Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fiesty is Good

Ok. Let's find that fiesty place inside of us that doesn't care what situation is happening. All it knows is forward, one step, side step, two step, kick ball change............ whatever dance move you know.......... DO IT!

What is it going to take to get moving? What are your goals? This is for US........... what can WE do to move forward with enthusiam? Motivation?

I'm creative when it comes to this, and I can be creative for you as well.

But, this isn't about anyone helping you when it comes down to the bare bones. It is about SUPPORT, along the way, and then you get your little butt up, and start little by little, to change your lifestyle, to fit more of who you are.

What do you want to do guys? Work out? Start a new career? Stay at home? What is it?

I know what mine is, and all it really takes is the initiative to say, HELL YEA, I'M ON BOARD! And then you make a small little plan, as to where to start, and if you don't know that, you just close your eyes and let whatever come to you, and go with that.

As soon as you allow yourself to open up, all you have to do is LISTEN.

So Listen to your words, and all that needs to follow is ONE LITTLE STEP, TOWARD YOUR GOAL, whatever that may be!


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