Saturday, July 3, 2010


.... is what happens when you continuously take RISKS!

It can scare the bee jesus outa you, and yet, how the heck are you ever going to find out what lies beneath or beyond, or on the other side of the mountain if you don't put your damn hiking boots on and make the trek?

Yes, you do feel scared, with all of the what ifs, the keepin' your feet on solid ground feeling of safety, which is all great, but ya gotta lift those feet up every once in awhile to get'em a little dirty, let them feel the earth, find out what they are made of, and let your soul spring up with adventure.

I have certainly been on both sides of the coin, more so the adventurer, and in the last year, I have never played it so safe.

Needless to say, my adventure side, is ready to ..............take a well deserved ADVENTURE!

I am playing a little bit of solitaire these days, not like the Russian Roulette I used to play, where it is all or nothing, but Solitaire where you can take some risks, but they are a little more planned out.

I like that. It seems fair in the whole scheme of being a bit safe, and......letting your dreads down.

I'm willing to work my butt off to be able to be carefree, and believe you me, I will plot it so I CAN BE FOOT LOOSE AND FANCY their in lies...................RISK!!

I know what my soul craves? Do you? Hay, if not, you can still Risk doing little things daily, to get you to a place of knowing just what that is.

I have a gazillion things I crave, and want to do, to explore, to dive into, to study, and to give. For me to do that I had better get my thinking cap on, and keep that sucker charged so I can let some of this pent up energy out and give it to something that needs attention.

( I can only cook so much ya know)

Trust  me, there is a fountain out there full of support, that knows if your heart and soul are headed in a pure and good direction, it will slam blast you with things you couldn't even come up with to get  you along your way.

I am so on it!!!


C'mon lets go.

There's some work to be done!!

Tons of love and support to you, me.

I'm gettin the hang of all this stuff.............

Ain't so scary..............ain't so scary!!!!

Oodles of love!


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