Saturday, February 28, 2009

Did You Ever Wonder.....

....what it would be like if the only thing we did everyday, was to go outside, and be in nature?

That is it!

Walk around, hike, look at everything, feel everything, smell the flowers, take in the essence of the trees, the smell of Mother Earth....

Sit on the ground, climb the trees, touch the leaves, and look at them, really LOOK at them, smell the grass, grab it, wonder about it.....

Gaze up at the sky...... wonder about that........ make pictures out of the clouds, listen to the wind, feel it on your face, let it blow through your soul, let it tell you things you'd never hear if you weren't out there, quiet, with nothing else to do.

Walk barefoot, let every inch of this land, this earth, take you by surprise. It is a GREAT honor to walk the face of this earth. To be given such beauty to acknowledge, and a place of sacred ground to lose ourselves in for awhile, to escape to our original place we started out from, and then took off on some magic carpet ride full of promises.

Nature will never fail you! It's promise is it's unwavering beauty that reveals itself for you.

It will tell you where you need to be, how it needs to be, if it is good, or not good, safe or not safe, true, or not stares at you and shows you..........yourself! You see, feel, hear and touch, the very essence of your envelops you and brings you to the most exquisite reality that there really is no difference between YOU and IT.

Don't go following a bunch of book worms...........

Get outside, take your shoes off, unravel yourself, and you may just find what you are so desperatly searching for.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why Is It?

Why is it that when we go to the Ocean, we all of a sudden sit and stare?
All of a sudden we start thinking of things, start pondering over our lives, our current situations, and all of the simple things that we want to get back to, if it weren't for.......... this or that?

Why is it that we wait until someone is sick, or dying, that we all of a sudden realize what our lives are truly about, to scope every moment out, and to see our lives for what they REALLY ARE?

Why is it that when we are alone, TRULY ALONE, do we think so much differently than what we think while we are going to work, gettin off of work, going home, cooking dinner, and so forth?

How ever do we align these things so that we are nuetral? So that when we get off of work, we can visit the ocean, experience those feelings, and connect with that part of us, and then go home, cook dinner, while bathing in the Ocean?

Why? Is it that we are too lazy? Too preoccupied?

What is our focus anyway? Is it money? Is it position? Is it finding a lover or a boy/girl friend?
Is it in being validated?

Where are WE going? Yes, I say WE.

More people are focused on saving the earth, walking to work, bringing their own bags to HEB...... at least making an effort.

I know I have a long way to go, but you know, every little bit counts. I'm not going to beat myself up because I am not "there"........wherever "there" is. But there is a grand consciousness that IS happening, and if I can say so myself, at least for anyone that I know that may be receiving this email, I think we all try and also are human in all of our foibles. I don't know, I guess I say, touche' to us that put our efforts out, and who also realize, it takes time, not military style, to get to where we need to be.

Visit the Ocean while you are at work, at the red light, or in the funkiest place............visit it.........and know THAT IS WHAT IS REAL.

Love to you guys,

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fiesty is Good

Ok. Let's find that fiesty place inside of us that doesn't care what situation is happening. All it knows is forward, one step, side step, two step, kick ball change............ whatever dance move you know.......... DO IT!

What is it going to take to get moving? What are your goals? This is for US........... what can WE do to move forward with enthusiam? Motivation?

I'm creative when it comes to this, and I can be creative for you as well.

But, this isn't about anyone helping you when it comes down to the bare bones. It is about SUPPORT, along the way, and then you get your little butt up, and start little by little, to change your lifestyle, to fit more of who you are.

What do you want to do guys? Work out? Start a new career? Stay at home? What is it?

I know what mine is, and all it really takes is the initiative to say, HELL YEA, I'M ON BOARD! And then you make a small little plan, as to where to start, and if you don't know that, you just close your eyes and let whatever come to you, and go with that.

As soon as you allow yourself to open up, all you have to do is LISTEN.

So Listen to your words, and all that needs to follow is ONE LITTLE STEP, TOWARD YOUR GOAL, whatever that may be!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who says............

Who says animals aren't like human beings?

I love them the same,

they are the same,

in fact, they give you more.

It is in the silent language that love speaks.

The simple things like, walking, caressing, playing, and sharing the days events.

Dogs hear it all.

So what if they don't answer.

They answer to me, in their way.

I don't know why I chose these guys above anything else.

Children...... fan fare, nights out...........

Where am I every night?

These guys make up so much of what life is about,

for me.

I can write a hundred poems, and they would tell a different story,

about my loved ones,

and never go stale.

It is almost ones time,

to leave the pack.

Nothing will be the same,

yet, the days remain,

and time makes another change,

for me to adjust.

Be with your loved ones.

Don't let time slip by.

Be it your animal,

or your child.

It really is the same.

Be so present that you don't miss a beat.

Your being will be changed forever.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Love Takes on Many Forms

I never thought, that Love,
would surface in my life,
in all that ways that it does.

To me, at one time,
Love meant the one you spent time with,
your lover,
your husband,
your wife,
your family.

I never thought that
the main "highs" of my day,
would come from strangers,
from people I'd never met,
from dirty, unkempt, street people,
to old, grumpy senior citizens,
who complain from the minute you say hi,
to the minute they get ready to leave,
and then I take a second look,
and all time stops.

A wave of total joy flushes through me
and there I stand,
with the ones,
I'll will wind up looking like.

Peoples faces tell a story.
I listen intently.

I swallow it all and respond
to what comes naturally.

I want to jump out of my skin,
and thank these individuals
for plugging away.
And here they stand,
making MY day?

I see how nature aged them with
An ancient wisdom,
that only I can bow to.

There is a reverence,
of time,
and effort,
put forth on this earth.

If I could have them whisper one secret
I wonder what it would be?

I guess I'll never know,

I lose my idea,
of what I think Love really is,
and allow the wisdom to become me.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Inspiration

There aren't too many things that captivate me.
Mainly, the things that get my attention, are the things that make me think,
and the things that aren't ordinary.
Things that make me go beyond any regular way of thinking. To make me stretch who I am,
to rediscover new parts of myself, to dig to the depths of consiousness, or to engage in anything that says,"Really, this is who you are?", well, here is this........... and then you have this puzzle to figure out. Can I really do this? Can I go beyond who and what I think I am to achieve THIS?

My favorite day of the year, is Oscar night. Why? I have always loved acting with a passion. It is an extension of the depths of my expression, and it is unlimited. It is an art that will always be my first love. Something I aspire to do........ write for film, direct, and discover all aspects of the industry.

Tonight, as I watched the Oscars, coming out of my skin, I reveled in a myriad of things.

Gratitude, humbleness, acknowledgement of our willingness to stick to who we are, without reservation, to adhere to our dreams, no matter how far away they seem, to SEE THE GOAL, TO STRIVE TO TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME, to get there. No matter how far away it seems, you stick to your guns, no matter how funny it seems to someone else, IT IS YOUR DREAM, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CANVAS TO PAINT YOUR OWN PICTURE, THE WAY YOU SEE IT.

I jumped up and down tonight, for so many reasons. The messages sent from that stadium, the excuse that this is for the "movies", is such a crock. I AM SO HAPPY THAT THEY HAVE USED THAT PODIUM TO EXPRESS THE TRUENESS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD, and that they, as "examples" of greateness, whether it be in the movies or somewhere else, have used their positions, to state truths, beautiful truths, that are inspiring, courageous, and daring, in this time and age. THEY ARE WILLING TO SPEAK OUT.

I have glommed on to a few quotes from watching, and by all means, it is not the only one.

"All my life I had a choice between HATE, AND LOVE.





I love the fact that EVERYTHING we do, is just a mask for some deeper meaning to tell a truth.

Of course, that is my feeling, and I am ecstatic even thinking about it, and some of you may say, "Couldn't you just watch the Oscars, and call it a night?".

Well yes, I could, but that wouldn't be very Gabriela-ish, and on this blog, I have free reign to say and do, and laugh at the obsurdity of it all, and also, relish in my own crazy, unabashed, behavior that may only make sense to me...........and even in that.........I get to laugh, and know that that is so great, beyond my wildest imagination.

Touche' to dreaming, and making your seemingly silly ideas become a reality.

I don't know about you, but I am on board that crazy mixed up ship. Even if I don't make it to "shore", at least I know I had a blast getting there.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Razor Sharp

Now, in this moment,
I can't help but to be awake
to the sizzling reality
of each moment we have.

Not 5 minutes from now,
not a promotion,
not winning 50 bucks in the lotto,
not getting the perfect house,
or the perfect praise.

that life offers hidden gifts
for me to unwrap.

They may not look like gifts,
as a matter of fact,
they can seem daunting
and scary,
and so laden with the absolute
reality of what life really consists of.

What is it that life hands us?

Sometimes things are wrapped in pretty packages
and we love the wrapping, and even what we see inside the package.

Other times, we look at the gift, and say, "That's NO GIFT".
That is a nightmare. Dare I unwrap this!?

But what I am learning,
is that no matter what the "gift" is,
the wrapping may be different.
Some adorned with flowers and bows,
and some with dark wrapping and no frill.

They both,
when unwrapped with a willingness,
are filled with things that we actually DO WANT
Even if it doesn't look like it.

Why would someone ask for no frills
and dark wrapping paper?

Maybe it will be in a month
or a year,
that we say
"Oh yea, I did request that paper,
AND the filling.

And, the same feeling,
if not more,
would be just as grand,
as opening the gift with
the flowers and bows.

They wind up being put
on the same shelf, and looked at
with the same reverance
and appreciation.

My gift today,
is no frills,
but by the end of the day
it will be up on my shelf,
with all of the other beautiful gifts,
I have received
along this journey.

Don't put up too many shelves
in your house.

There really is
only one,

which should be adorned
with nothing other

and that,
my friend
cost no money
and you don't need
a decorating degree.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Priceless Moments




Even if you think there is lack

there really isn't,

if you look.

The amount of pleasure that you get

from giving one small token,

one small favor,

one small errand for someone,



Not because you want something in return

But because it just feels good to give!

I had a million and one things going on today,

and I called Joy, my 80 year old friend,

to check in on her,

She said she had the flu.

She lives alone.

She won't ask for anything,

and so naturally, I ask if she needs anything.

She said no.

I said, BULL, YOU HAVE THE FLU. Do you want chicken soup? Some Ginger Ale? What? Tell me.

She said real abrupt, in the way that she does, "Yea, that'll be alright".

Without a blink, I went to the store, and headed over. She met me at the door, because she didn't want to infect me with whatever she had. She answered the door with a smile so amazing, and so full of gratitude. Often, she says,"Why do you like me?" As if I wouldn't because she is old.

"I just do Joy..........

Then she said, "Well, if it's not too late then, I'll take a hamburger from Dairy Queen".

It was priceless. "That's my Girl", I said, with the biggest smile. "I'll be right back".

With all of my things going on in my life, and there are many, tonight, for that while, everything erased, and I realized, THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Take a Breath

Whatever you are going through, don't over look what you are feeling. Stop for a second. Don't be afraid of it because the very thing you are afraid of may take you through the next door of opportunity.
Yet, something else you may have asked for.
Don't underestimate the power of your God.

Everything to me, these days, are diamonds in the rough, blessings in disguise.
Whatever it seems like,
you have asked for it, on some level.

We may never see the logical reason why, but there always is,
some great reason,
why we are put in the most precarious situations.

Don't let anything stop you from growing.

Move forward, one step at a time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Try Not to Complain

I know it takes a lot when things are going wrong, or someone is seemingly making your life miserable, or you hate your job, or there's not enough of this, or enough of that............

But, I want to say, like I do to myself everyday....

Try not to complain.

Not about your spouse,
not about your co-worker,
not about the bills,

or actually,
ANY situation you are in.


It seems the more we complain,
the more energy we give to that scenario,
and the thing you wind up trying to avoid,
chases you down like a wolf.

You are there for a reason. Digest it. Go with it!


Monday, February 16, 2009

One Train Ride, Many Stops

Lately I look at life like a train ride.

I gladly get on.

Sit by the window, and peer out.

I think, wonder, question, all that I see.

After all, the view outside, goes by so quickly.

How do I have time to make sense of it all

if it goes by so quickly?

My mind empties,

and all I have

is the view.

I can make what I want of it.

It will differ from yours.

The train stops,

I get off,


gather information, and make new friends.

I get back on.



and revel in the new experiences.

I don't know when the train ride

will end.

I just gladly get on,

and get off,

with great pleasure,


that I will be surprised,

because this life,

gives nothing

but hidden surprises.

I'm so glad

I have no idea,

who the driver is

of this crazy train,

that I've been riding


for quite some time.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Anything Can Change At any Moment

Life is full of great moments.
Joyful, sad, triumphant, revealing,

The list goes on.

We never really do know,
when or how
things will change.
But rest assured,

Whatever emotion follows it
doesn't really matter.
What does,
is that
we know

A part of what this life

I have found that we can grieve,
we can sing,
we can dance,
and we can allow it all to become a part of our
human experience here.
But what I have found , too,
is that,
within those feelings,
is a ground.

A nuetral ground.
Somewhere inside,
that recognizes it all.
And in that,
sits a pillar.

That pillar is the place
that nuetral ground rests in.

It has storms surrounding it,
harmony, peace, heartbreak, divorce,
hunger, war,
Everything you can imagine.

But the pillar remains,
a pillar.

So everyday,
When you wake up,
and it is a good morning,
and you drive to work,
and suddenly
a CHANGE occurs
and it shifts you
to another "feeling",

When your heart is set on something,
and you are ecstatic about it,
and you hear news
that it isn't going to happen,
there is that CHANGE.

A tire blows, you get fired,
your relationship ends....


It is part of what life



Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine

I know there are many traditions with holidays. I also know each and every one of us celebrate in a different way.

I probably couldn't tell you the whole story on cupid, but to me, what the heck does it matter anyway?

To me, Valentines Day is just another day to share and do and celebrate the things that shouldn't be taken for granted EVERYDAY.

Is it really about a $60.00 bundle of roses? Who said cupid ate the hell out of chocolate? Who switched the rules around? I mean, don't misunderstand, I've had plenty of great Valentines that I DID celebrate that damn good piece of dark chocolate, and smelled those divine roses, looking so beautiful on my dining table.........

But, what I really love, is that I am reminded, again, how simple love truly is. Just simply coming back to that little kid inside that wants someone to hold their hand and maybe go to a movie, winking at your partner that you've been with for a gazillion years, and really meaning it, or maybe you've hit that 7 year itch spot, and things are old. Who knows? But doesn't everyone want to be appreciated? Remember the sweet things that you used to do when it was new.

It will NEVER BE THAT WAY AGAIN, because it was, so it takes time and patience, and new levels of understanding. Now, don't think some arc angel is going to sprinkle some mojo dust on you and you are going to get that back because you just bought her some lingerie', or you gave her your credit card, or you bought him a new hammer. (maybe not a hammer, but a new remote control?)

It ain't gonna happen. It's the simple stuff guys. Simple, simple, simple................APPRECIATE!

Families happen, new jobs, stress.............. and more stress...........but hay, those are some of the ingredients in life that we have to filter through. It doesn't mean in the process that we can't work on staying simple, remembering what LOVE, really means in our hearts, and doing sweet things for people because we want to, on a regular basis.

Remember your friends who lift you up everyday. Get you through to the next phase of your life. THEY ARE VALENTINES.

Remember your co-workers who you work with 8 hours a day, who get on your nerves , but really, don't they make you laugh too? The old people that seem difficult........ they were snappy like us at one point too, but we will be where they are too, at the blink of an eye...... look at them with different eyes, and take a few more moments to give them. Their lives are slower than ours. Give them that extra smile and patience. You have no idea how much that means to them!

After all, the label they have for themselves are, PAIN IN THE BUTT!


Give something away today. Feed the hungry, give them a rose, give them your heart.


Me? I am so grateful for my 5 fuzzy, warm, buddies, my sweet dogs, that give me the most amazing unconditional love there is on the face of this planet.

They are my Valentines , and.......some pretty incredible people, who, individually, will know today, as they do everyday, how much I love and appreciate them.

I will have to say, that anyone this goes out to, should know, you'll always be on that list, and for sure, you are in my life for a reason, and I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart.

I love you all, and thank you for being my Valentine everyday!!!!

Now go eat your chocolate and smell those roses!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rare Breed

Don't conform!

Be who you are.

Get ready for labels.
They'll swarm your way.

You'll laugh at all of the labels.

Maybe not.

They are just opinions.
Don't fret.

Go inside
and revel in your uniqueness.

Society is a hard one to box,
we're not in competition,
so, why spar?

Stay solid,
There aren't many of us!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Standing on the Edge

Standing on the edge of uncertainty....

What a place to be in. It could seem crazy, but, really, it is a much better place to be in than to know, in every exact moment, where you are going to be and what you are going to do.

I'd rather NOT KNOW. I never thought I would say that, but when I weigh the dfferences, and feel the feelings again, of both worlds, I'd rather not know.

It takes some getting used to, but man.............. DOES IT TRANSFORM YOU!!!!!!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Flowing Down the River of Life

You know, our lives, to me, are like a river. Imagine you floating down the river, peaceful, quiet, and moving in the pace the currant takes you. You look around and see the trees, the scenery changes as you float, and it is new and different, but beautiful, just the same. Each destination you float to, gives you something, and you take it on the ride with you. You carry that wonderful feeling, and then boom, you see something else, and it gives you, yet, another feeling. Now, you are in awe, of all of these awesome feelings. What to do?

All of a sudden, you grab a hold of a rock or a branch on the side of the banks of the river. WHOA, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO? WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ON? WHAT HAPPENED? You were floating along just fine, and then you decided to hold on to the safe branch on the side.

Weren't you floating smoothly, the river taking you to where you needed to be?

What is the problem?

Are you not sure where the river is taking you? Do you want binoculars to see ahead?

All I know, is that when I am in the "River of Life", it feels so good to just float down, to let it take you where you need to be, instead of holding on to the sides, trying to figure out where you need to be next.



Saturday, February 7, 2009

Believe it Will Be

I am an example for you all tonight. If you truly ask for what you want, and BELIEVE IT WILL BE, even if all of the circumstances around you say, NO, THAT JUST COULDN'T WORK, I CANNOT AFFORD THAT, OR DO THAT, OR ACCOMPLISH THAT...........
It is crap!



I did.

Tune in tomorrow.

Keep the inspiration going. It's contagious.

Start Your New Life

Start by thinking of one thing you want, and make one tiny step toward achieving that thing.