Thursday, September 9, 2010


This moment and time for me is so poignant, yet, really, what time in  my life, how big or small, isn't poignant?
I seem to make all things important, and there always is, for me, a story, of why, and how, and a tale that makes it all worthwhile. And, by all means, not for "stories" sake, but for the fact that life is just amazing, and there just is, story after story to tell, and to me, there is always a meaning behind every, every, everything!
There have been innumerable times when I have come face to face, so to speak, with animals, or mammals, and have had the most organic experiences. Ones that take me to another time and place.
I hate to always say, "I hate to sound spiritual or this or that, but god darn, that is what it is, so I am going to stop apologizing for it, and just share my story and well, you either gel with it or not, it honestly doesn't make a difference to me.
More and more, I am becoming aware of the fined tuned attraction/ love for animals/love for all living things, and when I come upon some or one of those things, it becomes a moment in time and like this picture, it literally brings me to a place that I wish, so, so wish, I could explain.
To say it is just "innocent" waters it down. To say, "Well, I love animals", waters it down, and to say, "I love writing about my experiences with animals" not only waters it all down, but makes me sad that there isn't anything I could say or do, that would articulate my feelings, or my communion with these "creatures" of sorts, these souls, that are so darn intelligent, and that speak a language that we just don't get, daily, but if we take a few extra minutes, would see, how much these guys teach us, and how, if we spent that much more time with them, that we would evolve ten fold, IF...............IF................ we took the time.

I am about to take a vacation.
I haven't had a vacation in two years.
I thought,"On my vacation, I want to just disappear, be in nature, be with animals, have no contact with people, for the most part, and dive into the abyss of what I miss on a regular basis, and am yearning for every day."

I think, "camera, notebook, pen, backpack, some food and water, and a great eye!
Life is just blazing in  all of it's amazing colors. There are animals, creatures, the sky, water, plants, trees, foliage, sounds, the water", I mean, all kinds of stuff to empty yourself into, rather than running ramped through the malls wondering what new blouse you are going to choose for your next outing.
I mean, I dunno, that is just me.

I cannot wait to get out of my daily "norm" and explore my being, in all of it's quietude, it's questions and own
explorations, to dig deeper into what is me, NOW, in a new day, a different person than yesterday, and to allow that to seep into my consciousness, this blog, and to you, in hopes that you will be able to relate, and to expound on your own self, and what it is needing, and get to whatever you need to be getting to, to make your life whole and happy, and honestly

When I come home, it is about my animals, and how to make their life conducive, how to integrate their world with mine, and to be able to see the vast differences, to be able to make it work, between "us" and "them".

We are a different species, but really, so, so much alike, in so many ways, it's scary!

There is a huge communion that needs to happen. If you are open to it, you will see, up close, how we are all so much alike, even if it looks like we are so different.

God, this doesn't go for just animals, but all of man kind.

There is a communion that needs to happen.

If it doesn't, YOU miss out!

And let me tell you,
you don't want to miss out on this "event".
Life, in all of it's rare forms, are, at best, everything you have wanted to see, and more.

Enjoy the organic ride, even if it feels crazy or stupid. Give it a try.

I wouldn't be wasting my time on anything if I didn't think it was worth it!


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