am going to choose.

I do know that when I do finally find that "song", it's as if I were born listening to it.

Some tunes you just cannot forget.

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