Thursday, July 22, 2010


Ya know, everyone has their wants, dreams and desires. Mine have been pretty consistent since I was a kid.
Really..........they haven't changed one single bit!!

I never thought I would be living in Texas, that is for sure! As a matter of fact, when I was little I would say," I will live anywhere, ANYWHERE BUT TEXAS."

Why? Because I, for one, was so city oriented. After all, I was going to be an actress in Hollywood, write beautiful screenplays, be a director, and that was it. I was California bound, and that was going to be my only stop. I'd make my life from there!

NOT! To my surprise!

I packed up my entire life in Philadelphia, at the time, and said, "I am going to do this thing". I moved to Los Angeles, and loved it for so many reasons. Evey bit of alternative medicine was available, alternative food, I mean shoot, you could go through a drive through "fast food" joint and get Buckwheat Pancakes, and Tofu bacon.......gimme a break. Back then, I was a Vegan, so that pretty much sold me, aside from the alternative lifestyle there, and the openness of everything. I was in heaven.

I shipped my dog and cat, and we soon found ourselves in West Hollywood, with no grass, only sidewalks, and no real trees or parks to be found, at least close to home, like I had back home, at least not in walking distance.

At the time, the consciousness was more appealing to me than a park, so I decided to stay.

There are many stories to be talked about in the time that I was in LA, what transpired, and how my beautiful dog that I had for almost 9 years had to get "adopted out" because it was an attachment I had to get rid of".

That is a whole blog in and of itself!

To this day, my animals are my choice. They are the most beautiful, beloved souls in my life, and my life, by choice, revolves around them. I say that with great respect for them, for their species, for the intelligence that gets overlooked, and for my devotion to something that I think is way beyond my own comprehension.

I know I love animals, dogs especially, but really all mammals and animals. Without sounding corny, I do feel like I understand their language, and we are ONE! There is something that happens with me, and dogs, that is unexplainable!

It has been there since I was a kid, and only in the last several years, have I gotten it, that I am some kind of conduit for them, to speak for them, and to make choices for them, that they cannot obviously make, to honor their life, and what is supposed to happen for them, as a species.

HYMN, I was headed in the direction of dreams.

I thought when I was younger that to accomplish or achieve my goals as, or to be, a writer, I would have to do A through Z, so I investigated, and there, I packed up and moved to LA to accomplish what I thought I wanted.

To be a writer, you don't have to be in LA.

To be anyone or anything, you just NEED TO BE YOU! in whatever spot you are in, in any part of the world.

Well, when I moved to LA, I found myself so attracted to the healthiness of it all. I took Yoga twice a day everyday. I cooked vegetarian food for the Seeks everyday. I was looking to dive so deep into my soul, my consciousness that I was like a bottom feeder looking for any crumb that dropped.

No matter what I did, took Yoga, ran, biked, swam, cooked healthy, matter what I did..... I still did not have the "background" that I deeply wanted. It sounded so UN-spiritual, so UN-hip.

The fact of the matter was. Gabriela wanted land, and lots of it!!
Quiet time to write!
Write screenplays, write poetry, children's books, and maybe a love letter somewhere in there, whether it be for love, itself, or for a lover.

Just give me conducive ground to write, really, and I am a happy camper.

5 months into living in LA, I realized it was not for me, at the time!

I need more grass, more green, more things that equated grounding.

I need to have animals, and too, to be around water, and to have trees........big bushy trees, not palm trees that look so stark and sterile. Don't get me wrong, I love palm trees, but I need  homey, bushy trees, that tell stories, like some big ol' oak tree, or a cherry tree that you know some kid climbed to get a dozen cherries.

After moving from LA, and skipping living in New Mexico, and being here in Austin Texas, I see, and feel the difference, and I want land.

There are so many things that all elements give us. The Ocean brings me to my knees, literally, for so many reasons!
The seasons bring me joy, and allow me to feel different emotions.

Everyone is different!

I love quiet. An area that is conducive to the spirit. Trees, land, water, birds, and animals. Room to run for dogs, cats, and any other animal that wishes to surface upon your land.

To traipse upon a coupla deer while on your daily run, or a snake, or a rabbit, is the  most exquisite experience, especially if you have a dog in hand, and you get to acknowledge how they respond to nature, and animals.

It is, unequivocally, the most splendid experience you could ever have!

After looming around Marble Falls, and trying to find some different places of interest, I found myself pulling over in Kingsland, to have a "picnic" overlooking the water, while on our journey to find land.

Who knows or really who cares, if I even make it to Marble Falls Texas. It has been an area of attraction for me for a long, long time, and in investigating, I get to figure out if this is THE place for me and where I want to settle.

I am going to build my next house, and I want it to be in beautiful territory. One that will be conducive for my "reclusive" self, and surrounded by the beautiful outdoors, filled with amazing animals, and any other form of species that tells me to pay attention and to not be so consumed with myself.

Your environement tells you so much about who you are, what you are about, and what is ahead for you.

Take a peak. It's great stuff.

Stay inquisitive.

Explore your dreams.

Who care what everyone has to say about you, and your way............






Our drive was amazing, uplifting

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