Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Fitness is a "religion", just like anything else that needs time for any certain result!
I mean, we go to work everyday, without second guessing, (well, most of the time ;), because we know that in two weeks, we will get a result, that being, a pay check! Right? No question about it. Even though we hem and haw, we get up at ungodly hours, stay up late, do work on the computer when we don't feel like it, go in on our days off, do ALL KINDS OF THINGS, because we know what that end result will be.

Unfortunately, the drive for that result is MONEY!

Maybe we should put dollar signs on our bodies! All over so that it would inspire us just the same, to get the hell outa the house, get your walking shoes on, or go to the gym, or take a run, a swim.........ANYTHING, for that awesome result of FEELING GOOD!

I know it doesn't have the same affect on us as say, a BIG FAT PAYCHECK, but the Truth of the matter is, when you are healthy, it makes work that much less of a "job", and things work out to your advantage. The feeling you get about life, your job, your goals, your relationships, parallel that good feeling and you start attracting the better things, instead of just being driven by money as the goal.
I am not saying that is a bad thing. We all need money, and it is a good goal, since we all want and need things.

Being Fit, or fitting excersise into your life is not the Curse that everyone thinks it is, really, I mean that. I think that everyone has this idea that if you are to work out, you have to join a gym, get on some arduous program, eat salads, and forget about your crazy lifestyle that includes everything from soda, to potato chips, to beer, wine, and spirits.

Hay, I did that whole jaunt for 20 years. I want me some pasta and wine, I don't care how much I have to excersise.

I am not about being rigid and  making life miserable just to "feel good" or look good on the outside.

Have fun. Find out what you love doing, and make small, small steps to get out, to treat your body to a "tune up", like you do your car when it needs an oil change.
You don't do it often right? You might run it down for awhile, but eventually your car is gonna tell you, "I need to be cleaned out". It might start smelling like smoke, or giving off bad gas, or just not running as great as it normally does.
Well, I think we all know those signs, because it is OUR VEHCILE for Gods sake. How will we get to work, or to the store, or anywhere without our vehicle, right?
So it is with us.
How the heck do we keep expecting our "vehicle" to run if we don't treat it to a tune up every once in awhile?
Clean it out, put some good stuff in, take the bad out, and give it some good breathing room.
I didn't see any words in there that said QUIT THIS, STOP THAT, DON'T DO THIS OR THAT.

We have one life and we can play, have fun, and do whatever we want, but I do think that these bodies are a total blessing, and sometimes it would be nice to acknowledge the importance of them, just as we would money, or an Iphone, or the latest craze. We can't very well walk around, totally blind to the fact that these bodies take us everywhere!

They allow us to communicate, to play, to interact, to work, to travel, to love, to feel, to indulge in life's backround, to smell, to taste, to enjoy, really... everything that is here and available.

Why wouldn't we give it a bone or two, every coupla days, and say, "Hay, thanks", you allow me to have a pretty incredible life........... I'll take you for a walk for an hour, in sheer gratitude for all the miles you take me? Or let you float in some water, for some relaxation for all you do for me? Cool you off for all the work you do?

When you look at it that way, it allows the circle of life to happen, and you see just how incredible we do have it, how being more appreciative for what we are given, and naturally born with, allows us a much more expansive life and  brings us back to a simple reality that we were born into these bodies, with no instruction manual, and it is up to us to keep it good, that is IF WE WANT TO.

I know a ton of people who feel stuck, and feel as if they cannot get past certain barriers when it comes to the body.

Remember the work analogy.

You know that you want that paycheck right? So you wake up and just DO IT!

Think of something realistic, but that would make you smile, and give you a feeling of validation,  IF YOU DECIDED to give your body some lovely attention. Maybe at the end of the week you give yourself a dinner out, or a night out at the movies, or some special something that you can stick to, knowing  you will be rewarded.

Give yourself something worth your efforts.

Everyone knows excersise isn't easy, so start small.

It's like anything. You want to be clear upstairs, you meditate, you pray, you go to church. It makes you FEEL GOOD! No one I know wants to get up on a Sunday for church, but guess what? I know a ton of people who go, because it gives a result.

Half the time I don't feel like meditating, but I know how I will feel and how energized I will be.

I don't have any strict regimine, I just know now, that if I stick to my formula, I will feel X. I don't always stick to it, but that is what life is all about..............FINDING A BALANCE!

Find time to enjoy life, give your body good stuff, have fun, drink your wine, eat your pizza,  and also, give it some love, in the way you know how.......... every one in awhile.

I think you'll see that you might wanna give it more than you think, once you start.

I'm here.............learning all the same curves..............

It's an awesome Trek.

Enjoy the day.

Life is screaming peace, and joy..............and telling you to kick your heels up!

Tons of love and support

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