Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Valentine

I know there are many traditions with holidays. I also know each and every one of us celebrate in a different way.

I probably couldn't tell you the whole story on cupid, but to me, what the heck does it matter anyway?

To me, Valentines Day is just another day to share and do and celebrate the things that shouldn't be taken for granted EVERYDAY.

Is it really about a $60.00 bundle of roses? Who said cupid ate the hell out of chocolate? Who switched the rules around? I mean, don't misunderstand, I've had plenty of great Valentines that I DID celebrate that damn good piece of dark chocolate, and smelled those divine roses, looking so beautiful on my dining table.........

But, what I really love, is that I am reminded, again, how simple love truly is. Just simply coming back to that little kid inside that wants someone to hold their hand and maybe go to a movie, winking at your partner that you've been with for a gazillion years, and really meaning it, or maybe you've hit that 7 year itch spot, and things are old. Who knows? But doesn't everyone want to be appreciated? Remember the sweet things that you used to do when it was new.

It will NEVER BE THAT WAY AGAIN, because it was, so it takes time and patience, and new levels of understanding. Now, don't think some arc angel is going to sprinkle some mojo dust on you and you are going to get that back because you just bought her some lingerie', or you gave her your credit card, or you bought him a new hammer. (maybe not a hammer, but a new remote control?)

It ain't gonna happen. It's the simple stuff guys. Simple, simple, simple................APPRECIATE!

Families happen, new jobs, stress.............. and more stress...........but hay, those are some of the ingredients in life that we have to filter through. It doesn't mean in the process that we can't work on staying simple, remembering what LOVE, really means in our hearts, and doing sweet things for people because we want to, on a regular basis.

Remember your friends who lift you up everyday. Get you through to the next phase of your life. THEY ARE VALENTINES.

Remember your co-workers who you work with 8 hours a day, who get on your nerves , but really, don't they make you laugh too? The old people that seem difficult........ they were snappy like us at one point too, but we will be where they are too, at the blink of an eye...... look at them with different eyes, and take a few more moments to give them. Their lives are slower than ours. Give them that extra smile and patience. You have no idea how much that means to them!

After all, the label they have for themselves are, PAIN IN THE BUTT!


Give something away today. Feed the hungry, give them a rose, give them your heart.


Me? I am so grateful for my 5 fuzzy, warm, buddies, my sweet dogs, that give me the most amazing unconditional love there is on the face of this planet.

They are my Valentines , and.......some pretty incredible people, who, individually, will know today, as they do everyday, how much I love and appreciate them.

I will have to say, that anyone this goes out to, should know, you'll always be on that list, and for sure, you are in my life for a reason, and I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart.

I love you all, and thank you for being my Valentine everyday!!!!

Now go eat your chocolate and smell those roses!



  1. These days I am my own best Valentine. I am the one I want to celebrate love with! But I love all of my friends and family and LOVE sharing it all with you too - so thank you for being my Valentine too G! Love Trey

  2. we just finished our valentines brunch, Homemade pancakes with fresh blueberries,1 dozen farm fresh eggs scrambled with care,crispy bacon cooked to perfection all made with love for the ones i love every valentines day, it's the simple things in life that make it all worth while. Happy Valentines Day!!! Becky

  3. That was cool Gabby..My Valentine of everyday bought me 6 beautilful sunflowers..Shes my daughter..I agree with you its the simple very simple things I learned that years ago..And it is wonderful as your thoughts today on Valentines Day. ..I took my mom out today for lunch..I will never take that for granted. Marjie
