Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Inspiration

There aren't too many things that captivate me.
Mainly, the things that get my attention, are the things that make me think,
and the things that aren't ordinary.
Things that make me go beyond any regular way of thinking. To make me stretch who I am,
to rediscover new parts of myself, to dig to the depths of consiousness, or to engage in anything that says,"Really, this is who you are?", well, here is this........... and then you have this puzzle to figure out. Can I really do this? Can I go beyond who and what I think I am to achieve THIS?

My favorite day of the year, is Oscar night. Why? I have always loved acting with a passion. It is an extension of the depths of my expression, and it is unlimited. It is an art that will always be my first love. Something I aspire to do........ write for film, direct, and discover all aspects of the industry.

Tonight, as I watched the Oscars, coming out of my skin, I reveled in a myriad of things.

Gratitude, humbleness, acknowledgement of our willingness to stick to who we are, without reservation, to adhere to our dreams, no matter how far away they seem, to SEE THE GOAL, TO STRIVE TO TAKE ONE STEP AT A TIME, to get there. No matter how far away it seems, you stick to your guns, no matter how funny it seems to someone else, IT IS YOUR DREAM, YOUR LIFE, YOUR CANVAS TO PAINT YOUR OWN PICTURE, THE WAY YOU SEE IT.

I jumped up and down tonight, for so many reasons. The messages sent from that stadium, the excuse that this is for the "movies", is such a crock. I AM SO HAPPY THAT THEY HAVE USED THAT PODIUM TO EXPRESS THE TRUENESS OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE WORLD, and that they, as "examples" of greateness, whether it be in the movies or somewhere else, have used their positions, to state truths, beautiful truths, that are inspiring, courageous, and daring, in this time and age. THEY ARE WILLING TO SPEAK OUT.

I have glommed on to a few quotes from watching, and by all means, it is not the only one.

"All my life I had a choice between HATE, AND LOVE.





I love the fact that EVERYTHING we do, is just a mask for some deeper meaning to tell a truth.

Of course, that is my feeling, and I am ecstatic even thinking about it, and some of you may say, "Couldn't you just watch the Oscars, and call it a night?".

Well yes, I could, but that wouldn't be very Gabriela-ish, and on this blog, I have free reign to say and do, and laugh at the obsurdity of it all, and also, relish in my own crazy, unabashed, behavior that may only make sense to me...........and even in that.........I get to laugh, and know that that is so great, beyond my wildest imagination.

Touche' to dreaming, and making your seemingly silly ideas become a reality.

I don't know about you, but I am on board that crazy mixed up ship. Even if I don't make it to "shore", at least I know I had a blast getting there.



  1. "You can explore the universe looking for somebody who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself,
    and you will not find that person anywhere."

    I thought this was along the lines of don't seek and ye shall find..I liked it.

  2. Nature is my church.
