Tuesday, July 13, 2010


......and we get the best opportunities to make them different, and make choices that are good for us, rather than feeling like we are stuck!
I've been on both ends of the spectrum, believe  me. I know what it is like to feel that paralysis, where you literally feel like you can't move, out of a fear that maybe you are aware of, or maybe you're not, just  yet.

I don't really think fear will ever end in our heads. I think the way we perceive things is the only thing that matters. It's hard when we are so used to believing in our own stories, I mean, c'mon, it's just been us, with ourselves for so long, like being with a long time lover. You get comfortable with the way you do things, and keep it going because it feels so cozy. If no one is there to pull you out of your illusion, you'll just go on believing the same boring story, and more than likely, do the same damn things that you have been doing since you were a kid.

So how do we know if we are doing the same damn thing, over, and over, and over again???

I know for me, when I see the same results happening, or the same boring story shows up, and I'm not willing to sit with popcorn anymore, and am yawning through the same repeat episode, I'm thinking to myself ,"Someone out there pull me outa my rut", show me something different, or a new way to see things because it is SO ingrained in us, that boring, stale, stuff, that more than likely we are going to need an objective hand or two.

No matte how "on my game" I think I am, I know it is always the greatest pleasure to have an objective opinion, someone with fresh ideas, outside of our typical suggestions for ourselves.
Even that is hard to break out of. :But.... But.... I've been doing it my way for 43 years now". I don't want the rug pulled out from under me...........NOT NOW!

Well, if you want some comfort in all of those thoughts, you might know that I successfully stand on wooden floors these days. There is no rug to pull out! I have tripped, fallen, slipped, and a million other words to describe doing, and being, anything other than what I have been used to. Different ways of applying Truth to my life, different ways of looking at things, different ways, all together that may not feel so comfortable, but help this little gypsy girl to keep one foot on the ground, so that I may not float away in some Patchouli laden cloud, with turquoise stars beaming around me.

I have learned so much, and too,  am able to look at my way as just another way of doing things, and it is so incredible to try, yes try, balancing the different ways, to make it all work, where it feels like a good fit.

Don't get me wrong, it is challenging everyday, but sometimes that challenge feels good to keep me on my toes.

I look forward to going beyond my ideas of how I want things, or how I think things should go. That too, isn't an easy task! As a matter of fact, it is downright grueling, (just being honest), but when you see yourself starting to be OK with what life hands you, you suddenly look at it as a milestone for yourself in this "not so easy life", that you want to be all bubbles and candy.
Well... It ain't, and I won't, on my best day, ever tell you that it is.

What I will tell you is that it IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT!

I almost hate saying that because I have total compassion for all of us who were never taught that, and who REALLY is stepping up to the plate to take over teaching us differently, if we haven't taken a trip to India, or perused every New Age book store in search of............

What about all of us just growing up doing what we know? We have no chance!

It is up to us to dig, to find the answers, and not rely on anyone to do it for us!


God will always support your wonder, your passions, and if your heart is  pure, you won't need the Dali Lama to whisper sweet  nothings in your ear.

I have had the sweetest angels in my life, helping me through, to understand, keep the faith, and to get to my next steps in my ever pulsating evolution.

These are everyday people, people who I intentionally invited in just for this......alone......... people you meet for half a second.

Be open to the newness of everyday, and look for the clues, the ones that you have asked for, but maybe aren't looking in the right corner.

The answers and the things that you want are right in front of your face if you look............really look........and then ACT!


I'm here to help you jump, as I jump too! I'm getting used to the risk again.
It's not easy, but if we keep those hands held together, we'll all be OK.



Enjoy the day........... it's screaming with blessings!

All my love,

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