Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Once you find out what direction you want to go in your life, you start to feel this extra ordinary sense of empowerment,  one that lets you know you can do any darn thing you want, if you just focus, and put your heart and soul into that intention.

Don't let any excuse stand in your way. The more open you are to the possibilities of achieving what you want, without a block of any sort, the more fun it becomes actually going out and doing it as if it is already happening.

I'm not talking Law of Attraction stuff, although I'm pretty sure that stuff goes along those same lines.
To me, I have always done things without any ideas that I COULDN'T, and sure enough, the barriers that I may have thought would hold me back, NEVER DID!

Whatever it is, no degree in Interior Design, but I wound up having a very successful Interior Design business.

Going out and searching for a home for me and my 5 dogs that had a ton of land, and I wanted to build a NEW HOME, (with no money mind you), but I went out house shopping as if I had it. I found the land I wanted, and started to custom design and build my first  home. Come to find out, I wind  up getting an incredible opportunity personal training and doing nutrition work for a multi-millionaire that asked me to work with him only........ why.........you want to pay me 5 times the amount I charge to work with you SOLELY?


Land bought! House built! Done! And there the Universe supports in gratitude for trusting the process.

That is how I feel today.

I feel so incredibly empowered to do, and go, and achieve all that I want!

I deserve whatever it is that I do want, which isn't anything crazy, but I do have my wants, and I WILL GET THEM.

I am ready to have some fun, play a bunch, have some great people in my life to support and share these great things with, and can't wait to give off some of this love that is festering. And I'm talkin' bout energy, not sex...........haha!

Life is happening, and giving off clues that I haven't  yet understood, only felt. My feelers are out!

This week something grand is going to happen. I can feel it. I'm calling it in, and am prepared, (i think), to take on something great!

Watch out..............when I get my oats flowin, great things happen, and I can't wait to share them with all of the ones I love and adore!

You all know who you are.

Thank you for all of your love and support within my last year.

You all are angels, and I appreciate and love you more than you know!

Ride on this little Scorpio's tail..............it's swingin' in the wind, and is ready to conquer!!

Anyone who knows me, knows, that when I am HERE, in this spot, there is no stopping me, and I become the tazmanian devil of attracting every bit of everything that I want and more! It's happening, I tell you, and it is always an amazing carpet ride, a ton of fun, and without a doubt, a pure, loving journey that cannot be compared to anything else!

Who's ready for this ride?


1 comment:

  1. I think with the right attitude and genuine gratitude, the laws of attraction can be very powerful, if you believe! You attract what you want to attract, whether it's great people, great job, etc... You have such a beautiful and kind soul, with many gift. One being the gift of writing. Your blogs are amazing and very inspirational! I agree with you when you said, I know something grand is going to happen, but instead of (I think), it should say (I know)!! I love that you stay true to yourself and you never change who you are.. Thank you for being you and loving so BIG and so unconditional!
