Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today was the first REAL day that I have had to take my new car out, do what I wanted to, go where I wanted to, and have at it, whatever that may have been.
Before getting a vehicle to drive in, I had so much time to contemplate on how I felt WITHOUT transportation, and the luxury of just hopping in and doing whatever I felt like.

I tell you, it was a trying time, and isn't it always like this, that the after thought is much different than when it is all happening? What I do have to say, is that, my after thought, and really my in between thoughts, is that, it is, and was, the most humbling experience for me. To be without transportation for one year. I say, "don't feel sorry for me or anyone in that case".
I didn't miss out during it all, even though every last thread said I was missing out! It was a very transformative time, to say the very least. It is a time where you come back to yourself, the basics, the simple digs of life, and you appreciate them, you look them in the eye, and say one big fat THANK YOU, for the conveniences, the way of life that more times than not, gets overlooked.
We scurry around in our little lives and barely can see the fact that we are being transported from one place to another by a vehicle that runs, how, we don't know, we just go get it checked out every once in awhile.
Then back in we go, music on, petal to the metal and there we stop at our next destination, key out, click the alarm and not one second thought about it until the next time you enter in.........and even then, it is to scurry to work with your coffee half spilling in the cup holder, or making sure your blue tooth is in connected so that you can chat your whole drive!

Today, I woke up thinking, "Wow, I have the whole day off", and...........I have wheels!! Whoa! What should I do? I have pick of the litter? What haven't I done in one year?
Better yet, what HAVE I DONE in the last year?

Well let's start here!

For all of you who have read my blog, you have read what exquisite experiences I have had, in the simple life, with no wheels. It is nothing less, but more, probably, than what exquisite means, to have had these experiences. I have had a great deal of time to think of how it feels, what it does for this soul, and how it affects me on a whole, to be without one single luxury.
It has not only taken me to great spiritual heights, but to a simple life that I love and adore like no other!

Today, I woke up with all of those feelings of what to do, where to go, and I brought myself back to where I have been, and literally had to stop for a second and say, "I haven't really been without", and I don't want to swing on the opposite side of the pendulum, just because...... so what is it that I REALLY WANT to do? I haven't really missed out on anything that I can think of, except having the convenience of going to the grocery store for things. I'm a cook for god's sake. Gimme some condiments, some herbs at least, and some veggies....... god forbid I don't have my fresh grapefruits to juice in the morning........ ( All of my taxi cab drivers know I have a grapefruit "fetish"), but  other than that....... I've been good. As long as my dogs and little kitty have what they need, and I have coffee at the house, good food, and well.......... really, that's it!

So....... I thought of only a coupla of things that I have wanted to do. Nothing spectacular. I'd like a hair trim please! It's been a  year. Poor little hair follicles. And I wanted to get a massage, pedicure, and manicure. I am NEVER unkempt. If these few things aren't in check, something doesn't seem right. After all, I work my little paw paws to death, feet and hands. They need some lovin's.

Aside from that, I wanted to go to the grocery store,  unhurried, to shop for the things I love, stare at the fish counter for however long I wanted, without thinking that the cab clock was ticking, and buy a great dinner to go home and cook. I bought mussels, a huge thing of salmon, abundant vegetables, fruit, and stuff for the animals, and I was a happy camper! I got to my car, turned up the tunes and humbly drove home. Honestly, my drives are so full of gratitude, so full of thankfulness that I am able to go from here to there.
Aside from sounding like I am tripping on some kind of psychedelic drug, I have to say, that LOVE, has carried me so far, far, far, into my being, that given ANY LUXURY, I have  planted a solid seat in my simple life, that I love, and cherish, no matter if I have thousands, or nothing. The great thing is...... is that, in all of the nothingness, I HAVE EVERYTHING! OH MY GOD............ I AM SO DAMN RICH IN LOVE, INSIDE............... I DON'T NEED A DAMN THING........HOW AMAZING TO EVEN SAY SUCH A THING?? YES, I'M DANCING RIGHT NOW........INSIDE!
I am so good with myself inside. I will scream it out to the world. I AM GOOD, I AM GOOD, I AM GOOD!
This last year has given me life! In all of it's frailties, it's changes, it's challenges, I  have come home to myself!
Thank you to those of you who have forced me into a corner! You are a blessing in disguise. You have given me life again, and never again will I compromise my soul to any one or thing!

I chose to go to the grocery store, to get a hair trim, out of all things I could do, and came home to give 4 dogs a bath, clean my house, and make a fabulous dinner..........for me!

Don't let the mind trick you into thinking there are golden coins somewhere other than your own wallet. Even if your own wallet only has a coupala copper pennies............ don't negate those pennies! They are money too!
The most simple things in life that are seemingly insignificant, happen to be the MOST significant!

Pennies add up!

Simple moments add up, and soon you find yourself with treasures that you never thought could be treasures.

Don't wait till something happens to you! Grab a hold of your tiny existence, look at it under a microscope, and have a little more fun with it than you normally do.

Look at all of the luxuries you have, look at them again, and maybe silently thank them for being available to you, because you know darn well, that if you didn't have that dishwasher, that car, that IPhone, that computer, you would be pissed as hell!

Do without for a moment or two, say thanks that you aren't without it, and you may have a greater appreciation for all of these fabulous little trinkets that make or brake our days.

I may have a car now, but inside, I am walking, miles upon miles, upon miles!

My drives will never be the same!


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