Monday, September 27, 2010


This was actually so last minute, this blog, this title, and whatever words may appear after this sentence. I never really know what I am going to write until my fingers start typing, and usually I come up with a heading that has stuck out, or has spontaneously popped up, and then the other stuff comes.
I was just on face book and saw that a friend, actually a friend of a friend, whom I have never met, but have shared a lot of stories with, had posted something that caught my attention. It was a celebration of sorts to her mother. She was posting video clips of movies that her mother had shown her as a young child, and that had molded her as a woman today.
I watched one of the video's and it really took me in. One, since I have gotten a small little peak into this persons life, via our chats. The things she likes, the things that move her, and, she is a passionate soul, a musician, deep, introspective and has lived fully, inwardly, it seems,to sum up the very little that I know about her.

Anyway, she posted this video of a movie that her mother showed her as a child, and her post was about how this, and the movies to come, have molded her as a woman today.

I don't know this person, per say, but after watching this clip, of an old movie with Ingrid Bergman, one of my mothers favorites, I began to see the correlation, to some small extent, of this woman, who, like I said, I don't know, but somehow got, watching this video, and panning back on her posts that are so moving, so thought provoking and well........just made sense in a way that is actually kind of mysterious to me. It's odd in a way, but intuitive, and just........well.......I somehow got it.

Maybe it's like art in general. You go to an art exhibit, or opening, and you look and appreciate all that you see, but with your own depiction of what that piece was about.
That is the total beauty of art. It is there for you to make it what you want, like going to the movies. You take from it what you want. After all, it is cinema. Nothing is written in stone. To say that "this is what it is, and this was the message", is like......... NO!
You take home with you , your own personal message, and what it meant for you. And, well, if someone else had a specific meaning, than so be it, but at least you had the allowance to wonder, and play, and make it what you wanted, or needed for you. For some reason, to me, that is what it is all about. You learn about yourself through different mediums.

So, after seeing that clip, it gave way for a whole new opening of thought. It was as if I went to an art opening. It made me think of the "artist" or the person the artist was writing or painting about.

I love glimpsing into the depths of peoples thoughts about life, how they feel, why it made them feel that way, why it molded them, how it affected them, good or bad, and how it transformed them as people, growing in this age and time.

When I pan back on my life with my mother.......ahhhh, man..........she was sooooooooooo passionate about film, the theatre, acting, singing, and really watching good old fashioned movies. The ones that were "innocent" then........... the Jean Harlow's, the Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire's, the Judy Garland's, the Robert Mitchum's, the Lawrence Olivier's, the .... list is so long.

We would sit up at night on the couch. She would want Frangelico to sip on........ I would make popcorn and snuggle up to her. She always had the oldies station on. All of the old time movies that were from her time.
I would always say nooooooooooooo mom........let's watch something else, and she would tell me that someday I would thank her for making me watch these "silly movies" .

She would put them on and I would watch them, head on her lap, and her narrating, of course, so I could keep up with the story without being bored. She would tell me their names, who was who in Hollywood, and what their status was in the film world.

We shared film and the arts together.

She was a singer in NYC. The Belltones! She was active in the theatre. She then had 5 kids.

She lived her life vicariously through me with modeling, acting, writing and film.

In honor of a Face book Post, that took me back in time to watching movies with my mother, and appreciating those moments, I thank my distant friend for sharing that, and for allowing me to remember all of my tons of moments with my mother, watching movies that elated her, and kept her in her own tiny bubble of happiness, and then shared with me, the why's and how's of that happiness.

It truly is an honor to know what sparked our mothers, in all of their "down" time, the things that made them come alive, outside of their life, giving, and teaching, and forming, the lives of their children. It is a "job" that is so underated, and unappreciated.

It is one of the hardest jobs in the world!

Thank you friend, for sharing, and for sharing a  part of you, and your Mother.

May we all celebrate our Mothers, and the glory of the love that is so pure, that no one else in this world will ever, ever give us.

Thanks Mom.


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