Monday, September 20, 2010


I was out biking today, and it was driving me crazy knowing that half the world, practically HATES TO EXERCISE!
The mere mention of that word gives people a huge flash of sweating, giving up their good times, or their time in general, their not so good food that they love, or drinks that seem like a huge NO NO, not watching TV, but doing some repetitious thing for 30 or 40 minutes in a gym full of people that they could care less about, let alone bare their bodies that they really don't even look at anymore. Why? Because they hate what they see anyway......... and so why in God's name would they want to wear anything that would accentuate that "horror" that their mind has told them it is! So then, the blinders go on, they grab a coke, some quick food that will make them feel better, or comfortable, and leave it at......."at least I thought about it" kinda thing.

I am not saying that this is the case for everyone, mind you, but the vast majority of people that I see and hear, are just not motivated and will not make the time for their bodies.

It makes me sad that there is that perpetual way of thinking about the body.

I do get it. I understand all angles of it. I have been there. I've been lazy, I've been aware that I just don't feel like it because other things are preoccupying my mind, and it seems like a chore, I understand that it takes time, and patience, and simply, what would you rather be doing, having nacho's and margarhita's or pumping iron at Gold's Gym?
Patience is something I do have, but it is selective, if I can be honest. Time? Well, that is another thing, but given the focus, is not an obstacle, by any means, for me,and I could probably speak for many of us. I am a true believer in, we do what we want to do, and have the energy for the things we love doing, but if we just don't feel like doing it.......then, "man, I'm really tired"........ I don't have the where with all to do that". BULL! It is a state of mind. I'm not being a jerk, shoot, I say this to myself. "Gabriela you lie", you just don't feel like doing it, admit it". And then I laugh, and go, "HAHAHA, exactly.". At least I can be honest about it. "I don't feel like it". But to say, "I can't, or I am not good at it, or it's not in me, or any other excuse is lazy". Sorry, but it is!

I almost want to take the word "Exercise" out of the dictionary, out of our vocabulary, and replace it with something else. Say something simple like, playing. Playing is a great word for me, since when I train someone, or even myself, IT IS PLAY TIME!
Yes, we are "working out" but the time passes and we laugh, and we share, and we have such a great time just being, that the "exercise" becomes so secondary, and before you know it, the time is up, and you are going, "Awwww!!!!!". I mean, I do it for myself. I go running, or biking and I am in total awe. I never set out to say, "I'm going to work out". I know, on my run, or my bike ride, I will be experiencing nature, in all of it's glory, seeing things I don't from my car, or being at work, or doing chores, or whatever. The other day, I swear, I literally thought I was in France, biking in the beautiful hills, looking at the gorgeous trees, the amazing homes, people reveling in their lawns, their landscape, getting vegetables from their gardens, butterflies swarming, I kid you not, I mean all kinds of awesome treasures. I saw snakes, terantulas, birds that literally looked like salt water fish with their coloring, I mean it was the highlight of my vacation.

 How often do we give ourselves unlimited time to experience nature like that?

Even with lifting weights, I never want the time to end. I know that sounds ludicrous, but when you really start understanding what you are doing, no matter what it is, it can become really fun, and you see the importance of it, and how it molds you, even if you don't like it in any way shape or form. (use me for example with doing inventory sheets at work). I am not, in any stretch of the means, going to tell you that I love it, or, even like it, but once I got the hang of what it was, how it was supposed to be done, and the results that come along with doing it consistently, I kinda went, "oh, this isn't so bad after all". Trust me, I'm  not saying I was racing to work wanting to do Inventory, but a little here, a little there, I know, and understand that it helps me, on several different levels, and it is OK, to learn to like something, for the benefit of something greater than what we can see, in our small little vision at times.

With time, it will give you the same "high" as being with the love in your life, the fine wine you choose over and over again, that ecstasy when reaching the highest form of physical pleasure you can experience.
Trust me, it will find it's way to you, when you open yourself up to the possibility of getting acquainted with your body in a different way, rather than how you have perceived it in the past, or even now as you read this.

Get to know it in a more intimate and allowing way, not being so judgemental about it. Know it in a little bit of a deeper way, than you have, and I promise you that it will open a door for you, and you will be able to see and feel your body in such an amazing way that will, and I say WILL, transform you, your physique, and your way of viewing this incredible, phenomenon that we are walking around in, taking for such granted, the amazing things that it actually allows us to do on a daily basis, every day, every waking moment.

Give credence where credence is due.

After all, if we don't take care of these bodies, WHERE ARE WE GOING TO LIVE?

I love you guys and want to expand, and grow, outside of our tiny little perceptions of how we think life is, or our bodies, or anything else for that matter.

Tonight, let's throw away ALL IDEAS of how we think things are, and how we think they should be, and stay open to new possibilities and ways of making us expand outside of our small nucleas, and realize that there is a whole entire Universe out there that is way smarter than we are, and much more privy to these intricate things we call our minds and our bodies, and for once, lets not take such control, and allow something greater to take  precedence, and just take a gamble, to see, and to feel what it is like on the "other side".

Touche' to new ideas, new ways, and anything....... by god........ anything......... outside... of.... the ............norm!

Total support, and total love,


1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    OK I think this was for me. If not - it got to me and I LOVE that it's play time and not the E word. Sooooo I will try to play more:))))

    Love U
    Hope 2 c u in a few weeks:)))))
    looking better and better!!!!!!

