Thursday, February 19, 2009

Priceless Moments




Even if you think there is lack

there really isn't,

if you look.

The amount of pleasure that you get

from giving one small token,

one small favor,

one small errand for someone,



Not because you want something in return

But because it just feels good to give!

I had a million and one things going on today,

and I called Joy, my 80 year old friend,

to check in on her,

She said she had the flu.

She lives alone.

She won't ask for anything,

and so naturally, I ask if she needs anything.

She said no.

I said, BULL, YOU HAVE THE FLU. Do you want chicken soup? Some Ginger Ale? What? Tell me.

She said real abrupt, in the way that she does, "Yea, that'll be alright".

Without a blink, I went to the store, and headed over. She met me at the door, because she didn't want to infect me with whatever she had. She answered the door with a smile so amazing, and so full of gratitude. Often, she says,"Why do you like me?" As if I wouldn't because she is old.

"I just do Joy..........

Then she said, "Well, if it's not too late then, I'll take a hamburger from Dairy Queen".

It was priceless. "That's my Girl", I said, with the biggest smile. "I'll be right back".

With all of my things going on in my life, and there are many, tonight, for that while, everything erased, and I realized, THIS IS WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT!



  1. Can a person ever know what it is to Love? The more we learn to Love, and the more we realize what it does to us, how it stirs others to empowerment, the more we want to know and understand how to "BE LOVE".

    We are surrounded by love, but don't always feel it. Love is not the gift, or the giver, not only these, but it is all that is there when the gifts and giver are left aside; it is the knowledge that another knows your need and takes action to fulfill your own with little regard, and sometimes none, for their own.

    We have family, we have friends, and we have those we embrace, even some who start out as adversaries... then we awake to something that says "NO", and we see some better part of all those around us!! That is when we can be strongest. I am grateful that my brothers and sisters had a very special Mother, who taught us "LOVE".... Thank you "G", I LOVE YOU!!

    Your Brother,


  2. Love is like the wind... yours to enjoy if you take the time.
